Part 21: (Part Two, Prologue) And now for something completely different

Crimea itself has spent the past three years rebuilding from the damage it suffered during the Mad King's War. News that Ashnard's son now sits on Daein's throne sends waves of unease and worry rippling across the land.
Alas, this is not the only thing disturbing the people of Crimea during this time.

Crimea lost its king during the Daein invasion, and Elincia is still an inexperienced ruler. What's more, her very existence was a secret from the public, and so she came unexpectedly to her succession.

Elincia's desire for a long-lasting peace has driven her to strengthen Crimea's ties with the laguz nation of Gallia, and to renounce Crimea's claim to rule over a defeated Daein. Her political moderation is seen as a sign of weakness among her critics.

The elevation of a common mercenary to the nobility, however, widened the rift between the aristocracy and the queen yet further. Perhaps to avoid becoming mired in these power struggles, Ike renounced his peerage and took his leave of the court.
Yet Ike's actions did little to placate the nobility. They continue to criticize the queen's every decision, and lay squarely at her feet the blame for all of Crimea's woes.

…wow. It looks like the Begnion senators aren't the only complete assholes in town.
Welcome to Part 2, folks. Part 2 is, like a lot of other Part 2s, designed to fill the gap between Parts 1 and 3. That said, it isn't a complete waste of time; there's a lot of good stuff here.
The theme of Part 2 is, basically, "reality intrudes". The Mad King's War went like a fairytale for Crimea; a long lost princess and a no-nonsense mercenary teamed up, travelled around the world and returned home with an army at their backs to expel the invaders from their homeland. Everyone cheered, there was a big party, and the heroes went home to live happily ever after.
Except that the heroes forgot that their country, like all countries, really, is full of assholes who must always have something to complain about at all times.
Crimea may have been united in its struggle against Daein, but it is divided in its peace. Elincia remains a shameless idealist, and while she may be right to point out that Crimea's war was with Mad King Ashnard rather than Daein itself, she is wrong to believe that the people of Crimea will see it the same way. She forgets that people, as a whole, are quick to distrust, quicker to fear, and quicker still to judge those who don't agree with them, and she's beginning to appreciate the implications of ruling against this backdrop.
No, this little story arc may not have much significance to these mysterious goings-on in Begnion, but it's an interesting deconstructionist epilogue to Path of Radiance, and I like it for that. And, if nothing else, it certainly doesn't outstay its welcome.


Well, so much for our cover.

I've got to admit, this chapter is a pretty awesome gimmick. It may be mechanically identical to a ground battle, but the visuals are a really nice touch. There are low flying clouds and birds and everything, and the battle scenes are all much higher than the usual flyer-vs-flyer-over-terrain fare we've seen so far.
Our goal, as you might have inferred, is to protect this "Leanne" character for eight turns. Leanne is a heron and so can't fight, but won't be useless. In fact, as you'll see, Leanne dying is going to be the least of our worries.
Let's take a look at our new cast:

Going by the numbers alone, Elincia might just be the best character in the whole game in terms of sheer utility. Elincia can be a powerful attacker, a decent tank, or a healer, as you require, and is a flyer into the bargain. Rarely will you encounter a battle she can't contribute to in spades. Her sole weakness is of course her crippling vulnerability to bows, an occupational hazard of riding a pegasus.
There are two problems, however. The first is that for this mission she's stuck with the weakest sword in the whole game, weaker even than the Bronze Sword, and thus she won't have the ridiculous damage output she's capable of with all that strength. The second is that she's actually a temporary half-Jeigan. Yes, Elincia will be amazing in the late-and-endgame, but this is not the time to be training her. She still bears the second Jeigan trait; EXP is wasted on her here.
"But she's only Lv 1,", you might object, "and our other units are all higher level than that!"
And here's where you catch the game withholding important information from you again. Yes, Elincia is a prepromote, as are all the other beorc units you're going to see in this chapter, but - and this will blow your mind - there're actually three tiers of classes, and Elincia is in the third, making her essentially Lv 41, and not Lv 21 as you might have been assuming. Which explains the stats.

