Part 1: Prologue 1: Humble Beginnings
Prologue 1: Humble BeginningsAltea Castle, 10 AD (After Dragon)

Ive missed these guys. Intelligent Systems has worked on every single Fire Emblem game, as well as games like Advance Wars and Paper Mario. They recently did Code Name: S.T.E.A.M., which I heard was bad? Shame.
Dunno what a nintendo is. Theyre probably out of business.

The screen divide on the DS has not been kind to this womans torso.

The horse butt is fully intact, however.

Now we get some rapidly appearing action shots!

This one is really more of an implied action shot.

Im not sure how the trajectory worked on that dragon slicing. Maybe he ricocheted off the rock?

These two are pretty important.

This is a pretty cool title screen. Im pretty sure nothing like this ever happens in game. But its a nice title screen.

I doubt I have to explain Continue or New Game to you, Copy and Erase Data are just for messing around with your save files. Extras contains some stuff we wont get into, like the defunct online battle mode, and Suspend Point will be explained when that becomes relevant. Chapter 2, I believe?

Ill be doing the main LP on Hard, but you dont get to see the Prologue on that difficulty.

So, for completions sake, these first few updates will be using the Normal difficulty. Not turning on tutorials, because thats kinda my job.
Ive already set us up for disaster.

This map is on the bottom screen the whole time, by the way, so Ill crop it out of future exposition shots.

This is Anri, one of Marths ancestors. He went on some long journey full of deserts and icecaps and it was the worst.

Fiendish Sorcerer pictured on the left. That other guy is a Paladin. Not very fiendish either.

(yeah they reuse this whole panorama in the sequel :shh:)

I really like these prologues, they werent in the original Fire Emblem this is a remake of. But theyre good tutorials with a fair amount of personality that I feel the main game suffers for not having.
The titles kinda suck though.

The generic soldiers have portraits in this LP!
This is the only improvement Ive made in two years, please enjoy.

Marth actually walks out into the hallway now.

Im sure itll be fine. How many heroic fantasy dads do you know that just up and die?

My unfunny pointing out of common storytelling tropes aside, lets take a look at Marth here.
Marth is the main character of this game, no My Unit this time to contest it. Hes the only Lord in the game, and if he dies, its Game Over. Marth is a pretty okay unit, his stats arent going to blow you away, but it doesnt really matter because hes literally required on every map.
Up at the top screen on the far left you can see Marths current Stats. Might as well get that infodump out of the way here.
HP is hit points, if those hit 0, youre dead.
Str is Strength, which is added to the damage you deal with most weapons. It also lessens the penalty to effective Speed with your heavier weapons.
Mag is Magic, which affects the use of Staves (More on those later) and the damage dealt by Tomes. Marth can never use either, so Magic is completely irrelevant on him.
Skill governs your chance to hit or critically hit (Triple Damage).
Speed determines if you can hit an enemy twice in one round of combat, or NOT get hit twice. This is a big deal, as it can potentially double or halve damage.
Luck is pretty much the inverse of Skill, it helps with lowering enemy crit chance.
Defense is subtracted from the damage of enemy physical attacks.
Resistance is subtracted from the damage of enemy magical attacks.
It seems like a lot at first, but you get the hang of what all this means pretty quickly. Just know that bigger numbers are better, and that nobody is ever going to get any damn Res.

This is how far Marth can move per turn. The red squares represent places he could attack...if he had anyone to attack.
Marth has a Movement stat of 7, which you can see to the right of his portrait. Rng refers to range. Swords have a range of one tile, and thats what he has equipped right now.

Marths got to get to the throne to talk to Elice. Thankfully, the R button allows you to swap between the Stats view and an overview of the whole map. Looks like the throne is just down this hallway.

Seems like a pretty uneventful journey. After moving, you can use an item, but since we have none, Marths just going to Wait.

This bodes well.

The generic goons in this game have some kind of accent. Ive always read it as Irish, but Cockney is probably more what they were going for.

Marths supposed to be like

Alright, now literally threatening to kill him.

Four red dots appear! (also pretend that says Enemy Phase, I promise, I get a better shot later.)

Two of these enemies will run down the hallway after Marth.

This just became a little more complicated.

The Gra soldiers near the throne are...Soldiers. Theyre an enemy-only class because they really, really suck. They can only wield Lances, and dont excel in anything.

The axe wielders rushing Marth are Fighters. Fighters use axes, and they do big damage...when they hit. Theyve got pretty terrible Skill, and arent the most reliable of units. Theyre decently sturdy, though, so they can afford a mistake or two.
That applies to most fighters, I mean. These guys are just awful.

Im swapping Marths weapon out for the Iron Sword. Those numbers next to the weapons indicate their Durability, once theyve been used that many times, they disappear into thin air! The Rapier is a good, rare weapon, and I dont want to waste Durability on these chumps.
Speaking of weapons, I should talk about the Weapon Ranks. You see to the right of Marths stats, it has a list of icons and...hyphens? Well, for weapons you can use, youll get a rank, E through A. The better the rank, the more types of that weapon you can use, and youll get some minor bonuses at the higher ranks. Weapon Rank increases the more you use that weapon type. Marth can only ever use swords.
While I have the Iron Sword selected, you can also see its stats on the bottom screen. Its E rank, has 5 Might (added to Strength to make total Attack), 100 Hit Chance before other stuff effects that, 0 bonus Critical chance, one Range, and a Weight of 4. Weight makes you effectively slower, but is reduced by your strength. Its a weird mechanic and this is the last game they used it in.
Sorry for all the mechanics chat in this update, but not much else is happening.

Theres the good Enemy Phase shot!

The first soldier attacks Marth, and the fight plays out on the top screen. You can see the damage, chance to hit, and chance to crit of both units, from left to right under them.
This guy missed.

Marth struck back twice and killed him. The other soldier tried the same thing, and met the same fate.

Time to keep advancing towards the throne.

This enemy wont move until Marth gets in range. A lot of the games foes work this way, and youll have to exploit it to your advantage for a clean run.

This dialogue triggers as you enter the throne room.

Hey! Thats our Throne!

The other Soldier attacks, however, and you might notice that Marths sword has a red arrow under it. This is the Weapon Triangle in effect, a staple of FE games. Certain weapon types put others at a disadvantage, effecting damage and hit rate.
The triangle is: Swords>Axes>Lances>Swords
None of the other weapons factor into it.

Since this is the first time Im attacking on my own turn, I can show off the combat forecast. You can check the way battles will go beforehand with this information. The x2 means Marth is fast enough to hit this guy twice.

With all but the final soldier cleared, Marth hits 100 Exp

Its a level up! A shitty level up! Each character has a percentage chance for each stat to get increased on a level. This does add some randomness to the game. There are ways to gauge some characters chances here, called growth rates...but well talk about that later.

Right now lets attack the final soldier. Since hes on the Throne, as indicated on the top screen, he gets bonuses to Avoidance and Defence this turn.

He also heals! Most bosses are on Thrones for this reason.

Still, hes no match for the

With the enemy cleared out, we can seize the throne to end the map. Every map in FE11 ends by Seizing a tile, which only Marth can do.

This game doesnt have MAP CLEAR!, to my eternal disappointment.

Dohlr is an empire ruled by a bunch of crazy dragon people. Grust has...uh...horses? The locations in Shadow Dragon arent exactly fleshed out.

He might be okay! (hes not okay)

Its hard to overestimate how unimportant Mama Marth is in these games. I dont think she even gets mentioned in the sequel.

Hey, save those dots, I know a guy later whos going to want them.

Thats the end of the first map. Only...28 to go, not counting Bonus Chapters.