Part 27: (Cutscene) Fanservice: The Motion Picture
Uh oh.
This was his plan all along, wasn't it?


You have half a mark! If the duke is not released by then, the girl dies!

Quiet! You can die sooner, if you like!

...Your Majesty, you can't... You have to let me do something about this.


Lucia would willingly die fighting for her country, I know... But you have to help her, Elincia. If you were in her position, she would surely do the same. Please, just give the word.

...What exactly is it that you want? To throw our country into chaos?

No. I want to protect it, Your Majesty.


Queen Elincia, you're so naïve. Cold and callous decisions are sometimes required of a nation's ruler. I was testing you. We all wanted to know if our queen would have the power to stop a civil war. But, no, you were too hesitant and too concerned about harming the people... Now look what has happened. The rule of Crimea cannot be kept in your hands! Please, Your Majesty! You must abdicate and cede the crown to me! And considering Lady Lucia's life is on the line, you haven't much choice. Now, let's have you free me from this prison cell, and then we can discuss any further details...

What?! Are you truly willing to sacrifice Lady Lucia?!

...Lord Ludveck, all your dissatisfaction and misgivings about me are well founded. However, do you realize how many lives you've simply thrown away?! Strength without compassion does not a ruler make. You care nothing for the people, sir. You cloak your desire to rule with pretty speeches, but it is petty avarice nonetheless!

...So this is how it shall be? Very well... But Lady Lucia cannot be spared without my order.

Allowing you to plant the seeds of rebellion and play havoc with the lives of my people is a failure for which I must answer. But I will see Crimea through this trial. I will give my people the future they deserve, no matter the cost.

Indeed, I have failed. Yet I wonder... Are you capable of watching Lucia die? Or will you crawl back to me, your face awash with tears, begging for mercy? How I pray to see that face, Your Majesty!

As the queen and ruler of Crimea, I refuse to negotiate with those bent on destroying it.

...So you're going to let this girl die?!

I will be strong, Lucia...

Tch... Kick, scream, beg... Give us a show, wench!

Your Highness! Your trusted friend will now die. Let this burn forever in your memory!
Oh shit.
She's actually going to do it, isn't she?
[this is a friendly reminder that I have a subtitle problem in screenshots]
Hey, who's-
Why are th-

Come on. Do it. It's a clean shot.

What's the problem?

I'm nervous. What if I hit her?

It's too late for nerves, Rolf. If you're not up to it, just leave it to the master, eh?

Watch and learn. One clean motion, no hesitation.
Oh, phew, she's safe. Wow.
...waaait a minute...
Glad to see we're in agreement.
(Funfact™: All of the "generic" citizen characters - i.e. "Man", "Woman", "Lass", "Grandmother", etc, and even Jacob - are represented in this one screenshot. Holy Attention to Detail, Batman!)
"What does this make us, Soren?"
"Big damn heroes, Commander."

The queen's men are attacking!

Stop him!


Always lost in your books! What have I said about watching your back?

Form up! Surround them all! Don't let a single one escape!

Hold on, Lucia! Everything will be fine!

Can you hear me? Hold on!
Did that serve any purpose other than fanservice? No. Was all that choreographed action even slightly necessary? No. Are we going to hold any of this against Intelligent Systems? Hell no. Was that the most awesome cutscene ever, without any kind of conscious rational regard for considering other quality cutscenes in videogames? Hell yeah.
I need to sit down for a moment.
...OK, now that I'm thinking rationally again...
What the fuck just happened?
I mean, Ike and co just show up completely out of nowhere? I don't buy it.
"Thank you, Geoffrey."

Now we'll get Lucia back in one piece. We've nothing more to worry about. I'll deploy my knights at once!

Sir Ike... If you hadn't come to help, I would have lost one of my dearest friends. Thank you... Thank you ever so much.
Bastian, you magnificent son of a bitch.


Yes. The count of Fayre knew about Ludveck's plotting before he left for Daein. Bastian guessed that if he left the country, the rebels would feel confident enough to make their move. What else could you expect from Crimea's top tactician? Well... Crimea's most deceptive old dog, at any rate.

Yes, that's just like him...

Sorry that we had to stay hidden until the last minute. For a ruse like that to work, you have to deceive allies as well as enemies. I know you were acting in Crimea's best interests, but I'm sorry you had to let that happen to Lucia.
"You were really gonna do it, though, weren't you?"

Lucia, Geoffrey... I value your lives more than even my own. But it's my duty to protect this country, even if that means losing you. I've learned a lot from all of this. I hope to keep them out of harm's way, and I'll never make the same mistakes again.

Good to hear. So what are you going to do about all the escaped rebel soldiers?

The rebel army will be eradicated. We cannot allow them to sow the seeds of discontent among the people of Crimea.

That's the right choice. Would you consider contracting my mercenaries for the job?

...No, Sir Ike. I'll leave that up to the Royal Knights. I'm certain this task will create anger among the people, and the Royal Knights may be resented for their role in it... But my duty as queen demands that it be done. The people will have to learn to accept that.

I respect your devotion to duty. So, you don't need me then?

That's right. I'm going to move on, together with my vassals and the people of this country.

What is it?

When you heard from Bastian... Did he say anything about Daein?

No, nothing.

He informed me of a number of things. Apparently Daein's reconstruction is playing out much like Crimea's... He spoke of a new king raising the banner of war, and a charismatic young hero carrying it into battle. He compared King Pelleas to me, and a "Silver-Haired Maiden" to you... It's almost unnatural. He suspected that someone might be scheming, trying to manipulate Daein. Bastian seemed quite suspicious of it all.

So Bastian went to Daein to try and confirm his suspicions on that?

Yes. There was also something about Daein's resurrection that we can't afford to overlook.


Encased in pitch-black armor, standing tall with a crimson cape... When the Liberation Army fought at the capital, he was there. He sided with the Silver-Haired Maiden.

The Black Knight... The man who killed my father... But I defeated him three years ago. I'm sure of it.

The day after you fought, Bastian ordered some men to search the remains of Nados Castle. There was no trace of the Black Knight. No armor... No sword... No corpse.

Hmm. If he's still alive... I have no doubt I'll see him again. Elincia, this is very important information to me. Thank you.

Of course.
And that's Part 2!
A great war begins.

One that threatens to tear the land asunder.

A hero sides with the laguz and justice.

The Maiden of Dawn sides with the beorc and Daein.

Their armies will collide, while the flames of the medallion burn brighter.
Part 3: Intersecting Vows...