The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 891: Olivia A

...Nice. Those were some damned fine moves, if I do say so myself.

Yes, a brilliant performance!


Though your spins still lack the strength of your convictions. Stop holding back! Oh, and extend your focus through the very tips of your fingers. That will help through those tricky transition moves.

All right, where were you hiding today, Mother?

Nowhere! This time I really did just happen to pass by-I swear! Though I thank the gods for the chance to finally see you dance.

The latter half was a bit of a departure, but I recognize the routine. It's my favorite. ...Er, did I teach you that in the future?



Yes. It was the last dance you taught me. That's why the second half is different.

...You died before we got that far.


And here I've been working so hard to develop an amazing version to show you... Not much point, if you're going to spoil the surprise by peeking before it's done.

I'm so sorry! I didn't know! Oh, I feel just awful...

Don't. It's fine... To tell you the truth, I really wanted to hear your thoughts. I always used to practice beside your grave. I'd try to imagine what you'd say as you watched me. What I could fix... I'd picture how you'd tell me to speed up or praise me when I got it right.

I could hear it all in my head as I danced. But I just wanted to hear it aloud...

Anyway, that's why I'm... I'm just glad. *sniff*

Ah! No, don't cry! It's all right!

The me in the future might have left, but I swear, this me is here to stay. We can dance together, or see the world, or anything! I'll do anything to make you happy, my darling boy.


...Thanks, Mom.

It's my pleasure.

Sorry I've been so weird about letting you watch me dance...

Er, but would you teach me the real second half of that routine sometime?

Of course!