The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 899: Brady B


Aw, come on! Don't be such a wet blanket, Brady!

All you have to do is walk next to me next time I hit the town. It couldn't be easier!

Next time you go hit on girls, you mean! I don't wanna get dragged into your sad little world, pal!

There's nothing sad about it! We'll talk to some girls, have a nice cup of tea, and everyone walks away whistling.

I'd sooner drink poison! Go ask someone else!

Well, all right. I'm sure one of the others would be willing to be my wingman. We can exchange a good laugh at how sad you were the other day...

Y-you rotten little weasel! I'll kill ya! And I was NOT sad! I just had a lot of somethin' in my eye!

Poetic license. Now, come on. It's just this one time.

Ugh... Fine. But just this once! I don't get why you want me, anyway. I'm a real square, ya know.

And that's why you're PERFECT!


I just need you to stand there looking glum and sullen. Meanwhile, I'll be impressing the ladies with my smooooth moves.

Wait! You just want me to make you look good by comparison!

Genius, isn't it?

NO, IT AIN'T! Did you really expect me to say yes to this?!

I'm not expecting you to say anything, actually. Your outdated slang would likely send all the pretty girls running for cover. ...Unless you think you actually CAN flirt with the ladies. Mmm?

I-I didn't say that! I just... I don't... Aw, horsefeathers! Fine. I'll go. But just this once, hear? Then never, EVER again!

Thank, Brady. See you tonight!

Gah, this is gonna be humiliatin'!