Part 81: Paralogue 17: The Threat of Silence - Preparation
Paralogue 17: The Threat of SilenceThe wares for Yarne's paralogue and chapter 18 respectively.
Beating chapter 18 opens up paralogue 17, which is a mission to recruit Tiki, the Voice and Naga's daughter.
Makes you want to just flop down and take a huge nap, doesn't it?
Odd. It seems like anywhere else to me...
This is Naga's Cradle. It is said the divine dragon once called this place home. Here, the Voice will enact a holy rite to commune with Naga and regain her power.
(The party approaches Tiki)
Lady Tiki.
...Lady Tiki?
Pray be silent, milady. The Voice is currently performing the rite. In doing so, she will draw the divine dragon's power from the land unto herself.
Forgive me, I didn't realize. I thought she was sleeping...
She looks so peaceful. What do you think she sees? Does she perchance dream?
I imagine she
...Uh-oh. Is that what I think it is? Say'ri! Lucina! Enemies approach us from the south. We'd better get ready, or the Voice here is in for a rude awakening.
The mission is to protect Tiki from incoming fliers. If she dies, no Tiki for us. The best plan is to form a wall around her.
Characters already in: Chrom, Brady, Morgan, Yarne
Choose up to 9 characters for the mission (Don't have to pick all 9, just pick 1 if that's all you care about): HERE
Choose Morgan's new class: HERE
Choose Yarne's destiny: HERE
Voting will end in a day or so.