Part 9: (Part One, Chapter 5) The Reign in Daein

It is a history of unending conflict between the beorc and the laguz, a history penned in blood and scarred by mistrust. The beorc fight with the weapons of man--the sword, the axe, the lance, and the magic arts, while the laguz, able to transform into beast, bird, and dragon, are weapons unto themselves.

Is the Dawn Brigade's meeting with these three chance...or a sign of things to come?
Micaiah can only wonder.

I'll bet you anything we've found him.

Y'know, for a 5-second setpiece cobbled together from about five different textures, a few models and the same few window decals, this doesn't look half bad.

With that, we head to the Base. Several new conversations await!
Let's check in on the Dawn Brigadiers:

Damn straight! You can accomplish great things with the right mindset! Well, unless you're Leonardo, but how many people are Leonardo? Oh, or Meg.
Laura and Aran are catching up. Let's intrude on them!

…K, then.
Now that she mentions it, though, we did just plunder some guy's vault/tomb/other-appropriate-treasure-storage-location. How much stuff did we get? Our resident thief will know all about that…

[Got 10,000 Gold!]
Not bad, Sothe.
Finally, Nailah has a proposition for us.

We've got ourselves our first laguz party member!

There are two things you need to appreciate about Volug:
1) He shares Jeigan duties with Sothe. Though he's not strictly speaking overlevelled (more on this in a bit) he's grossly overpowered here and now but will be thoroughly mediocre by the time things really get going.

2) For the entirety of Part 1, he is locked into his Halfshifted state, in accordance with the Wildheart skill that is set and locked on him. Though he can remain transformed indefinitely, his stats, rather than being doubled, are only raised by half.
(Volug also has the Howl skill, which we'll see in action shortly)
Funfact™: This isn't actually an accurate representation of how Halfshift actually works once you get to use it on other laguz. What actually happens is that if a laguz has the skill equipped, s/he can halfshift at any time, regardless of the transformation gauge, however it will still empty when taking turns and being attacked, and the user will transform back to normal when it reaches zero.
You may as well also know at this point that laguz units level somewhat differently from beorc. Laguz level up to 40, and don't promote or otherwise change class. Their stat growths are also somewhat characteristic; they have insane HP growth as a rule (you will pretty much never see a laguz not gain HP during a level up) but otherwise have low-ish growths and low caps. This is weighed, however, against the fact that all these stats (HP and Luck excepted) will be doubled for short periods of time.
All of this makes Volug a pretty terrible character, both in mechanics, plot and meta-gameplay. As a Jeigan he will be the doom of anyone not savvy to Fire Emblem's tricks, his entire gimmick is contrary to every aspect of good strategic use of laguz in combat, and his entire character is basically "a guy that two more interesting characters send to 'help' (but will hurt you in the long term if you accept said help)". He kinda sorta has a small development much later on, but… well, that's ages away.
…oh, right, the LP.

With Sothe+Micaiah and
The other Admin-y thing we can do in the Base (that we haven't already seen) is assign the Bonus EXP we've been steadily accumulating since the start of the game. Bonus EXP allows us to add levels to units right there in the base. You can use it to compensate for a unit joining at a low level (or being neglected), but there are better uses for it. We'll give the Bonus EXP system the justice it deserves when an appropriate opportunity presents itself, but let's just say that you might want to consider holding onto it rather than just using it to gain levels in the base.

For the time being, we give some to Aran to push him riiiiight up to the brink of gaining a level. Next time an enemy so much as looks at him funny his numbers are going up (we hope).

This is Aimee's Bargain list for today. Longbows are bows that can fire further than regular bows, having a range of 2-3. However, they are less accurate to begin with, and there is a -30 hit penalty for attacking 3 spaces away on top of the Longbow's lacking accuracy. Basically, they're just not worth using under any circumstances other than being atop a ledge. Spirit Dust is the stat-up item for Magic - we buy one because I have a loooong term crazy plan which may or may not ever come to fruition. Arms Scrolls will give a character an immediate rank up in whatever category their currently equipped weapon falls into.
Since we hate Leonardo, we sell his Iron Bow and the tattered remains of Micaiah's old Light tome. With the profits we buy her a shiny new one - not a real Light tome but an elaborate forgery!

"It's like light but slightly more pretentious!"
We also give Aran a new poking stick;

We're done here.

It's a minor character from Path of Radiance!

