Part 43: (Part Three, Chapter 12) A dark Daein deed
However, Apostle Sanaki elects not to pursue the retreating Daein forces.

After waiting for several days, she receives no reply, and Sanaki reluctantly orders a march. Avoiding the heart of Daein, the army skirts along the mountains and makes its way south.

What do you think, genius? Micaiah fainted because you've been pushing her too hard! She's terrified that she won't live up to your expectations.

I didn't realize... I am so sorry, Micaiah.

According to the doctor, she is suffering from severe exhaustion. She must stay in bed for a time.

Well, I'm glad that she is all right. Do you think it will take long for her to recover? We must stop the laguz, after all. Our task is not complete.

I'm getting Micaiah out of here. At this rate, if the laguz that we shouldn't be fighting don't kill her, you certainly will.

What?! B-but you can't leave!

Oh yeah? I'd like to see you stop me. I held out until now, thinking it was best for Daein. I was wrong. We're through with you.

Please, Sothe! You must reconsider! Micaiah can't leave now.

King Pelleas, I agree with Sothe. Let Lady Micaiah go. She has done enough.

No, don't leave! Please! I'm begging you! I need Micaiah to stay!
Explaining himself, if he has any survival instincts at all.

Our army cannot function without Micaiah. I can't let that happen! The army must continue the fight!

Listen, I don't know what deals you've made with the empire behind our backs, but I won't let you hurt her anymore.

So now the king shows his true colors... Pelleas, I don't care if you're the king. Threaten Micaiah again, and I'll kill you where you stand. Is that clear?

She won't be the only one to die. You. Me. Every single person in Daein. We'll all die. And it's all my fault.
I have no idea what that is, but... we're fucked, aren't we?

That's why you've been so scared, so terrified as of late. Oh, my son...


Micaiah! You should try to--

Please tell me, Your Majesty. What is a blood pact?

I-I swear to you. I didn't know. I had no idea...

Has something happened?

King Pelleas... Please prepare to receive Vice-Minister Lekain.


H-how did you get here?!

Our empire's magical research has made leaps and bounds. This rewarp staff is our latest invention. With this staff, one can get to any desired destination instantly. Isn't that just wonderful?

It worked well enough, but would completely exhaust whoever used it. What's the use of someone traveling anywhere they wish if they're too exhausted to do anything afterward? It'd take a very strong soldier to withstand the powder's side effects. The rewarp staff solves that problem.


Ah, now I've said too much. I just can't help myself. I love innovation so.

Oh, yes. No time for idle chatter. We have a favor to ask of you, Your Majesty. As you are no doubt aware, the false apostle has raised an army of sub-humans to reclaim her throne. We require the use of the Daein army to wipe out this upstart "Laguz Alliance." Would you be so kind?

I... I'm afraid I cannot deploy my army on Begnion's behalf. My country cannot continue to rebuild while fighting a war. Please understand.

Ah, so you reject our request? Then I've no choice but to watch you and your people perish slowly.

What?! You came here to make threats?

The terms of our pact are quite clear in this document.

All will be made clear, young Pelleas. Yes, this is the same document. You, my naïve young king, signed it believing it was an oath of reparation from Begnion. Sadly for you, however...

What are you telling me?

In truth, this wonderful scrap of parchment is a blood pact. Once you sign the paper in blood, you can never break the terms of the pact!
Everyone act surprised!

That's right. Izuka is one of us. He found the perfect king who would execute the senate's will.

I can't believe it! I won't!

It's a marvelous tool used by the wise to control the foolish. A ruler agreeing to the pact is bound to it... absolutely. Once sworn, the pact will punish any transgression against its terms with the complete destruction of his country.

You... you can't be serious. That's impossible!

Calm yourself, young king, and listen. I'll tell you an interesting story. Long ago, a foolhardy king signed a blood pact with the empire to take back his lost kingdom. In exchange for his country, he vowed complete obedience. He soon broke the terms of the pact and began to disobey the empire. Presumably he didn't understand the power of the oath he'd sworn... Would you like to hear what happened after he defied the empire's will?


Two more died on the second day. Three more on the third day. I think you can see where this is going. The wave of mysterious deaths spread across the kingdom like a contagion. After thirty days, the king finally realized that this was the curse of the blood pact, the price of infidelity. He apologized to the empire and pleaded with them to lift the curse.
(That's 5050 deaths total)

By then, the king had lost half of his subordinates, as well as his lovely wife and child. That country remained under the control of the senate for a very long time.

No matter how you struggle, you have no choice but to follow the orders given to you by the empire. No matter how noble your motives, defiance against us will result in the death of your nation. This you must never forget.

We have spies and informants in every corner of Tellius. We will know immediately if you tell anyone.
Somehow, "Begnion Senators: Assholes™" just doesn't quite suffice anymore, does it?

What a heavy burden... It cannot be!

Show Mother the mark of your pact.

