
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, often abbreviated to SD or just FE11, is the first DS game in the franchise, a remake of the original Fire Emblem, and one of the least beloved games in the series.
Many fans think that, after the comparatively very complex Radiant Dawn, which included skills, third-tier class upgrades, the Shove mechanic, etc., returning to basics felt like a pretty backwards move. Add in an extremely bare-bones story, a host of characters who have literally no lines aside from death grunts, the worst requirements to get bonus chapters in the franchise (and possibly games in general) and a rather poorly received shift from fancy 2D sprites to very rudimentary 3D models. The game wasnt very well liked, and the sequel didnt even get localized.
All that aside? I still think Shadow Dragon is a good game. Its probably one of my least favorite Fire Emblems, but its a good game.
So Im LPing it. Welcome.
What kind of game is Shadow Dragon?
The Fire Emblem games are turn-based strategy games, known for featuring pretty huge casts. Thats because, unlike games like Advance Wars, your units are not replenishable, as any characters who fall in battle stay dead forever. Your goal is not to let that happen as you use the variety of available units, classes, and weapons to complete all of the maps and save Archanea.
Didnt you already do this?
I did the sequel, New Mystery of the Emblem/Heroes Of Light And Shadow. Honestly they look extremely similar. Thats on the Archive here:
Certainly not required reading, I wouldnt submit anyone to that many of my awful jokes, but Ill probably reference it a lot because Im incorrigible.
What kind of playthrough is this?
Ill be doing two playthroughs. The main one youll see will be on Hard Mode (Just basic Hard, not 2-5 stars because I am, in fact, not very good), but Hard does not include the Prologue. So the Prologue and bonus chapters will be taken from my side run on Normal. On this main run Ill be recruiting every single character, and not letting any of them die. I also plan to mess around a lot more with the Reclass system than I did in FE12, to try and make some more interesting combinations. There are some hidden gems.
This game has a bizarre requirement to get the bonus chapters that requires your total unit count to fall below a certain threshold to unlock them. Basically you have to make your army commit mass suicide. Its stupid. So the Normal Mode run will basically be me ramming my units into a meat grinder to unlock the bonus chapters, and then playing through those. Ill just show off the highlights of this one, not the whole thing, so you dont have to watch the whole game twice.
If you think FE11 is so bare bones, are you doing something else with it?
Im planning on trying to spice up some of the dryness by adding in some bonus content from the sequel, which adds much more dialogue for the characters. I also never played the DLC maps in my last LP, so Ill be rectifying that here, as some of them serve as pretty nice epilogues to this game to bridge the gap between it and the sequel. That being said
Audience Participation?
Though FE11 is a very linear game, the reclassing function opens the game to a lot of fun alternate classes for units. I have a few ideas in mind, but if youre familiar with the game and want to toss out a class+unit combination, or unfamiliar and just want me to try something out, Ill give it a shot so long as it doesnt cause me to get totally obliterated. Unfortunately, reclassing wont be unlocked until Chapter 4, so youre stuck with my decisions until then. Sorry in advance.
Sadly there are no hats in this one.
Spoiler policy?
Shadow Dragon has about the most generic fantasy plot of all time. Im not super worried about this, especially since Im kind of LPing these games out of order. Im just fine with story spoilers, Ill probably drop a few, although Id rather not do gameplay ones. For example, saying were going to fight X Dude is fine. Just please dont talk all about the map surrounding X Dude until we get there.
