Part 49: (Bonus Update) I. Cannot. Believe. How many conversations there are in this chapter
Seriously. Most of these are basically impossible to see. You saw the crazy shit we had to pull just to get Soren into range of Pelleas - and he was using a long range tome! Getting anyone to Micaiah period before the collective armies rack up 30 kills is just not gonna happen. Getting Reyson into Daein's rear lines is just not gonna happen. Skrimir or Tibarn managing to distract themselves from the regular enemies to get to Micaiah or Nailah is just not gonna happen. What follows is content that is basically impossible to see.
Note that all the conversations that result in a defection (i.e, Haar talking to Jill, or Mordecai/Lethe talking to Zihark) are identical to how they would have been in 3-7, so we won't be covering those again. However, the conversations that defectees can have with Daein soldiers are new and original.
I'm not listing
all of the conversations since some of them are really just token "oh, it's you" "hey there, please die now". But most are interesting or funny, and these follow below.
There will be some sparse commentary from me where I can think of something to say, but for the most part, this is gonna be wall to wall

- be warned.
Credit to (where else?) Serenes Forest for the scripts.
Zihark talks to Micaiah

Micaiah! Pull back your troops! We don't want to fight you. There's got to be a way to stop all this!

I can't, and there isn't. We have to keep fighting. Until the last of us falls, we have no choice.

What's happened to you all?! Why get yourselves into such a hopeless war? Why did you do those horrible things in the valley? I know all of this must have a reason! Please tell me... Tell me how my country lost its soul.

I've nothing to say to you.

I see. No words to waste on a deserter like me, is that it? I'm sorry I wasted your time.


No, please... Just know that I could never draw steel against you. Good-bye, Micaiah.

I... I'm so sorry, Zihark. I can't get you involved in this, too.
Jill talks to Micaiah

Lady Micaiah! Why do you insist on continuing this fight?!


Even now, Daein blood spills on the battlefield. You must stop this! There must be another way!

I can't, and there isn't. We have to keep fighting. Until the last of us falls, we have no choice.

Please! Listen to what I'm--

Apostle's dracoknight. Leave here immediately. I warn you only once. Next time, I will attack!

Lady Micaiah! Please, I beg of you! Lady Micaiah!
Reyson talks to Micaiah

The Maiden of Dawn... Lady Micaiah. I would speak with you. You are not an evil person. I already know that.


That is why I am puzzled. Why do you continue to fight? Would you have your country destroyed like this?


Please, say something. You have the power to end all of this violence. Say the word, I beg you!

Please go. The people of the Serenes are not safe from the chaos set loose upon us. This place isn't safe for you. Take Rafiel with you and leave the battlefield as soon as you can.

That's all you have to say? Your men die all around you, while you stand here giving me orders? So be it.
Reyson continues being Reyson; he acts tough but he is
still a heron. Seriously, Tibarn has been a
terrible influence.
Ike vs Micaiah

I can hear it... It's very close...

Hey, what's wrong with you? You don't look well...

...What? Oh, um... I'm fine.

Are you? How much good can you do your men if you can hardly see straight? Pull your troops back, Micaiah.

...There's no need. I will stay here with everyone else and fight to the end!

You're very brave, Micaiah, but sometimes bravery isn't enough to win the battle.
If you are somehow able to reach and defeat Micaiah before the 30 kill mark, you'll get this (and you won't see the regular scene where she retreats):


Micaiah! Micaiah, are you all right?!

So... Sothe...

Can you hear me? Then let's pull back! You're in no condition to fight!

Ike vs Sothe

Good-bye, Sothe.

These two.
Astrid vs Sothe
Yes, Sothe has a specific conversation with Astrid, of all people.

Oh... It's you, Sothe. I'd sincerely hoped we wouldn't meet like this.

Me too, Astrid.

I knew you were with the Daein army, but I hoped that, if I didn't see you, I could pretend it wasn't true. Now, however, I'm glad I saw you. How you have grown. You look like a true soldier now.

...I'm not the only one who's grown. You look every bit the true knight now, Astrid.

You really think so? Thank you, Sothe. That means a lot to me.

I know the answer, but I still have to ask. Will you pull back? We don't really have to do this, do we?

I was about to ask you the same thing. I don't want to fight you, Sothe. Please fall back.

...I thought as much. Let's get started. I'm sorry, Astrid.

I am sorry as well, Sothe.
Ilyana vs Sothe

Hello, Sothe. Shall we get started?

Uh, I thought you'd hesitate to fight me. I'm... a little surprised.

You've made your choice, Sothe, and I've made mine. It's really that simple, isn't it? Anyway, I'm starving. If I don't eat something soon, I think I'll pass out...

