Part 70: (Bonus Update) Conversations from Endgame Map 4
Only one of the enemies here is even capable of speech... so of course he has enough conversations for an army.

Here goes...

Hello, child... I'm a little surprised to see an ordinary boy like you, fighting for the world. This day is full of surprises!

No one's more surprised than me. I can't read people's feelings like Micaiah... I'm not invincible in battle like Ike... Between all these laguz kings and great beorc heroes, I don't really belong here.

Then why are you here?

Because there's one thing that I can't afford to lose. Micaiah. I've come all this way just to protect her... I won't lose her now.

The depth of your feelings... Might I ask your name?

Sothe. Now if you want to stand in our way, I'm prepared to cut you down.

You... I've heard about you. Have we... met before?

The Silver-Haired Maiden. It's taken so long to finally meet you. If I had known you still lived, I.. I... No, it's too late. This changes nothing. I cannot falter.

What is the matter with you?

I'm just overly sensitive. Don't feign concern over me.
(Sephiran will not attack Micaiah)
Now isn't this interesting? Something's up, here.

King Naesala, it seems as if everything went well with the pact.

Yes, for which I am thankful. The blood pact yoked Kilvas to your country's control... but we no longer suffer the curse for opposing the tyrannical edicts of your corrupt, bloated senators. Present company excluded, of course.

I'm quite glad to hear it.

You shouldn't be. You're not like the other senators, but your insane agenda has turned my nation to stone! Freedom means nothing to a statue.

My goal was simply to save Sanaki. With your help, she is safe. The mutual benefit of your country was a happy accident, so don't feel indebted to me.

So you won't object when I tear your lungs out here and now?

By all means. Be my guest.
Know what? Now that his Tragic Secret™ is a thing of the past, Naesala is

Who would've guessed that a madman on the other side of the desert would somehow threaten Hatari?

Hatari. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see it. The wolf tribe has survived all this time in the far corner of the world. Only the goddess could have known that.

Perhaps even she didn't know it. Your goddess isn't perfect, you know. Does an imperfect goddess have the right to judge imperfect beings?

I see your point. Does the creator retain the right to destroy her creations when they are no longer what she envisioned? I imagine we could discuss this sometime... if only we had more time. I believe you alone might be able to sway my opinion on this, Lady Nailah, Queen of Wolves.

You have too many opinions. I'm done talking.

Hello, King Tibarn.. I thought I might see you. Only the strongest reach the top. It's only natural that you would be among them.

You know what? I don't believe you're the big, bad, evil guy you want us to think you are.

What could you be talking about?

Ah, I was right! I see it in your eyes. I've been around for a while, and learned a bit about spotting fakes. So now that your secret's out, maybe you'd like to open up and tell me: Who are you really?


Duke of Tanas, imagine seeing you here!

Lord Sephiran, as lovely as always. But has it come to this? Must we fight to the death, and deprive the world of one of our beautiful countenances? Can other lovers of beauty endure such a loss?

I confess that your presence has me bewildered. Could this be part of Yune's plan? I simply never would have imagined you here. Your presence proves that Tellius is unravelling at the seams. Judgement cannot come soon enough.
You said it.

It's your fault what happened in Daein! Every pointless death in this war is on your head! Sephiran, Duke of Persis... History will remember you as the worst kind of man.

Everything. It's all been my fault. You should know one more thing, however. I also had a hand in the death of your father.

...Die, monster!
Wow. What an asshole.

We never spent much time together when I was in Begnion... But, Sephiran... I think I know you pretty well.

I haven't forgotten you, Haar. Shiharam's hotshot young protege. You were both exemplary soldiers. Your defection from the Begnion dracoknights was a huge loss.

Hmmm... Sort of like the huge loss when the senators managed to defeat all those great changes you proposed?


I suppose if any of those changes had happened, we wouldn't be here now. Am I wrong?

An interesting question... I'm honestly not sure, but that's all I can say about that.

Too bad. For you, and for me.

Lord Sephiran, your every action in office earned you the trust of millions of Begnion citizens. I can't believe that you could stab every one of them in the back like that.

Young lady... Actually, I should address you properly... Astrid of the Crimean Royal Knights. Did you happen to stop by your home on the way here?

No, I didn't.

Aren't you worried about your family? Perhaps you should check on them...

No. Everyone's fine. Even if they're frozen solid, I'm going to save them. I have nothing at all to worry about.

You've grown stronger. But your heart hasn't changed. Good.
Finally, he has a couple of Talks:

It is you... Now that I've seen your face... I know that you once went by another name.

You are mistaken. I am known as Sephiran, and nothing else.

You have closed your heart. Why?

...I have nothing more to say. Nothing.

("You... It... it can't be...")

("Go back to the forest. This is not where you should be.")

("No! I'm staying here with everyone! These people are my friends... my family! I will not leave them!")

Has the heron clan changed so much? They've always been so passive and accepting of their natural fate...

Go back to your forest, heron. You are like me, an avatar of order. You understand what I must do. Bask in the light of Ashera's judgement. It holds no fear for you!

I refuse to save only myself. Such an act would be an unforgivable betrayal. I will stand by my companions, and fight to the end.

Are you sure you're of the heron tribe? I've never met a heron like you... Your will is extraordinarily strong.
And, of course, he can talk to Sanaki.

...Sephiran... Everything you've ever told me, every time you gave your hand to me, every time you smiled... They were all lies? ...You're the most appalling fraud I've ever known!

No, Lady Sanaki... I've actually lied to you very little. What I have done is hold things back. I've also twisted the truth from time to time... But I have only told you one blatant falsehood. That one lie has weighed heavily on me. It makes me hate myself sometimes.


I'll always care deeply for you, my little Lady Sanaki... You are my sun and my moon. I never wished to harm you. Please... You must understand...

...No! Sephiran, no!
(Sanaki and Sephiran will not attack eachother)
So, yeah.
There isn't really much I can say about Sephiran that hasn't been stated already by a character in-game. I guess that's a good thing?