Part 71: (Endgame, Map 5) Requiem for a Goddess



Oh boy!
Like Deghinsea and Sephiran before her, Ashera is content to stand around while we administrate our guys for the last time.
In particular...

There is a conversation to view.

This is pretty much the most secret conversation ever. In order to see it, you must complete Path of Radiance and attain an A-support between Ike and Soren, import that data into Radiant Dawn, and get A-support between Ike and Soren again. We also must fulfil the requirements for a second secret thing, which we'll be seeing shortly. If you do all that, you get to see this conversation.

Speaking of supports, we kick ours up another notch. Jill and Fiona make A-rank, for +2 Def, +30 Avoid (for all that good that's going to do here), Rolf and Volke hit B-rank (+10 Hit/Avoid), and Pelleas and Elincia hit A-rank (+2 Atk/Def, +27 Hit).

One last look at our records. Happy memories.

Then, there's the requisite handing around of our last stash of BEXP. Zihark uses his share to cap strength.

Normally I'd consider it a waste, but Fiona only needed 1 point of EXP to get this level, so I'm happy.

Stop Press: Micaiah Caps Speed, Skill

Ike caps strength and speed with remarkable timing.
Now, it's time to engage in that grandest of Fire Emblem traditions: ploughing through all our accumulated stat boosters!
We chuck Nolan a Seraph Robe, because he's still 10 HP below his cap and now he's 3.
We throw Energy Drops to Elincia (who caps strength) and Gareth (who doesn't).
We give Ena two Spirit Dusts, because she's the only one with any real use for more magic at this point (it brings her to 19 -> 38 magic, and she has Imbue).

Fiona gets a Secret Book, not because she needs it but because it means she has now capped all eight stats.

Speedwings go to Elincia (cap (35)) and Gareth, because Gareth is the slowest motherfucker on our team. Funfact: If you have less than 28 speed in this mission, life is going to be hard. The speedwing doesn't exactly help Gareth, but there really wasn't much else to do with it.
Ashera Icons go to Nasir and Gareth, because dragons have characteristically shit luck.
Finally, our Dracoshield goes to Nasir, so he can maybe take a physical hit sometime. Trust me, it's important.

We have leftover BEXP, so Elincia gets some more stats.

Ike also gets levelled to 20. Seems fitting. He hits his skill cap too.

The dregs we have left are just barely enough to get Rolf to Lv 20, too.

So. How about that final battle, then?
Note the eight... things... around Ashera. Needless to say, we need to go through them to get to her. Needful to say, we have to kill all of them before she even becomes available as a target.
Also note the floor. It's a mess of Cover, Wardwood and Healcover (+15 avoid, 20%/turn HP recovery) tiles. The eight auras are standing on either Cover or Wardwood tiles, and Ashera is on a Healcover.

Here is your final boss. Ashera is not quite as much of a brick wall as Deghinsea, but she can fuck you up really quickly, and that 40 speed and 40 luck (and +15 avoid from terrain, and +25 from her 5* authority bonus) makes her hard as hell to actually hit. Her Judge weapon counts as light magic, but don't think too hard about that, because she can do lots of other bullshit with that.
Note, actually, that she's being slowed down by her weapon. This works in our favour, of course.
Seriously, Ashera is one of those bosses where I would unironically advise anyone playing the game for the first time to read a guide and look up the mechanics of the shit she does. My first time through I had to restart like 5 times due to being unable to keep the dragons safe, and in the end I just did it without them. We'll be bringing them all this time, however.

Yes, she really does have 6 SS weapon ranks.

And if you think that just because she has nothing other than Mantle means she doesn't bullshit you then you have another think coming.

The eight auras surrounding her have slightly lesser stats - although, of course, they each get +10 to either defence or resistance, depending on their position. Note also that they aren't being weighed down, so we'll need to muster up 39 AS to double them (compared to 36 to double Ashera herself).

Having no weapons, these things can't attack, but they *do* have the Aurora skill. Aurora is basically Counter with a 100% activation rate; it will send half of all damage they take back to you. It is annoying as fuck. For this reason, you'll want to equip your four Nihil scrolls (Parity also works fine, since these guys can't attack you on their turn) on your strongest guys, or whichever guys you think will be attacking most often.
I gave my Nihil scrolls to Nolan (already has one), Zihark, Rolf and Kurth, and Parity to Ike.

Well then. Let's go get our deicide on.


This is another Secret Thing. This one's easier, but a little arbitrary. You must be on a second playthrough, you must deploy the Black Knight in Part 1's endgame, and you must make Ike and the Black Knight fight in Part 3 Chapter 7 (and both must survive (like there's any chance of killing the Black Knight at that point)). Doing this will allow you to see that one memory scene (in which Sephiran wipes Ike's memory), and then you'll get to save Sephiran after defeating him. And then he shows up here.