Well, we can't have that. Ready when you are, Ilyana.
Ilyana has, shockingly,
still not developed any interesting character traits beyond "is still hungry".
Jill vs Sothe

Sothe, I--

Let's cut the small talk, Jill. We both fight for the side we believe in. There's no point in talking things over. Let's finish this.

You're right... Let's just get past this.
Zihark vs Sothe

I'll forget about our time together during the Mad King's War and the Daein Emancipation. You should do the same. We should fight without reservation and without sentiment.

I agree, Sothe. I do hope you survive, for Micaiah's sake. But you'll have to defeat me first.
Zihark talks to Tauroneo

General Tauroneo! Finally, I found you! Please, tell me what happened to Daein! Why are you fighting?

There is nothing to say. We have parted ways. That is all.

What are you trying to hide?! Daein has now committed atrocities on par with those committed by Ashnard! I want to know why you'd continue to fight a war like this!

And I say that there is no need for you to know. Mercenary Zihark, return to your allies in the apostle's army.

I will find out what's going on here! If my country can't save itself, then I'LL save it! But I'll never raise my sword against you. Good-bye for now, General. I hope our next meeting goes better.

...Forgive me.
Jill talks to Tauroneo

General Tauroneo!

Jill... I will tell you one thing. I do not blame you for leaving Daein. You must live by your own beliefs. That is what your father would have wanted.


I must live by my principles as well. You cannot convince me to betray my king and countrymen. I have done so once in the past, but that was long ago. Now, I intend to fight for my country to the end.

I understand... General.
Ike vs Tauroneo

General Ike, of the apostle's army! I challenge you to a duel!

...All right.

I see so much of him in you... your stance, your spirit, the expression on your face... You remind me so much of Gawain. Let's see if your swordsmanship matches your father's!

Test me. You knew my father well. Tell me how I measure up.
Rolf vs Tauroneo

Rolf? Is that you? How you've grown. Kids always grow up so fast.

General Tauroneo... You're still fighting in the Daein army? Let's not do this. No matter how strong you are, Daein can't win this war, and I don't wanna hurt you.

You're right, Rolf. Daein can't win. In most ways, we've already lost everything. But I must fight on. Rolf, you stand on the battlefield as a man now. I won't hold back. You shouldn't either. Show me what you've learned in the last three years.

OK, General, if you really wanna. But, just to tell you... Uncle Shinon's been teaching me, so this might sting...
Calill vs Tauroneo

Is that you, Calill? You look well! I heard you married Largo and opened a pub. How is Largo these days?

That fool went and lost his arm in an accident. No more fighting for him, that's for sure.

Oh! Well, uh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Oh, but he's doing fine otherwise. A tough one, that man. Our business is doing great, and he's married to the best woman in the world! That's worth an arm or two, I'd say.

Indeed. I'm glad you two are happy.

How about you, General? I told Largo that I'd visit you in Daein and see how you were doing.

Me? I just... I only wish to meet a glorious end on the battlefield, fit for a general of Daein.

Mmm-hmm. Men are so full of it. I mean, honestly, are you even listening to how stupid that sounds?

Wh-what do you mean--

What I mean is that you're stupid. You have people who care for you on both sides of this suicidal battle. And here you are, in the thick of things, looking to throw your life away! You selfish fool! Looks like I'll have to do this myself. I'm taking you back with me, General. The hard way.

You have an interesting way of making your point.
Ilyana vs Tauroneo


Taking a break on the battlefield? Things don't seem to rattle you, Ilyana.

I'm not taking a break. I'm just sad I have to fight against you, General. Well, that, and I'm really, really hungry right now...

I should've known. Let's get this over with so you can get back and have something to eat.

...General Tauroneo, I hope we can meet again under different circumstances.

I hope so as well, Ilyana. We'll have to see what happens.
Goddamnit, Ilyana.
Zihark vs Tauroneo

What a strange twist of fate that we would end up facing off against one another.

Agreed. It seems that fate is cruel in lots of ways lately.

Daein owes you, Zihark. Your efforts liberated our country. For that, you will always have our thanks. However, Daein cannot retreat from this war. We may face old friends as our enemies, but we cannot stop.


I will not apologize for this war, and I cannot explain it to you. You should do what you must. We are two soldiers now, facing off against each other on the battlefield.

...Very well. I hope we'll get to talk more about this later, General.
(Zihark will not attack Tauroneo)
Jill vs Tauroneo


General Tauroneo...

How tragic that we meet again as enemies. It was hard enough for me the first time.

I'm sorry... I--

Raise your head. Stand tall.


