Part 13: (Part One, Chapter 7) They'll get their Daein court
The Liberation Army's sweeping victory seems to signal a turn in the war for Daein.
Begnion has fortified its army with weapons and supplies bought with funds stolen from Daein. Begnion has also purchased the swords of a vast number of mercenaries from these same stolen funds.
The Liberation Army does not want for willing fighters of its own. However, most are old men and inexperienced boys whose passion far outstrips their skill.

Its only hope lies locked in Begnion's prison camps, where Daein's former soldiers await their rescue.

See, this one's funny because hope is gathering and also the liberation army hopes for gathering.

He actually referred to us as "my pretties". Goddamnit Izuka.

"Yeah, even if you were a villain, you'd have to be completely batshit insane to even consider poisoning an entire town's water supply."

"And this doesn't at all strike you as a terrible quality for a strategist?"

"Okay, let's hear your strategy then."
"What strategy?!"

Well, I guess this genius strategy is going to be as surprising for us as it is for the enemy. That's something, I guess.
Since we're here, let's admin!

+15% Avoid, from a C-rank support. When we're done, this will be +45%. On the whole, these two will be unstoppable.
We strengthen Laura and Aran's support to B-Rank.
We remove Discipline from Micaiah and replace it with Paragon. Discipline goes to Aran. Resolve is removed from Zihark.
We buy Jill an Iron Axe since she needs an axe she can use, and Democracy is almost broken.
The matter of the divvying of the Bonus EXP was put to you, the readers, and you did declare with most of one voice that it should be given in a way that produced the following gains:
Jill: Lv +1
Str +1
Spd +1
Lck +1
Edward: Lv +4
HP +1 (cap!)
Str +4
Skl +1 (cap!)
Lck +3
Def +3
Aran: Lv +2
Str +2
Skl +1 (cap!)
Lck +1
Def +2 (and +2 from Dracoshield) (cap!)
…all of which has leveled Edward up to 20 - one more level and he'll promote!

It's also looking awfully close to Edward being stat-for-stat with Zihark… it looks like it might literally come down to luck as to which wins out in the end.
Now, we could promote him by letting him soak up some more combat EXP, or bench him for a while and use bonus EXP, but we have a perfectly good Master Seal just lying around…

There are angelic rays of light, a very long camera pan…
(note the background; like the base, it varies depending on the mission)

A flash of light!

There's… clouds, I guess? Sure, why not!

And from the light emerges…

Edward, with a Trenchcoat of Power! That's right, classing up isn't just about the stats, you also get a change of clothes! There's also a triumphant fanfare to match.
Oh, and speaking of stats…

Are those some stat gains or what? Promotion provides a whole host of (fixed) gains; you can expect to see +1 to everything except luck, and +2 to HP and a class's "lesser" stats (like magic and res for Edward). You also get +1 to Cn and a bonus to Move. Not bad at all. And, let's not forget, you get 20 more levels to gain and all your stat caps go up too!
But there's more!

Promotion also provides 15 additional skill points to play with, and unlike the first 15, none of them are forced on things like Shove!
We immediately put Resolve on Edward. Just because Zihark is our favoured swordmaster doesn't mean we're not going to have as much fun with Edward as we can. In this case, Resolve will work concurrently with Wrath to make Edward into an emergency crit machine, and Shade, along with his now not-terrible defense, will help him maintain his state-of-not-being-dead while on the defensive - hopefully. We don't want to have to actually rely on Shade, but it's still nice to have. We want to be getting crits on our turns, on command, thank you very much.
Well, now that we're done admiring our better characters, it's time to take a look at our new recruit.

