The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 780: Stahl (Father) A

There you are, Yarne. I was looking for you.

What do you want, Father? I told you, I won't spy on you anymore.

That's not why I wanted to see you. I... want to apologize. In the future, I promised to come back to you and... I didn't. I'm sorry.

What does it matter if YOU apologize?! It wasn't YOU who abandoned me! It was a different you from a different time!

Yes, I understand that. And I also know that you're not my son. ...Not exactly, anyway.


We're not just from different times, but from different versions of time. And yet I think of you as my family all the same. I hope to give you the things that the father in your future couldn't. ...That is want you want, isn't it?

I... I guess it is, yes. I know it's not right, but I can't help but think of you as my father. That's why I get scared whenever you talk to other women. I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving Mother and being someone else's father. It would be like losing him all over again.

Yarne, what if I made another promise? I swear by all I hold dear that I will survive and that I will never abandon your mother. I love you both more than anything in this world. I would do anything for you.

I... I don't know what to say. Except... thank you. Because this time, I believe you'll keep your promise.


Phew! Now maybe I can relax and stop worrying about vanishing from history... You're such a great father! Who's a good father? Yes, whooo's a good father?!

I appreciate the sentiment, Yarne, but must you pet me like a dog while you say it?