Update Schedule?
Nothing concrete, I try to just kinda pace it with the thread, which is code for "i do not know exactly". I'll probably be moderately paced at the start, slow in the middle, and fast at the end, because somehow that's how these all turn out.
hard 1 cmon man
I have a hardwired fear of ballista and ballista accessories.
Table of Contents
- Prologue 1: Humble Beginnings
- Prologue 2: Enter The Frey
- Prologue 3: The Three Cavaliers
- Prologue 4: Sacrifice
- Chapter 1: Pirate Palooza
- Chapter 2: The Ballad O' Shanty Pete
- Chapter 3: Unfortunately Named Bandits
- Chapter 4: Lea: An open area of grassy or arable land. (Prep)
- Chapter 4: Lea: An open area of grassy or arable land. (Battle)
- Chapter 5: The Catastrophic Cavalier Cavalcade (Prep)
- Chapter 5: The Catastrophic Cavalier Cavalcade (Battle)
- Chapter 6: Ocean's 14 (Prep)
- Chapter 6: Ocean's 14 (Battle)
- Chapter 6x: A Vonderful Day To Die (Prep)
- Chapter 6x: A Vonderful Day To Die (Battle)
- Chapter 7: Death from Above, Also Below (Prep)
- Chapter 7: Death from Above, Also Below (Battle)
- Bonus Chapter #1: By The Sword
- Chapter 8: Render Unto Caesar (Prep)
- Chapter 8: Render Unto Caesar (Battle)
- Chapter 9: Questionably Canon Dragon (Prep)
- Chapter 9: Questionably Canon Dragon (Battle)
- Chapter 10: Ave Maria (Prep)
- Chapter 10: Ave Maria (Battle)
- Chapter 11: This Map Gave Me A Kidney Stone (Prep)
- Chapter 11: This Map Gave Me A Kidney Stone (Battle)
- Chapter 12: It Takes Ages (Prep)
- Chapter 12: It Takes Ages (Battle)
- Chapter 12x: Saint Jagen (Prep)
- Chapter 12x: Saint Jagen (Battle)
- Chapter 13: Pretty Much Just Me Sighing For Several Images (Prep)
- Chapter 13: Pretty Much Just Me Sighing For Several Images (Battle)
- Chapter 14: Gra'dess Of The Skies (Prep)
- Chapter 14: Gra'dess Of The Skies (Battle)
- Chapter 15: Welcome To Wizard Hell (Prep)
- Chapter 15: Welcome To Wizard Hell (Battle)
- Chapter 16: It's Pronounced Like "Chainy" (Prep)
- Chapter 16: It's Pronounced Like "Chainy" (Battle)
- Chapter 17: Marth Meets Morzas, The Matricidal Mage Manakete (Prep)
- Chapter 17: Marth Meets Morzas, The Matricidal Mage Manakete (Battle)
- Chapter 17x: Thiefless Speedrun (Prep)
- Chapter 17x: Thiefless Speedrun (Battle)
- Bonus Chapter #2: Wind and Thunder
- Chapter 18: Sable Showdown (Prep)
- Chapter 18: Sable Showdown (Battle)
- Chapter 19: 60% Orb Ratio (Prep)
- Chapter 19: 60% Orb Ratio (Battle)
- Chapter 20: Grust to Grust (Prep)
- Chapter 20: Grust to Grust (Battle)
- Chapter 20x: The Reason I Went For The Generic Units (Prep)
- Chapter 20x: The Reason I Went For The Generic Units (Battle)
- Chapter 21: Nothing Title-Worthy Happens (Prep)
- Chapter 21: Nothing Title-Worthy Happens (Battle)
- Chapter 22: Long Live The King (Prep)
- Chapter 22: Long Live The King (Battle)
- Chapter 23: Throwdown at Thabes (Prep)
- Chapter 23: Throwdown at Thabes (Battle)
- Bonus Chapter #3: Assassins
- Chapter 24: Day Late, Dolhr Short (Prep)
- Chapter 24: Day Late, Dolhr Short (Battle)
- Chapter 24x: Dimensional Detour (Prep)
- Chapter 24x: Dimensional Detour (Battle)
- Final Chapter: Shadow Dragon. (Prep)
- Final Chapter: Shadow Dragon. (Battle)
- Finale: Goodbye, Archanea
- Bonus Post: Camel Pimp's Archanean Safari: Other Great FE1 Art
Fan Art

vilkacis and I were both pretty happy to see Wrys again. But fuck Knorda Market.

Vilkacis also helps you envision Camus as that guy from your Literature and Philosophy classes who wouldn't take off his ascot, but that might just be my experience.

Vilkacis also found great use for Astram, Camus, and Hardin's old art.

Camel Pimp knows Caeda rules. Everyone should. Camel Pimp also makes portrait edits and they rule.
Camel Pimp also presents the ideal Shadow Dragon.

Camel Pimp also gets in on the forbidden romance craze.

chiasaur11 shows us the true use of the Fire Emblem, opening chests with extreme prejudice.

Blaze Dragon has achieved the best possible result in Fire Emblem Heroes.

LifeOfAGuardian discovers the long lost relic of Khadein, Elrean's fabled Smugspheres.