Fiona is a joke. A cruel, cruel, joke.
Most of the Dawn Brigade characters are… characterized… by having oddly weighted stat growths that are at odds with their class. Fiona is a cavalier - in the lance-using subcategory - and cavaliers are supposed to be good all-rounders, being good at everything but not exceptional at anything, like a soldier, but with generally lower stat growths balanced by the property of being-on-a-horse. Fiona differs from most cavaliers by having really good stat growths across the board - greater than 40% in everything except magic - and nice high caps to match. In fact, if you run the numbers, Fiona is technically the best cavalier in the game, particularly by virtue of having the highest speed of any cavalier (she is, in fact, the only cavalier to reach 34 speed; the "magic" number for endgame combat units).
The problem, however, is that Fiona's base stats are garbage, and all of her opportunities for growth come in the worst possible circumstances - missions that actively cripple the effectiveness of cavaliers, or missions that require you to be throwing the best offense you have at the enemy with no scope for feeding kills to trainees. Fiona would've been great to have in some of the earlier missions - especially the mission where we met her - but instead she joins us at the worst possible time for her. Making Fiona useful requires a monumental investment of time, effort, and Bonus EXP, and 99% of players just cannot be bothered. About the only thing Fiona has going for her is her Earth affinity, making her a valuable support partner, but bringing her into battle is a liability as is. You can make her great, but she'll probably get you killed along the way.

If you *do* try to raise her, however, you'll find her innate skills to be pretty dang awesome. Imbue will restore health equivalent to the user's magic stat every turn (and, naturally can't be equipped on mages), and works nicely on Fiona because her magic is about the only stat that starts out above average. On other units it'll cost 15 skill points, and is only worth it if one of your frontline fighters has uncommonly lucky growth in magic (martial units generally don't), or has received a couple bags of spirit dust.
She also has Saviour, a skill that negates the penalties usually associated with rescuing a unit - which, when you think about it, makes perfect sense for a cavalier. You'd think they'd have something like this innately, but no… The thing with Saviour is that rescuing happens so rarely that paying 10 SP to put this on a unit is often a waste, but since Fiona gets it for free…
In summary. Good growths, great caps, amazing innate skills… and completely unusable. That's Fiona.
Against all of my better judgement, I am going to bring her on the next mission and see if I can get a support between her and Volug - another Earth Pair support. If it works, Fiona will at least be able to dodge easily, as will Volug.

She's too weak to be able to wield an Iron Lance without taking a speed penalty, so we buy her a Bronze Lance. Not a good sign. The Javelin and Steel Lance that she starts with are going to the convoy.

Aimee's Bargains. I'd like to buy the Secret Book - the stat-up for Skill - because I like hoarding stat-ups and using them at opportune moments, but there's just no reasonable way to afford it right now.
Time for conversations! Zihark appears to have been cornered by Meg…

…well, that just happened.
Pelleas wants to see us;

Wow. When you put it like that, it kinda sounds like Izuka is responsible for the entire resistance effort.

Strange. I get the feeling I've read this exact conversation before…

[Received a Brave Sword]
"The upper hand in battle" is a tiny bit of an understatement. The Brave Sword allows you to attack twice whenever you would normally attack once, meaning that if you are fast enough to be able to double an enemy, you can now quadruple them - instead of attack, counterattack, attack, you can attack, attack, counterattack, attack, attack. The downside is that the Brave Sword is a tad weaker than normal swords, and each individual hit will take a point off of the Brave Sword's remaining uses, and this is the only one you get in the entire game. So there's that to consider.

The Brave Sword goes to Zihark, because he might just be able to get in the odd triple hit (with Adept) before an enemy can counter him. Edward gets the Killing Edge, which, under the right circumstances, can combine with Resolve and Wrath to produce a guaranteed crit.
Alright. Time to find out what Micaiah's brilliant plan is.

There are a lot of enemies in here, oddly enough.


Huh. That was a pretty good plan. I'm sure the dialog is supposed to be suggesting that Tauroneo is leading a detachment of soldiers to distract the prison guards, but we all know that he's actually just standing outside by himself and laughing maniacally while arrows and javelins bounce harmlessly off of his armour.
Well, let's get this show on the road.

Again, against every better instinct I possess, I'm bringing Fiona along on this mission, despite it being uniquely unsuited to her (that is to say, beyond even the degree to which all missions are unsuited to her because she's so bad) for reason's we'll see soon. We're allowed nine characters, so Aran will be sitting this mission out - which actually works out well for him, since he'll be going the rest of the way to promotion on Bonus EXP - joining bench veterans Meg and Leonardo, as well as bench newcomer (but soon to be veteran) Ilyana. And, of course, we can't bring Tauroneo because he's busy being a total badass.
The plan: Sothe and Micaiah go east, everyone else north, at which point Zihark and Nolan take the hallway and Edward, Jill and Laura take the stairs. Volug and Fiona will stand around building up support points and can run away when necessary.