Oh, and these spirits? Another layer of bullshit. They can kill themselves in order to revive a single aura to max HP. Failing that, they attack you. So it's worth dedicating one or two units to Spirit Patrol, since more will appear every turn.

Elincia, having no blessed weapon but being flying and high speed, is a great candidate.

Now, let's get started on the auras.
Kurth gets a nice boost from Gareth and does some respectable damage.

Rolf stands between Ena and Nasir and proceeds to murder the shit out of the bottom middle aura.

Micaiah does not have Nihil, and suffers the consequences.

A combined follow-up effort from Nolan, Zihark and Soren finishes bottom-right.

The nice thing about only having one stat left to cap is that you're guaranteed to get "perfect" levels, since the game always gives you at least one stat.

Jill and Nephenee make a start on middle-right, but only get 50 HP damage done. Since these things all have 40 luck, they get 40 HP back per turn. That's annoying.
Now, lots of our guys have taken damage, and there's some scary shit approaching. What to do?

Why, we bust out the Fortify staff, of course! Pelleas' 39 magic means basically full health for everyone, since this map isn't really that big.

Then I remember I forgot to attack with Ike. Fortunately, he has Parity, so he doesn't get hurt.
Parity is actually better than Nihil for dealing with the auras, because it allows you to negate their terrain benefits as well as their skills, basically meaning a free +10 damage. Not too shabby.

End of the first turn.

Middle-right promptly restores most of its health.

Ashera's first party trick is this AoE physical attack, rated at 52 base Mt (added to Ashera's 8 strength for 60 Atk), and losing 3 Mt per square of range. This is her least dangerous trick.

It hurts.

Though not equally. The most damage taken was 32 by Soren.

Then two more Spirits appear, and it's back to our turn.
After about a minute in which all our various Imbue/Renweal/Staff-wielding health regen resolves itself...

Lehran sidles over to Micaiah and takes her Rexaura tome.

He then uses it to double the bottom-left aura. He still has his Mantle skill, so he doesn't get affected by Aurora. Plus he gets the health regen.

Don't underestimate Nasir. He's got buckets of magic and a strong "weapon" (in fact, his base Atk is higher than Kurth's), and if you park him next to Gareth or Ena, the skill boost can help him hit home. He does so.

Bottom-left is finished by Soren.

Kurth and Nolan bring centre-left down to 14 HP.

Rolf and Volke have a "moment"... then Rolf and Ike take out centre-right.

Reyson keeps the party going with one of his four-way chants.

Lehran starts work on top-left, leaving middle-left to Fiona to kill.

Nasir gets off another lucky shot...

...and top left goes down to Nephenee. A little detail that helps in this fight is that Aurora only activates if the aura actually survives the attack. So if you kill them, you don't take any damage. Neat!

Nolan, Zihark and Volke make some progress on top-right.

Finally, Jill and Elincia take out the Spirits, Elincia gaining a level and capping luck.

Another Fortify makes it as though none of this ever happened.
Well, to us, anyway. Those six auras aren't coming back.

Anyway. End of the second turn.

Oh boy.

This is a 50 Mt (so, 65 Atk) light magic attack.

This is a second 50 Mt (so, 65 Atk) light magic attack. Yes, it can double.
This one right here is probably the reset point for most people who don't know about Ashera's bullshit in advance. This also why bringing dragons besides Kurth can be a liability. In fact, anyone who does not have both sky-high defence and resistance is potentially at risk, unless you know what attacks are coming when and park units on cover/wardwood tiles as appropriate.
The thing is, Ashera has her pick out of any unit on the map. There is literally nothing you can do to keep a given person safe. Skills like Shade/Stillness and Provoke just do not come into it. If the AI detects a one-round kill is possible, nothing will dissuade it from pursuing it. Nasir and Gareth (and Ena to an extent) have stats that just barely toe that terrifying line where +10 def or res will actually make a difference to whether or not [2x (65 - [def/res]) > HP], and the AI is better at maths than you. Having Kurth around helps... a little. But really, you need to keep an extremely close eye on the terrain and placement in this fight, and you need to know in advance what attacks are coming.

And two more Spirits.

Nasir manages to land another hit. But really, the only reason he's up here... so Lehran can stand next to him and cast double Rexaura.


Rolf, too. Sadly, one of his shots misses, but the other reduces top-middle to 35 HP.

Nolan plus speed can be very scary. He takes out top-middle.