Pictured; the perks of being on the third tier. 60 skill points is a lot, but you have to bear in mind that at least 25 of them are reserved for your Mastery Skill, which is determined by your class, and gained and equipped automatically at second-promotion. Elincia's is Stun, which not only hits an enemy for triple the projected damage rate (like a crit), but also stuns them for two turns, meaning they can't move in their next turn (assuming they survive the attack). That's pretty damn handy. Elincia also has innate Renewal, so that's handy too.

It is my sad duty to report that there is absolutely no way in hell that Marcia is ever going to live up to the impossible reputation that gandhichan's Path of Radiance thread has established for her. Sure, there's nothing wrong with her bases or her growths, but… well. If the character theme of Part 1 was "weird growths for your class" then the theme of Part 2 is almost certainly "never being available for training". With the exception of a few characters, most of the people we meet in Part 2 will be absent for nearly the entirety of Part 3, and by the time they surface again they'll be so far behind that they'll be almost as hard to train as Fiona was (even if they're not as uniquely unsuited for the missions as she was for hers). Marcia is just such an offender. As ever, we'll see how she does and how her levels go, but the likelihood is, Marcia just won't be able to keep up.
Marcia has no skills save Canto.

Nealuchi is our second Raven Tribe laguz and is essentially a higher leveled version of Vika. Transformed, he's a powerhouse at this stage in the game. Untransformed… not so much, but at least hardier than Vika was. The best thing he has going for him is sky-high evasion, but… well, he's another one who's unlikely to keep up with the pace of the game, and his poor availability doesn't help either.
He is notable, however, for bringing us a Laguz Stone, a pretty useful item which instantly raises the user's transform gauge to maximum. Handy to have! Sadly, it comes used, but we'll take what we can get.

As a laguz flier, Nealuchi gets Shove and Canto, and he also has innate Wrath which I reckon we'll be stealing at some point.

Finally, there's Leanne, who's much like Rafiel only worse. She's lower level and appropriately lower spec and her Galdrar are… well, we'll see. She can still grant extra turns, so she's not completely useless.

The one thing she does have over Rafiel is Canto, meaning she can stay a little bit behind the front lines, move in, sing, and run away all in one turn, which is somewhat handy.
Right, that's quite enough complaining. For all their inadequacies later on, we'll find that now they're more than enough to hand this map its ass. So let's go!

These are the odds the enemies are getting vs Nealuchi. Suffice to say, this dracoknight takes a beating.

Note the clouds; they're not just for show. They provide +1 Defense and +15 evasion.

Elincia may be stuck with a weakass weapon, but she's got her strength to give her moderate damage output, and her speed to double. On top of that, we're dealing with a legion of axe wielders, so she'll have the advantage on all of them.

While Rafiel was able to sing to everyone around him all at once, Leanne can only sing directly in front of and directly behind her, which makes not a lick of sense but there you go. Consequently, we are forced to choose between giving an additional turn to Elincia or to Nealuchi. We choose Elincia, and Elincia chooses to inflict 14 damage on a nearby dracoknight.

It's the enemy turn and the AI is no less fond of wasting its time on units it can't hit than it was in Part 1.

However, the dracoknight Elincia injured has a more worrying idea; he grabs Leanne and makes a break for the edge of the map.
This is this map's other gimmick. These enemies, as they mentioned before the fight, aren't trying to kill Leanne, they're trying to capture her. So, when they get a chance, they'll fly up to her, "rescue" her, and try to run away. They can't capture her and escape in one turn, but between their movement range and their Canto skill, two turns is all it'll take once they get in range. Needless to say, once an enemy picks up Leanne, he becomes Priority One.

What they tend to forget, though, is that they're still subject to the mechanics of Rescue! Half speed and half skill makes them easy prey, as Marcia reminds them.

Another annoying thing is that when we "rescue" Leanne back from her captor, she has to wait a turn before she can move, which robs us of our opportunity to use Vigor.

Elincia attacks one of the dracoknights…

And Nealuchi finishes off the second.

The first is nevertheless able to grab Leanne again. However, he's all alone in our corner and he's on low health. Guess how this is gonna end for him!
If you guessed "being reduced to 5 HP by Elincia and killed by Marcia", you win!
Nealuchi is not an endless font of transform points, so he reverts back to human form to save up for later.

