The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Matthew's Nightmare

by Adelheid

Part 1: Intro


Oh this is off to a great start already.

???: The following chapter was designed to induce high levels of frustration. It is unfair, sadistic, and downright annoying to beat... But Cedar beat it savestateless, so I'm sure you can too! Now please set your name, birth month, and gender... And let's get this show on the road!

I'm pretty sure this is totally irrelevant since there are no tactician stars to be gained, and my name doesn't fit in 7 characters, so I don't care.

like it's been repeatedly smashed with a hammer...

I could have sworn I was in Ostia just a moment ago.

Hiiiiya Matthew!

Oh. Serra... It's you...
How did you end up here?
You really want to know? Guess.
Look, can you just tell me... I'm feeling a little disoriented... I'd really like to know where we are.

I hope you like ellipses.

Aww, you're no fun! We're... not too far from Castle Ostia, actually. I was testing out my new warp staff, remember?
... A warp staff...
Yeah, yeah! And you agreed to come along with me!
Funny... I don't remember agreeing to anything...
Oh! That reminds me, Matthew. I spoke with Hector yesterday. I told him that in return for all the hard work I do, he should give me my own vassals! But you know what he said?!
... What?
Nothing! Can you believe it? He's sooo mean to me! Whenever I ask him for anything, he just pretends I'm not there!
Huh... Is that right. I don't blame him...
By the way... This has nothing to do with me being here, does it?
Well, actually... I've decided if Hector won't give me any vassals, I'll just have to find my own! And I know just the perfect person for the job!

That's right! Get excited, Matthew! This is an offer you just CAN'T refuse!
Uh, actually... As nice as that sounds... I think I WILL refuse.
WHAT?! But you have to be my vassal, Matthew! You must! Because I said so!
...Right. You keep dreaming, Serra... I'll.. see you later.

Ughh... That's-- Please don't tell me that's what I think it is...
Heehee. That's right! I got a new sleep staff, too. Now sleep, matthew. Sleeeeep...
No...! ......