He's 1 HP away from the cap now.

Top-right falls to Soren.

Jill gets the first hit in on Ashera herself. Ashera doesn't have Aurora, but she can counterattack, which is actually a lot worse.

I don't know if Ashera actually cheats at dodging attacks, but it sure feels like it. It might just be a psychological thing due to not being able to get 95-100% odds on her like we could with nearly every other enemy ever.

Also she has an appropriately flashy attack.


Nephenee fares a little better.

Kurth finally gets around to having a chat with Lehran.

Kurth has probably the highest possible damage output out of all the guys we have. Well, technically Gareth is stronger, but Gareth gets hit odds of like 5% vs Ashera.

Volke helps too.

Reyson helps out again.

Why, yes, Rolf can outrange the Goddess in battle.
And here's Nolan.

And we win!

That's right, folks. If all the other bullshit in this fight - the Auras, the Aurora, the insane health regen, the counterattacks, the AoE attacks, and being able to assassinate your dragons if you don't park them on the correct terrain - isn't enough, Ashera also happens to actually be immortal.
Well, fuck.

Well, since we're still here, I guess we're still doing Sprit Patrol.

Believe it or not, Ike is one of the least suited people for attacking Ashera. Ragnell is actually the least accurate of all the SS-rank weapons (save for Balberith) at 85 hit, and Ashera's got sky high avoid. We can add 15% hit chance by using Parity, but if we do that, then we don't get to take advantage of Blood Tide or Ike and Soren's support.

Also, he's got his trademark low resistance, so Ashera's counterattacks really ruin his shit.

Seriously, how is it that Urvan has more accuracy than this damn sword?
Also, Ashera is, according to the script, supposed to have battle dialog, but I've never seen it play. What's up with that? Is this an EU translation thing? Here's Ike's.

Fortunately, Pelleas is still on standby, and can make everyone's damage disappear.

End of the third turn.

Here we go again. This one is a 50 Mt (65 Atk, -3 per 1 range) AoE light magic attack. This hurts a bit more than her physical AoE, but shouldn't be fatal to anyone on full health. Your physical guys all have really high HP, and everyone with low HP is probably a mage with like 40 resistance.

A Thunder Spirit appears. You can also see the team's health bars here. As you probably imagined, Gareth and Ike were hurt the most.

Spirit goes down.


It turns out that Balberith is not the best choice for taking on Ashera, mostly due to its shit accuracy, and the fact that its 3 Mt advantage over Rexaura gets partially eaten by the fact that Judge counts as light magic, and so not only becomes only a 2 Mt advantage but also makes the spell even less accurate than usual.

Also, did you notice? Ashera won't attack Lehran. Does the Goddess of Order have an irrational emotional attachment?

Nasir gets in a shot, and doesn't mind being doubled in return due to his massive resistance and HP.

Pictured: Kurth, surrounded by Ena, Gareth, and Nasir. Besides the +10 strength and enough speed to double Ashera, he's also getting an extra +1 from his support with Ena, and the +10 skill that comes with the +10 strength represents a massively increased chance to actually land all this damage. The four dragons plus Reyson could quite conceivably end Ashera in a single turn. The only reason it doesn't happen often is because the dragons are more usefully employed to spread their bonuses around so lots of units can attack the auras. Oh, and that whole thing where being reduced to zero health doesn't seem to actually kill her. But since we're here, we might as well show this off.


Now, we could end this battle on this turn, but we have some unfinished business. So we're stalling for one more turn.

Nephenee has Provoke on. Thing is, Provoke, by design, will only distract the AI when no units are available to one-round-KO. Still though, this means we positioned everyone correctly and kept Ena and Nasir and Reyson protected from this single target, 50 Mt (58 Atk, -3/range) physical attack.

And spirits.

A few potshots on Ashera...

A good hit from Nolan...

Fiona brings Ashera down to 6 HP.


Mmm hmm...


Eight capped stats on Nolan, motherfuckers.
I missed it earlier, and there isn't enough (interesting) dialogue in this mission to warrant a Bonus Update, so here's the conversation Micaiah can have with Lehran.

And, since we can't see it, here's Sanaki's... enlightening... conversation:

Right, now we can end this.
If you want to do this properly...

You have to do it yourself.
(And you have to use Ragnell. No other weapon, even blessed, will do.)
This isn't hinted at anywhere in the game, and although it seems... appropriate? retrospect, you'd think that this would be hinted at somewhere in the battle, or at least in the dialogue you get if Ashera revives herself.
Anyway, when you command Ike to perform the fatal hit on Ashera (and if and only if the RNG determines that said hit will connect)...


Next time: After They Killed God