Turn 4, and we're being encroached on again. Elincia is having none of this.

None of this at all.

And one for luck!
Because Elincia is stuck with her Weakass Sword, she's in a position to actually stun people using Stun rather than killing them with it. This suits me fine; the guy is still neutralized for a turn, so we can concentrate on his friend for now.

Note that Leanne is well away from all this; she won't be getting picked up next turn, that's for sure. Thus, instead of going for Leanne, the one guy who's still able to move makes a vain attempt to hit Marcia with a Hand Axe.
Turn 5, and-

Hey, it's that guy!

Huh. He's joined the battle as an "other". Maybe he hasn't noticed us? Let's see, we need someone loud to get his attention… oh! I know!

Wow. Haar is kind of an asshole.

…and Haar reluctantly joins the fray.

Whatever way you slice it, Haar is a welcome addition to any army. Despite his low speed growth, his base is high enough that he can double most anything that the game throws at him, and still keep up. His defense makes him a wall, he's strong enough to cut through most bosses, and… well, Haar is an all around badass. If your Jill is falling behind in levels, Haar will happily replace her. And - miracle of miracles - he's one of the Part 2 characters who doesn't get saddled with horrible availability, so you can easily make him into the beast we all know he can be. Haar is a staple of many an endgame team; his strength, defense and mobility are a winning combination and it's not very often he gets RNG screwed.

Haar also gets innate Cancel. I wonder sometimes if it's somewhat wasted on him, since Haar is usually strong enough to shrug off counterattacks…

All endgame-musing aside, even now, Haar is strong enough to render the rest of this mission meaningless.
Elincia finishes killing the stunned guy, and ends her turn almost adjacent to Haar.

In fact, she's in the perfect position for Leanne to Vigor both of them.

Haar obligingly continues his murder spree…

While Elincia approaches under cover of the clouds.
Of course, I have completely forgotten about this mission's third gimmick, which you might have already spotted if you're sharp.

Have you spotted it?
Yep, the clouds move. I guess the chapter title isn't just there to sound pretentious. Incidentally, that makes this the only mission in the game to have moving terrain. It's an interesting idea and has a lot of scope for interesting missions if it's ever implemented a bit more fully in a future game.

Zeffren flies out to meet Haar.

Haar may be reluctant to join the fight, but he sure doesn't fuck around once he gets going.

Zeffren has a Short Axe, a higher tier version of the Hand Axe. Haar takes said Short Axe to the face, but dispenses two Javelins in return.
A foolish dracoknight with 6 HP decides to attack Elincia, who retaliates by dealing him 6 damage, and the two remaining Hand Axe wielders respectively engage Haar and Elincia, each missing, of course.
Turn 6.

Elincia begins by dealing a modest amount of hurt to the nearest dracoknight, and then retreating north slightly.

Continues seeing to Zeffran. He reduces the boss to 5 HP but is only left with 9 himself, and of course he activated Cancel on his second attack, continuing our proud tradition.
He retreats north too, and…

…meets Leanne.

Haar makes good use of his second wind to land Cancel on Zeffran one more time. Presumably he also catches Zeffran's dropped Short Axe out of the sky.

Elincia does her usual job of finishing off weakened enemies.

In spectacularly excessive fashion.

Screenshots just do not do justice to how fast she moves during Stun.
It's likely that one of the leftover enemies will grab Leanne next turn, but Elincia, Haar, Marcia and Nealuchi are all in attack range, and there's only two bad guys left. I think we're gonna be OK.

Sure enough…

They don't stand…

A damn chance.

In hell.

The game refuses to acknowledge the fact that we have cleared the mission a turn early, so we end turn twice to finish the mission.


Each party has its own separate pool of Bonus EXP and a separate inventory. All of Micaiah & Co.'s unused Bonus EXP will still be there when we get back to them, don't you worry.
So, yeah, that battle had pretty much nothing to do with any of the plot in Part 2, but it did serve to put the Token Heron onto Elincia's team! That's something! Even Leanne is better than no heron at all…
Coming up next time: Farmers!