Part 2: Prologue 2: Enter The Frey
Prologue 2: Enter The FreyWelcome back. Last time we met our hero, Prince Marth, as his sister told him to find Jagen and escape the castle. Today were going to find Jagen and escape the castle.

The bottom screen is blank during these prologue titles. I wanted to show that off, and this was definitely not a cropping error.

These two men on horseback run up to Marth as soon as he enters the scene.

Theres no actual time limit here, but Im sure you dont want to keep Jagen waiting.

Seems things wont be that easy, though. Jagen may be at the gates, but he has no trouble letting enemies just run on through.

Its not immediately obvious where the gates are, but if you check the map, you can helpfully see the objective tile highlighted in yellow.

By the way, just like you can see allied movement ranges, you can check that for enemies too. We dont want any of our units getting ganged up on, or hit with an attack you dont think they can take, so this can be extremely helpful.

That said, Im just going to charge these dorks because theyre awful.
Abel is honestly one of the strongest all around units in the game. He has the most availability possible (except Marth on Normal), and respectable growths in pretty much all his stats. Growths are your chances to gain a point in each stat on leveling, and they vary for each character and class. He also starts able to use the Javelin, a 1-2 ranged weapon. Its hard to go wrong with Abel.

For example, he immediately doubles this Soldier, killing him without taking a counterattack, like you normally would between hits. Thats the power of the Javelin!
This is probably a good time to introduce the Cavalier as well. Abel and Frey are both Cavaliers. They have extremely high movement and access to Lances and Swords. Theyre well rounded, and honestly one of my favorite classes. Hopefully theyre one of yours too, because Shadow Dragon vomits Cavaliers at you.

Against the fighter, Im sending Frey. Frey is like Abel but even better. Hes got better growths in almost everything.
Oh, hes also not available on any mode but Normal. So...that hurts.

Sadly he cant double the fighter for all of his HP, but Ill scoop up the kill during the Enemy Phase.

The fighter goes for Abel and does some damage, but he dies for his trouble.

Weve still got four enemies left on the map, though. Two soldiers and

Yeah, archers.

Archers exclusively use Bows, and can only hit from 2 squares away. This makes them easy to avoid counters with, but they have trouble countering themselves. Their high Skill makes for good hit rates and lots of criticals, but you have to be very careful with these units, or theyll get destroyed on the front lines.

Im using Frey down there to lure in the last soldier.

It worked out splendidly!

Now I do the same thing, but with Abel and the archer. Honestly, these enemies arent dangerous, you could just bum rush the boss, but I want to show off some strategy in the early parts of this strategy game.

Now you see him.

Now you dont. Abel got a critical there, you can tell when the screen flashes yellow and your character has a special attack animation. Its quick and hard to capture with Javelins, so Ill try to grab a better shot later.

While Abel goes to deal with the second and final archer, Frey is taking on the boss, which is just a normal soldier who wont move off of the point.

Again, really not much in these Prologue goons.

Abel did get a hit off on the archer, filling up his EXP bar and getting him his first level!

And its terrible. Dont get me wrong, Speeds a good stat, you just...hope for more than just that and HP, especially on someone as good as Abel is.

Frey also rides over to kill the archer, so I can try my luck at the Level Up wheel one more time.

Oh, this is a bad, bad omen.

Im leaving these damned halls. I will flee the bad RNG, but it could always linger.

Glad to know Jagen is always rocking those ridiculously dangerous shoulderpads.

This guy wasnt here for the Chapter itself, he just shows up in this cutscene.

Marth says Yow! a lot. Hopefully its a habit hell grow out of.

Hes not a horse, hes a Cain

Theres the Jagen I know and love.

This is a really minor nitpick, but the Throne Room of Castle Altea looks nothing like this. There are like, three different throne room maps spread across the two games in this duology for this one castle. Maybe they just remodel a lot.

Elice making the bold choice of assuming they wont just immediately stab her like they did her dad.

Little bit fatalistic there.

And he went.
So, since these updates are fairly short, I figure a bit of bonus contents in order. In Japan, the Fire Emblem Card Game, known as Fire Emblem Cipher or Fire Emblem 0, has been picking up steam. Because of that, we have lots of cards of our favorite characters, even from Shadow Dragon! So Ill try to show some of them off, since the art is available online. Credits to the Fire Emblem Wiki for that. Today, well go with our new pal, Abel.

The Green Knight, Abel
Im not sure why everything around him is on fire. I also dont know how to play the card game, although evidently you get some sort of bonus for playing Cain and Abel at the same time!