Oh, give it up! You expect us to buy that ghost story? It's just something to scare little kings into eating their vegetables! Before you go shining Begnion's boots, get some proof of the senate's claims!


We've done enough here. Micaiah, let's go. We'll let them find out if that story is real or not.

King Pelleas and Queen Almedha are telling us the truth. It's hard to believe, but I can see it... My power hasn't gone away. It was just weakened from exhaustion. This is all so horrible... Now Daein can never be free from the senate's leash.

Even if it's true, Micaiah, that doesn't mean you have to go to war again. We could leave Daein...

But without me, who would hold our forces together? Leaving the army would be the same as abandoning the people of Daein. I won't do it.


King Pelleas... What then do you propose we do?

Why, obey the empire, of course. We have no other choice in the matter. As long as I follow the senate's orders, no one will die because of me.

No, I can't accept that! We have finally wrested our country back from the occupation forces... I'd rather be dead than have to bend to the will of the empire. What are we, dogs?!

And now that Begnion is ordering Daein troops into battle, we are treated as disposable pawns. Many Daein citizens will die of this pact, whether we obey it or not.

It would appear that I have been crowned king during the last days of Daein. Follow or fight... the result is the same. We will be destroyed.


You heard me. The only way to really be doomed is to give up.

Micaiah, there's no way out of a blood pact. None! What do you suggest we do?

Look for a way out. I know Duke Lekain says the pact can't be broken, but of course he'd say that! King Pelleas, you have the resources of an entire country to draw on, and the best of reasons to do so. Check the royal library! Check the archives! Somewhere, I'm sure you'll find... something.

Micaiah, forgive me. I was so overwhelmed that I let myself give in to despair. But you're absolutely right. We can't give up just yet. We have people to save!

Unfortunately, we don't have much time. Begnion will not put off triggering the blood pact until after we've found a way to break it.

We can make time. If we take on the empress and the laguz forces, it'll look as if we're obeying the senate. In the meantime, you can research the pact.

All right. I'll start immediately. Just give me as much time as you can...
Wow. That was a
lot of preamble. And we've got a boatload of conversations to match!

Please be careful.

...Please, Micaiah. Stop being so kind to me. It's too difficult for me.

I can feel how you've suffered. You've had to endure it all alone for so long. It's ghastly.

It was my fault... I brought this curse upon Daein!

No! You didn't know! I will protect Daein. I'll protect our country from harm, no matter what happens. You have my word.

Micaiah... Very well. I won't give up. We'll fight destiny together.


I want you to take this. I found another one in the treasure room of the castle. Stand fast, Micaiah. I will find a way to save Daein.
[Received a
Master Crown!]
We're building up quite a collection of these. Every new one we find makes me a little sadder that they can't be sold.

Hello, General.

I thought you were going to leave the army, taking Lady Micaiah with you.

I was. But now we can't. Both Micaiah and I are from Daein. We can't abandon our own country.

Hmm. I wonder if it's the same if you leave Daein...

I don't understand.

If you abandoned Daein and fought on the side of a different country, I wonder if you'd still be cursed?

Who knows? I'm not a sage. In any case, it doesn't matter. Micaiah would never leave Daein behind.

I see. Sothe, here. Take these.

Why are you giving me these?

I kept them as a parting gift to you. Since you're staying, I'd like you to take them now.

What... just like that? No secrecy? No obscure requirements? We just get
given the Boots? Has Tauroneo been holding out on us?
Boots are the rarest stat-booster, being as they are a one of a kind item in every Fire Emblem since 7, often hidden in silly places that you won't ever find without foreknowledge. They will raise one character's Move by 2. As such, they are absurdly useful. In fact, for the time being, they are Too Awesome To Use. They are going to sit in our stockpile until I decide what to do with them.

Conventional tactics won't slow them down. They'll easily break through our lines. ...What should we do?



Are you all right? I'll leave the gold here. You're still not completely recovered yet. You have to rest, Micaiah.

I'll try.

Keep safe.
10,000 Gold!]

Hmm? Hey, Sothe. Don't worry. I was reading while I waited.

I didn't realize you were such a dedicated reader, Nolan.

It's human nature to crave knowledge. I thought you would know that as well as anyone. How is Micaiah, by the way? Is she doing well?

Yeah, I believe so. She's alert, and she seems generally stronger.

I see. Well, that's good, right?

Sorry to make you worry.

Don't mention it.

Hey, now! This is a good axe. Must have cost you a fair bit. Thanks.

Nolan, I...

Don't force it. You'll only hurt yourself.


You look like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You're wondering if you should tell me, right?


The best thing to do is think it over. Give it some time to sit. Later, if you decide you want to tell me, you know exactly where to find me.

I will. Thanks, Nolan.

[Received a
Sweet! Tomahawks are a tad overpowered for what we need now, although it's possible that, if your Nolan or Jill isn't up to scratch, they can use this as a crutch.
Finally, an old "friend" is here to see us.

