The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 861: Cynthia A

Unbelievable. Even after that, Cynthia keeps begging me to transform! I'm not a prop, and I'm certainly not the wicked queen of darkness!

Really, the nerve!

Heeeeeey, Nah! I'm back again! Miss me?

Speak of the wicked queen...

Aww, I missed you, too. Anyway, I was hoping you'd finally be ready to transform and let me up on your head!

Talking to you is like arguing with a wall. ...A stupid wall.

A wall who only wants one teeny-tiny favor that will only take five minutes! Please? I'll climb back down as soon as I'm done!

*Sniff, sniff* ...Huh? Cynthia, your smell...

What? What smell? I don't smell! I took a bath last week!

N-no, that's not what I... Manaketes can tell a person's intentions by their scent.

Wow, really? That's kind of amazing.

I'm sensing that you...actually want to be friends with me.

Well, yeah, of course!

So that's the reason you've been hanging around me all this time?

Well, what else could it be?

You're always so serious! I didn't really know what you liked to do for fun. I figured if I could get you to transform, we could have a few laughs and break the ice.

I thought you were just...I don't know. Making fun of me or something.

Well, I really was looking to have fun, but not at anybody's expense. It's no fun for me unless you're having fun, too!

Cynthia... I think I may have misjudged you.

So, is that a yes? Can we be friends?

Of course we can be friends!

Yay! Friends at last! ...Now transform, and I'll just scurry on up and roar my mighty battle cry!

I didn't say anything about that!