And there's another!

And a third!

"Because we're the protagonists!"
(seriously, I'm getting a massive Dwarven Vow #7 vibe from these guys)
Well, I guess we'd better start the battle.

…that is rather a lot of enemies.
OK, here's the plan.
The goal is to defend the northern structure for six turns. The goal itself is easy - Tauroneo will not move off that square and the man is practically invincible to boot. The problem is Jill and Zihark. They're both… a tad suicidal. Fortunately, they're quite strong (Zihark in particular) but still liable to take counterattack damage, and if you're not careful they'll die, and that's a game over. On Hard Mode it's even worse; there is literally nothing but luck to stop them both from charging headlong into their deaths before you can get to them. But we're not on Hard Mode; we just have to be a tad bold.
Edward, Nolan and Aran are going to charge north, backed up by Micaiah and Ilyana. Their goal is to murder their way to Tauroneo while maintaining a defensive line that keeps Laura out of enemy range. Sothe and Volug are going to charge the ledge before the enemy can fortify it. Meg and Leonardo are going to take a goddamn hike because they're goddamn liabilities. This mission necessitates efficient killing without the luxury of feeding kills to people; there are just too many bad guys and we'll never kill them all before the turn limit.

Sothe immediately hops the ledge and kills the first guard he meets.
Aran brandishes his new toy at the nearest enemy and gains more than the requisite 1 EXP for a level:

Pretty good.

Nolan puts a dent in the frontmost guard, and Edward crits another to his death. Micaiah mops up Nolan's leftovers with her shiny new spell.

This is a bit of a gamble; if the 69%-to-hit spell misses, Ilyana risks taking a hit unless her Shade skill kicks in.
Fortunately, it doesn't miss.

…and she even gains a level! Ilyana needs lots of levels like this to be viable, what with thunder magic's low hit rate and high weight, and she's just not going to get them.

About this point it suddenly dawns on me that I forgot to replace Laura's Heal staff. No matter; she can't use it twice in one turn and this mission ends in six turns, so we'll be fine. Better remember next time, though. Nolan gets healed.
Just for kicks, let's check out the boss:

There are a few places where we could really use one of these, but tragically, we'll be unable to get Sothe close enough to the boss to pilfer it. He's needed elsewhere.

Roll on the enemy turn, and the guys to the southeast start charging our rear line, which, you might recall, consists of Laura. We should probably stop them at some point.

Uh oh.
Remember the not-particularly-cryptic taunt of the laguz bandit Agony? Beast tribe laguz have a weakness against fire magic; all fire tomes are "effective" against them. Volug is ridiculously strong enough to withstand a few of these in one map, but they'll threaten him eventually and Laura won't always be around.
Fortunately, it misses.
Some fool attacks Aran and gets doubled, but survives. Two try to hurt Sothe and are taken to 2 HP each for their trouble.

More worryingly, the offensive against Tauroneo & co begins.

A few are stupid enough to attack Tauroneo himself. It doesn't go well for them. Tauroneo is a General, the promoted form of a knight, and is Lv 14 to boot. He is accordingly impenetrable, and yet fast enough to double everyone on this map.

Jill kills one of the remaining soldiers with a Hand Axe. Zihark kills a second, and the third is unfortunate enough to still be in range of Tauroneo's Javelin.
At the start of our turn,

We begin our assault proper on the ledge. Sothe weakens this guy to set the scene.

Meanwhile, we have our first encounter with an enemy mage. Their hobbies include casting fire magic and dying in one hit because of having, like, no defense.
This one drops a Vulnerary.

Sothe is joined atop the ledge by Edward, Volug and Micaiah, who kill one enemy each. During which,

Micaiah's lucky streak continues.
Aran mops up the straggler below. Laura approaches him and…

…………this game. Aran is healed.

Pictured: the attack range of the one enemy who is capable of reaching Edward. Every other enemy will just move on forward.

Well, this fire mage attacks Volug, but it doesn't count because we're atop a ledge. I love ledges.
That one guy attacks Edward (unsuccessfully), and the rest charge towards Tauroneo. Some attack Jill and Zihark but are defeated. There are the customary two attempts to inflict damage on Tauroneo and the equally customary 100% failure rate. On their turn, weakened enemies are mopped up and Zihark actually heals himself.
Our turn.

Volug takes this guy out, and Edward and Micaiah take up defensive positions on the ledge. Edward equips his Wind Edge.

