The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 895: Owain C


Ah! If it isn't Owain.


And how are you today?

Busy! ...Which I would have thought was obvious.

Ah, I'm sorry. Perhaps I'll come back when you're done playing.

Hey! This is serious!

Seriously... childish? Seriously... embarrassing?

Seriously none of your business! Now leave me alone. ...Seriously.


Okay, just stop. You're not even sighing. You're just saying the word "sigh." Maybe that's why all those girls keep turning you down.

You're guaranteed to lose 100% of the jousts you never attend, my friend. Perhaps you should name your next move "Eternal Chastity."

Sure, why not? I've got the perfect teacher for it right in front of me!

Why, you little-!

What, you want to go? Come on, chump! Have at me! My Shinon Strike will wipe the floor with you!

Few things in life would give me greater satisfaction than to knock you on your rear. ...But one of us has to be the adult here.

And it's obviously not going to be you. (leaves)

Yeah, that's right. Walk away. You just keep on walking. ...Jerk.