If you haven't done anything to disgrace your family's name, do not cast your eyes away from anyone.

I have not disgraced anything. I joined this army so I could avoid that.

I know Jill. I'm envious of you. But this is the only way it can end.
(Jill will not attack Tauroneo)
Ike vs Nailah

Hold on a second! When did you decide to side with them?

I spoke to Micaiah. She made me see her side of the conflict. Besides, she needed the extra help.

She must be an amazing talker. What did she say?

I could tell you, but you wouldn't really understand. The situation is quite complicated. But Daein has no way out. One side or the other will be sacrificed.

Queen Nailah...

Don't worry your pretty head about it, beorc hero. You and I are warriors--you of the sword and I of the fang. We understand what to do now.

Are you...enjoying yourself?

If we can't avoid fighting, we might as well enjoy it, agreed? Besides, I've been curious about your swordsmanship. You seem strong, for a beorc. Show me what you can do.

How could I say no to that? Ready when you are, Your Majesty.
Ranulf vs Nailah

Hm. I'd always assumed that you cats were weak, but I was wrong. I've been watching you fight this battle. You're really very good.

Queen Nailah, while I'm honored to receive praise from you, I'd really rather not fight you. I think I'd much rather run away with my tail tucked firmly between my legs, to be honest.

Don't be so modest, Ranulf. You'll be a good challenge, I'm sure, and those are rare for me. Ready?

Thrown around by Skrimir, cornered by General Zelgius, and now this. Can someone tell me why I always seem to pull the short straw?
Don't forget the Black Knight!
Tibarn vs Nailah

...I must confess, I've wanted this since I first laid eyes on you. I can hardly hold myself back right now.

Lady, the feeling is mutual. Why do you think I winged my way over here? It looks to me like we can have a nice, private time right here. No interruptions. Just you and me.

Hawk King Tibarn. I think that a few more scars on your face will complete that rugged look you're going for.

For a beautiful woman like you, I'll gladly offer my head. Of course you'll have to bring me down to the ground first.

Challenge accepted. I think you'll regret it once I add your feathers to my necklace, though. Oh, and let's not tell Rafiel about this, agreed? He wouldn't understand these urges of ours.
So much unresolved tension!
Ilyana vs Nailah

Wolf Queen...

Ilyana. I am not familiar with beorc magic. You might actually stand a chance, if you strike quickly.

Um, OK... But... Queen Nailah? Would you promise me something? If we both live through this, will you take me for some good Hatari cooking?
Zihark vs Nailah

Zihark... You used to fight for Micaiah.

Queen Nailah. Do you fight for Daein now?

Well, let's say I've replaced some of the deserters.

That's right, I'm a deserter. I don't have to defend my decision. I made the right choice.

Zihark, I don't care. These are beorc problems. What I'm interested in is you and your blade. Shall we get started? I remember you as a skilled swordsman. I'm excited to see your work up close.

I don't know if my blade can match your jaws, Queen Nailah, but I'm honored to face you. At your ready.
Zihark talks to Pelleas

King Pelleas. Would you please listen to what I have to say?

Zihark. What is there to talk about? You've deserted your country and your people.

I just don't understand. I thought I knew you. You are a good, kind man. Why do you continue to fight for those bloodsucking senators?

I don't want to talk about it.

Your Majesty...

It doesn't concern you anymore. You've abandoned Daein--and us. If you want to stop us, use your sword--not words.

My sword and my allegiance do lie elsewhere now, it's true. But I am not without honor. I will not draw my sword against the man I call my king, no matter what.

...I'm sorry, Zihark. At least you'll be spared from the curse of the pact.
I'm assuming that last bit is supposed to be Pelleas muttering to himself.
Jill talks to Pelleas

King Pelleas! Please wait. I must talk to you.

Jill. I'm afraid I have nothing to say to you. You abandoned your own country.

No, I... Yes, I suppose that's true. I just couldn't understand why we would bow to the empire, after fighting so hard to free ourselves from their grasp! Why are you fighting an army that isn't even an enemy of Daein?

You don't need to understand.

King Pelleas...

Jill, you do what you think is best for you. Go your own way. But don't return to Daein. Ever.

But I can't do that! In the end, I am a native of Daein. This is where the body of my father lies. This is my home. My only home...

...I'm sorry, Jill. But there's no need for you to fall prey to the curse as well.
Ike vs Pelleas

You're King Pelleas? The son of Mad King Ashnard? I expected you to be...bigger.

You are the hero of Crimea, General Ike. You killed my father...

It was nothing personal. Your father had to be put down. Wait, are you shaking?

I've never killed anyone before... I've never even stood on a battlefield before today.

