The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 767: Lucina B

Yah! Haah! Rrraaagh!

Yeesh, does that gal ever get tired? She's been swinging that sword for hours!




Lucina! What happened? What's wrong?!

Oh... B-Brady. It's nothing. My sword hand slipped and I dropped my sword. ...It's fine.

Fine? Ain't nothing fine about it! Now gimme a look at that arm!

H-hey! Brady, what are you...?!

And your neck, too. .........Yup. Figured as much. You're running yourself ragged. No more practice. You need forty winks, and you need it yesterday!

What are you talking about? I'm not tired, and I certainly don't have time for a nap.

Maybe you should stop worryin' about us chumps and listen to your body! You go out on the battlefield like this, and you'll get yourself killed!

Just what do you mean by that? How can you-

Hey! Experienced priest here, remember? I may be hopeless myself, but I can tell a thing or two about other people's health. Now hold still...

B-Brady, I don't...

......Body feel sluggish today? Heavier than normal?

How could you possibly-

Swollen neck. Your muscles are inflamed...

How would my neck make me feel heavier?

Neck's the only road what leads between the brain and the body. Every signal's gotta pass through it, and inflammation slows traffic down. Even just a little exertion can wipe ya out like an old rag.

Is there a solution?

I told ya! Get your keister in bed! And stick a cool, moist cloth under your neck while you sleep. When you get up, give your neck a gentle stretch. Roll your head around. Massage it.

All right. I'll give that a try... Thank you, Brady. (leaves)

No rushing, either! And actually sleep, for the love'a clams!

...Gone already. Typical.