Part 66: (Bonus Update) Conversations from Endgame Map 2
Needless to say, Zelgius himself doesn't have very much to say for himself, but you will find Levail to be quite conversational if you give him half a chance.
Well, OK, he doesn't have
that many conversations, and among the few he has are Sigrun and Tanith, who have nothing of any real interest to say to him. But he has a few good ones too.

I know you... You were a general in the Gaddos army. Did Zelgius betray Sephiran and side with the senate?

No, no! I swear upon the general's good name that he would do no such thing! I was the one who abandoned the duke of Gaddos to follow General Zelgius.

What is going on here? I don't understand the relationship between the Black Knight and the senate, or who is friend or foe...

Of one thing I am certain, Empress Sanaki. We are not your enemy!

Then order your men to stand down! I must speak with Zelgius. Take down that barrier!

I cannot do that. General Zelgius was very clear: he wishes to fight that man. Alone. My orders are to eliminate any intruders inside the tower in the meantime. My deepest apologies, Empress.

Wait! I won't allow it! Halt, Levail! Halt!
Levail will not attack Sanaki. So I guess you could use her to get around his Impale skill.

You must be the Silver-Haired Maiden, Micaiah, correct?

Who are you?

Don't worry, I've no intention of harming you. Far from it, in fact. I'm under orders from General Zelgius to keep my men away from you. Please retreat. I don't want to disobey the general.
Levail will not attack Micaiah either.

Captain Haar! You are still alive!

What happened that you didn't expect me to survive?

Um... Nothing, I suppose. It's just that it's been a while since you left Begnion.

Yeah. Twenty years ago, wasn't it?

I was still very young at the time. You had just been dubbed a knight. Oh, it brings back such memories... The bravery of the dracoknights, especially the Fizzart Platoon. It was legendary among the soldiers. But then you suddenly defected to Daein.

I got sick of taking orders from corrupt senators, so I ditched the country with General Shiharam.

I joined the army after I came of age. But it was different after you all left. It was as if you took its spirit with you. The only exception was General Zelgius, the general of Duke Persis's army.

I see. Is that why you're under his command?

Yes. He is the last true knight. I will die for him.

Yes, Levail. You will.

How I dreamed of fighting a proper foe! I am honored, Sir Haar! Have at you!

Duke Tanas! I thought you were executed as a slave trader three years ago.

True beauty is immortal. Look at me. Right now, I am flawless. You are not without potential. With education, you could aspire to be me.

...No, thank you.
The Obligatory Honourable Enemy Commander post used to be filled by Zelgius, but that all went to shit the moment he was revealed to be the Black Knight. And as
competent as Zelgius is, he is, unquestionably, an Antagonist Who Must Die, because vengeance, etc. So Levail has stepped in to fill the position instead, and he does a pretty good job of it. In a way, Levail is kinda like a more agreeable version of Hetzel; he regrets (somewhat) what he has to do but he trusts in Zelgius completely, and let's be honest; who in the Begnion Central Army wouldn't at this point?
If you let Ike die...

I...admit defeat.

There is no pride in victory, nor shame in defeat. But I thank you, Ike. My dream was realized at last.
Alternatively, if you let Micaiah die...

Ike... It's up to you now... Oh... Sothe...

Maiden... I did not wish for things to end this way. However, the fate of the world has already been sealed.
This is, of course, the one remaining mystery relating to the Black Knight. Exactly what is his interest in Micaiah, again? I guess it's something else we're going to have to think about on the way up...