Part 68: (Bonus Update) Conversations from Endgame Map 3
First up, there's lots of opportunities for dragons to talk to eachother:

Please let me pass, Gareth.

I will not move. Such was the king's command.

Is there nothing I can do?

No. I'm sorry to be so hardhead, Ena. But I must serve my king.

Maybe we're the hardheaded ones... Opposing our king and our goddess. But we've chosen our path...

Lady Ena. Promise me you'll look after him. Keep the prince safe.

Of course. I promise... I will protect him at any cost!

I was afraid it would come to this, squared off with the very prince I'm supposed to protect. What to do?

Gareth, let me pass! I need to reach my father!

Without the king's word, I can't let that happen.

Do you mean to fight me?

Of course not! You know I couldn't do that. All I will do is stand here, plant my feet, and wait.


Prince Kurthnaga, it has been a privilege to serve you. I wish you all the best.
Such is the only characterisation Gareth will ever receive. Ever.

I'm sorry to see that you stand with the king, Grandfather.

I turned on him once, and I will never do it again. Will you follow your grandfather's example?

You know that I won't. I can't. I'm sorry...

It's all right, my dear. You can side with the prince. Stand by your convictions.

Nasir! You must talk to my father! Convince him to stand down!

...We have committed two crimes. We ignored the will of our king, and in so doing let war rise once more. We must atone for our sins.

...I am willing to accept my own punishment. But is it right that the innocent--women and children who have never lifted a weapon--are also turned to stone?

You can't change my mind. I have made a solemn vow that I will never again betray my king.
But it is, of course, Deghinsea who brings the bulk of the talking in this chapter.
Any of the Herons can talk with him:

King Deghinsea, you are more powerful than any being alive... Use that power to help us save the people.

You are not the first to make such a request. But my answer is the same now as it was before. I will not change my mind. I have no choice but to follow the will of our goddess.

Hello, Princess Leanne. You can't fight me... I advise you to stand down.

("Sadness... Your heart is filled with such sadness. What's wrong? Can't we talk about it?")

I have nothing more to say to you. This is the way is has to be. My feelings do not matter.

King Deghinsea, I don't understand... Why? Why must we fight? I just can't... I... I... I can't take it. Fighting only causes more pain and suffering. Why do this?

...You remind me of a friend from long ago. He was the kindest soul I've known, but he was so terribly weak. You've moved me more than you'll ever know... But I will not budge. I await my judgment.
And, of course, lots of people get pre-battle talks too.

Your Majesty...

Come now, Ena. Fight.

I'm sorry, I can't. I may have turned my back on my king and left my own country, but I still belong to the dragon tribe. I wouldn't dare attack my own king. I couldn't.

Then as your king, I order you. I order you to fight for Kurthnaga's life.

My king!

You and he need each other. You are different from other dragons.

...Very well, Your Majesty.

In my eyes, the mightiest of you looks no different than an infant. Can you hope to stand a chance?

Of...of course. I am Sanaki, 37th empress of Begnion. It is my duty to save my people. Even the world's mightiest dragon will not dissuade me from that calling.

All right, then, child. Fulfill your duty.

You, too, deign to oppose the goddess Ashera?

I will do whatever is required to rescue those who were petrified. I beg of you, Dragon King, please reconsider what Prince Kurthnaga said to you.

It is too late. People, in our weakness, betray the gods, and are meant to be punished for it.

I cannot believe that. People are capable of both terrible and wonderful things. To describe them so simply and cynically does them a disservice.

If I am defeated today, that may convince me that I am wrong. Come... I'm waiting.

I never would have believed that one day I'd be facing off against you. Life sure is funny, sometimes.

Even you, Tibarn? Don't make me kill you. You haven't got a chance.

Don't be so sure about that. You just might be surprised. Besides, you've got a lot to answer for, Deghinsea. You'll finally pay the price for all those years of inaction and indifference as your kin were butchered and enslaved.

You shortsighted fool, you still don't understand... All right, I'm waiting. Show me what you've got.

King Deghinsea, I owe you an apology. You warned me often of the danger of open war, but I did not listen. I want you to know how truly sorry I am for the strife that has once again engulfed our world, and my part in it. However... I will not meekly accept judgment by the goddess. Regardless of my duty to her, the petrified people must be saved.

Caineghis, king of beasts. I regret that we must stand on opposing sides. Now we must determine which one of us is in the right.

Naesala, you dare challenge me?

Heh. It's funny you should ask that... I'm not deluded enough to think that I can beat you. The goddess herself would hesitate to fight you. But my people are frozen solid, and I have to delude myself enough to think that I can help save them.

You are a true king, Naesala. I am ready when you are.

I'll be thrilled if I land even a single blow. I'm much better at fleeing than fighting.

You... are of the wolf people?

Yes. After the floods, we built our country to the east of the great desert.

...So we weren't the only ones to survive...

Until we met Rafiel, we too thought ours were the only people left.

In your country, are there only people of the wolf tribe?

No, beorc live there, as well. There are also a number of what you call the parentless. Children born of both laguz and beorc parents are still relatively few... but they live normally among us.

Is that so?

That's probably enough chatting. Do you still intend to block our path?

...I will not deny my goddess.

And I won't deny my conscience. I will revive those turned to stone, and you cannot stop me.
We could probably sum up everything we know about Hatary in a goddamn tweet. We've just found out more about the place in this one conversation than we have all game.

Have at you, follower of Yune.

I won't live as long as you have, and I'll never be as powerful. Things like saving the world and fighting goddesses are just beyond me. They're out of my reach. That's why I've always chosen to fight for the smaller things in life and the people close to me. If that means I have to fight you to protect them, then so be it.

You... you're one of the parentless...

You know me?

Yes. I knew the first of your kind. I have been alive for a very long time... Perhaps too long. But soon it will all be over.
this is something.
There are a few little tidbits of news hidden away in these conversations... but on the whole, we don't learn much of any interest about Deghinsea. Which is a shame... you'd think the thousand-year-old king of dragons would be more interesting a character, but no. At least he's more interesting than Gareth.