These guys are getting unacceptably close to Laura.

Problem solved.

Laura heals Nolan from the safety of a blind spot, and levels up.

Magic, check. Requirements; satisfied.

As we end our turn, a rather large force is in range of Edward and Micaiah's ledge. This will be profitable for us.
Unable to reach Laura, the lone soldier to the South instead attacks Nolan, which goes about as well for him as similar attempts have for others.

Archers attack both Edward and Micaiah, miss, and are taken to critical health.

Then this interfering sod comes along and heals the one attacking Edward. Well, it's not like it's going to save the guy, what with him being about to die on the next turn anyway.
A few leftover enemies linger around the edge, the rest trudge north. In an uneventful Other Phase, Jill attacks a soldier and not much else happens.

I remember we're supposed to be defending, so I send Volug up to hold the northeast entrance. He kills the soldier.

In traditional Fire Emblem style, some reinforcements have appeared right where they're least welcome. Nolan circles around so he can murder this one while standing in the other's way. Aran moves beside Nolan and attacks one of the reinforcements.

Note the two enemies to the north, and how they're standing on sand. Between this impediment to their movement and Nolan and Aran's blockade of the southern soldiers, Laura has a safe zone to stand in.

Sothe and Ilyana attack the said northern soldiers. Micaiah and Edward continue their rain of projectiles.
Enemy turn, and the traditional flurry of useless attacks comes up at them. Neither of them quite manage to kill their attackers in the counter, however, which is annoying because that healer is still there.

This poor unfortunate accidentally triggers Volug's Howl skill. Said skill has a chance ([user's strength]%) to stun an enemy for one turn as a counter to being attacked indirectly. It's not anywhere near as useful as it sounds, though, because it wears off as soon as said enemy's next turn rolls around. It does, however, have the possibility of granting nearby units some counterattack free hits, though.
More worryingly, though, three mages attack Volug with fire magic in quick succession. Two of them hit, leaving him at 9 HP. Not good.
The usual futile attempts on Sothe continue, and both of the southern soldiers attack Nolan, resulting in two deaths and one level up;

Eh. Strength is strength, but…
Our turn. Aran is healed, and Nolan wanders to the east, chasing off after the enemies there.
Micaiah is trying to kill that one guy who was healed last turn, but she can't do enough damage. Maybe…

Sothe's support would help?

Goddamnit. OK, we'll not waste any Thani and just stick to Luminescence. We'd be better off praying for that one percent crit chance than trying to come up with an alt-

-oh. I was joking. Y'know. Before. But whatever. I'll take this. It's good.
Edward finishes the other guy and…


Ilyana takes care of the straggler on her side. The west is clear, but we're not out of the woods yet. Volug heals himself.

This is how we look as the turn ends.

The boss advances, some mages enter the north area and one of them attacks Sothe but misses. The second is killed by Zihark and a third by Jill in the Other Phase.

Last turn, and we have no better alternative than to have Sothe hold the entrance. For laughs, we equip him with his superior weapon, the Kard, a slightly more powerful dagger with a fairly high crit chance. For survival against the two mages, one the boss, we have him use a Pure Water, despite my earlier suggestion that there would be no Pure Water use in this LP.
For their part, Micaiah and Edward continue killing people from the ledge. Edward actually jumps down to finish a guy Micaiah weakened.

Volug attacks another guy near Edward, and between himself and the sand, manages to keep Edward out of range of the remaining soldier. Nolan can't quite get to said soldier, though, so he'll probably live unless he attacks Volug.
Everyone says their prayers and we begin the final enemy phase.

It begins!

Well, this guy's arguably the real threat here.

Thanks to the Pure Water it's only 5 damage, but Sothe can't survive being hit by all of these guys at once.
Fortunately, he proceeds to dodge attacks from both an archer and a soldier with a Javelin. The remaining fire mage approaches and…

When you take no damage from an attack, it not only displays "no damage" but also plays this wonderful little "tink!" sound. It is the most beautiful sound in the world.

Aaaand that's a wrap.
…no, wait, there's still that one guy.

Now it's a wrap.

Oh, great. Just what we need.


There's something about this woman…

I mean, something about her other than her… unfortunate… mindset.


Now that I've come clean about Bonus EXP I might as well show you these screens. I guess.
Coming up next time: the worlds worst soldiers.