Then why did you come here? Do you want to die?

I do, but it won't change anything... I promised Micaiah that I wouldn't run from my destiny. General Ike, you may be able to take me down easily, but I will not run!

Just what Daein needs...another mad king. Let's see if you're as tough as your father.
Something tells me this is not exactly the same kind of madness...
Ilyana vs Pelleas

Ilyana... I'm sorry. If I were a better king, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry...

Your Majesty, I don't know what's happened. All I know is that my friends are hurting each other. If that means I have to stop you to save them, then I'm going to try. I'm sorry...
It may only be one line, but it turns out that Ilyana
does manage to get all the way through a conversation without referencing her endless hunger!
Zihark talks to Jill

Jill! Wait! Just put the axe down and tell me what's going on!

Zihark... I've nothing to say to my enemy. I am a knight of Daein! It is my duty to kill Daein's enemies!

Whoa, hey now! Can we just drop the crazy act for a minute?! Why are you doing this? What's happened to Daein? All right, I see you won't be calming down anytime soon. I'll leave, then. Take care of yourself, Jill.

Zihark... You are a good man. It's better you don't know. There's no need for you to suffer.
Sigrun vs Jill

I apologize for targeting the apostle during the battle in the valley. We violated the code of chivalry. There is no excuse for our actions.

The apostle has already forgiven you, and I have nothing to add. However, I do regret having to lose so many lives in this useless battle.
Ike vs Kurthnaga

Prince Kurthnaga!

It's so hot... I'm burning up! My body, it's on fire!

Can you hear me? I guess not. Kurth, what's happening to you?

I don't want to fight... I... I don't want to take any more lives...
Tibarn talks to Rafiel

Rafiel... Exactly what in the goddess's name are you doing? You herons are making me tear my feathers out! Do you WANT to die? After all this time apart from your family, you want to die? Did that crazy wolf hit you on the head?

Tibarn, no, it's not like that. I just want--

Hey, I know you're worried about this Maiden of Daein. But that's no reason to join up with the bad guys.

Bad guys? Tibarn, it's not like that! They are not evil, and I'm not against you, or anyone for that matter!

Then explain to me what's going on. Go ahead. I'm listening.

I...I want to help Micaiah. That's all, really! That's why I thought I should be by her side for this battle...

Right, then that means you're an enemy now. Are you ready, Rafiel? You'd better hope that queen of yours taught you some fancy moves if you're planning on surviving me.

Tibarn, I... Sniff...

H-hey, Rafiel, c'mon now. You know I wouldn't hurt you! Sorry I scared you, all right?


Rafiel, stop! There's no crying in battle! Get up, NOW! Please?
Ike vs Rafiel

Rafiel! What are you doing? Why are you fighting for Daein?!

Please forgive me, Ike. I only wish to help Micaiah.

Then join back with Tibarn! If you stay here with Daein, you're our enemy! And if you're my enemy, then I'll have no choice but to take you down.

But I just want to help Micaiah! I'm not against you! Please, put the sword down!

I don't know how to deal with this. Rafiel, you leave me no choice. I'll have to knock you out and drag you over to Tibarn. Maybe he'll know how to deal with you.
Brom talks to Meg


Meg! I'm glad you're safe and sound. How's my baby girl?

I'm doin' swell. It's good to see you, too, Daddy.

Meg, can you do Daddy a favor? I don't know what in blazes is going on, but family has gotta stick together! Why don't you be a good little girl and mosey on over to your daddy's side.

No...I can't. I'm sorry, Daddy. Micaiah is a good person. I believe in her. I want to fight for her.

Well, shucks, this ain't no good at all! I hope those higher-ups get their act together soon. But one thing's for sure. You're my girl. No way are we gonna fight. Not for anybody or anything!
(Brom and Meg will not attack eachother)
Zihark talks to Meg

Meg, why are you still with the Daein army? They're in the wrong, and you know it. I know it's selfish of me to ask, but I'm pleading with you. Come with me.

I can't... I'm sorry. I hope that this doesn't get in the way of our wedding, but I can't do that.

Is it because of Micaiah?

Yes. Everybody knows that this whole war is a mess and that none of us should be fighting right now. But Lady Micaiah is fighting for her people, and I'm gonna stick with her until the very end.

Meg, I understand how you feel.

But I don't consider you my enemy! Not at all. Not ever! Please, try to understand.

I'm so sorry, Meg. I should be standing alongside you, but my country has lost its mind. I didn't want to hurt you, too.

Let's hope for the fight to end soon... Then, we can be together again and get back to making wedding plans!

So much content that no one will see. It's a crying shame.