Who? Oh, Nico!

Nico, mind your manners. The Silver-Haired Maiden is the saviour of Daein. She's not just some "lady."
It's funny because this line is said by a character named "lady".

Oh, it's all right. I'm still the same simple girl from Daein you met before. Nothing's changed. So, are things well with you?

Well, the fighting's got everyone worried, coming so soon after the last war and all... But we're doing all we can for Daein! It doesn't matter who or what we're up against. Believe me when I tell you we'll never give up.

That's right! We won't give up. Ever! I know we're gonna win, too. 'Cause we've got you on our side. That's what everybody says. The Dawn Brigade will save us.

Is that what they say? I see... Listen to me, Nico. You can believe in us. I promise we'll keep you safe.

I knew it!

Come along, Nico. We should be going. The maiden's got better things to do than stand here chatting with us all day.

Bye, lady! See you later!

Yes... good-bye, Nico.

I... I want to save them all. The world is a better place with people like them in it.

I know how you feel, Micaiah. That's why we started all this. We've always been fighting for them. But this war we're in... It's not just. We're fighting on the wrong side.

I know. I don't want to see anyone die. It's ironic... I'm killing with no malice, because I don't want anyone to be killed. I... What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to stand back and let all of Daein perish? Is that the "just" thing to do?


If that's what it takes to be just, then I want nothing to do with justice.

I'm going to save my people, Sothe. If the rest of the world paints me as a beast to be reviled and hated, so be it.
Never let it be said that Micaiah is
entirely one dimensional.
Well, now that
that's over with, it's time for some admin.
Look what's shown up in the Bargains today! Taksh is a
tad less powerful than Aqqar, but has a boosted crit rate. This is going to sit in Nolan's inventory for a while, waiting for an appropriate opportunity to manifest. The other bargains aren't really worth dealing with (the items concealed by the popup are Elixir, Reaper Card and Daemon Card, the most powerful magic card).
Silver heavy weapons and Killer weapons of all shades are now available in the armoury, which would be nice if they didn't cost
hells of gold. For now, we'll be sticking with Steel heavy as our go-to choice; they're only slightly less powerful than their Silver cousins, but
much cheaper, and their economy is balanced by their weight - they're actually heavier than Silver, but that's not a problem for anyone other than Jill.
If I had known back then what I know now, Fiona would still have this innately and be able to combine it with Paragon. Paragon is going to Jill.
Fiona gets two levels of BEXP. Note the attainment of speed and defence caps.
At level eight. According to the averages table, Fiona doesn't usually hit both these caps until Lv 16. Additionally, she's 2 points away from capping resistance (growth 50%). Just think what we could do with all that BEXP abuse! And it'll happen
again in third tier! We could well have another Nephenee on our hands, and this one on a horse.
There's also this for Aran. Strength and speed. Aww yeah.
There's not really all that much to do here.

I guess we were right in assuming that they don't necessarily want to fight. Micaiah, are you still set on this?

Are the rocks ready?

Yes. They're in position.
Who the hell is General Maiel? And are you really planning on someone other than a main character being able to
obstruct Ike?

The decoy operation succeeded. The apostle and her Holy Guards are heading this way.

All forces, get in position! Our target is the apostle. We will attack her while General Ike is distracted. If we let her through, her army will cross into Begnion. That will surely anger the senate, and the senate will move to destroy Daein. We must fight with everything we have so that Daein may live on!

But, Micaiah... Is this really necessary? Can't we avoid all of this fighting and somehow pretend to obey the senate?

Micaiah, it was you more than anyone else who used to hate plans like this...

The apostle's army has incredible numbers. We wouldn't stand a chance taking them head-on. They would march right through us. We need to give Pelleas more time, but if we hold back, the senate will know we're up to something. For now... let's just try to draw this out a bit and stop the apostle's army.

Lady Micaiah. Your strength moves me. I shall not falter.

Micaiah... All right. Let's do it. Let's do it for our friends--and for our country.
Fortunately for us, this isn't as bad as it looks. We're just trying to stall them. There are about eighty enemy units present - a mix of Crimean and Begnion generics - and we have to kill forty of them. We have been graced with two chokepoints, of which one is a gap and the other is a path three squares wide. Tauroneo has invited himself along for this mission, and in the 20 chapters or so it's been since we saw him last he hasn't really gotten better, and now he's basically a - admittedly durable - liability, being quite weak and very slow. He's going to help Micaiah, Sothe, Edward and Jill handle the ledge, while Nolan, Zihark, Fiona, Volug, Aran and Laura take the path. Notice how tidily everyone is distributed according to support pairs?
The last two spaces in our team can either be filled with Meg and Leonardo, or be left empty. Hmm...
Sigrun and Tanith are here too, exactly as they were when we left them. It's basically impossible to reach them, however, because there are just
too many units in the way.
Let's do this.