The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 821: Laurent B

Oh. ...You.

Hello, Severa.


Can I help you?

Oh, just remembering the last procurement run has me exhausted all over again.

I would express a similar frustration. It's become almost impossible to handle expenses with you at the helm.

And just what is that supposed to mean?

Precisely what it sounds like. Every time you come back with desserts or silly baubles, I have to make cuts elsewhere.

Okay, could you try to sound a little more condescending? You're not joy to shop with either, you know! Every time you open your mouth, it's "budget" this, or "Unnecessary" that! Shopping should be an adventure, not some boring old list. You have to open up to new discoveries! Go where the moment takes you and stuff!

We are procuring supplies for an army, not impulse shopping for our own amusement.

I know that, but this army has needs, and one of those needs is to have a little fun! Gods, would it kill you to listen to me maybe once?

If you're asking me to say that wasting our scant resources is a good idea, I won't. You joke about what will or won't kill me, but it's a question I consider every day. We are at war, Severa. There is no shortage of things that could kill us all. The only thing keeping us alive is prudent and careful planning.

And that situation is exactly why I'm saying we need a little joy in our lives! Walking around with an abacus all day isn't what I consider good for morale.

Frivolous spending isn't going to make anyone's life easier.

Okay, we're getting nowhere, ...Mostly because someone is being a jerk! So fine. Buy hardtack and stale bread until the cows come home. I'm done shopping with you, mister!

If you are resigning from the procurement runs, I gladly accept. If it was up to me, I'd have taken you off the project weeks ago.

Oh no, I'm not quitting before you! I'm just shopping on my own, thank you! You're on your own, cheapskate!