Part 5: Pirate Palooza
Glaive17 posted:
I had forgotten how ridiculous Steve's head had gotten by the end of the last LP!
Oh shit thanks for mentioning that. Credit for the base Steve portrait goes to vilkacis, and the massive hat tower was made, along with many other Steves, by CamelPimp.
Chapter 1: Pirate Palooza
Well, there goes the Prologue. Now well be hopping into the main game.
This, unfortunately, means that all my units levels are back to 1. On Normal, you can just keep playing from the prologue and keep all that progress, but since Hard skips the Prologue, were starting fresh.

Basically its what the top screen says.

There are five degrees of Hard in this game. Merciless is utterly soul crushing and sort of the precursor to modern Lunatic mode. Im only doing 1-star hard because Im not good and I dont want to hold up entire updates while I try to fumble around a chokepoint or whatever.
The only mechanical/map differences are between Normal and Hard, the stars just make enemies tougher.

No matter which mode you start on, you get the same opening narration.

A little extra bit is tacked on to summarize the events of the prologue, though. Including the crew in these ominous hoods. Evidently they all swapped to Dark Mage.

Oh, look, the bottom screen is still blank. Thats...thats an easter egg.

Im pretty sure Talys literally does not have any army at all. Im not sure why this is the safest refuge for the chosen one of the divine sword.

It was two years. Thats barely plural.

Here we are in the peaceful kingdom of Talys.

So much for the peaceful kingdom of Talys.

This guy dismantled a village!

But whos this? And why does her sprite have green hair?

Marths got a new portrait for his new age. Two years did a lot for the guy.

So far we are potentially 0/2 on dads.

Hey, its our first real map! With new units and everything! We start on the east side of the island, the Castle is on the west.
This place might look a little familiar if you played the first set of DLC maps in Awakening.

First off, heres Draug, who weve already met, but havent seen on the battlefield. Draug is a Knight, who are your archetypical tank class. They have high Defense and use Lances, but they are slow and suffer from a painfully low Movement score. Draug himself actually has a surprisingly decent Speed growth for a Knight, but hes going to have some trouble gaining Strength and really being much aside from a wall, at least in his base class.
His natural beefiness makes him a good lure for the incoming Pirates.

While Abel whiffs a Javelin (again) Ill talk about a very special unit type here, the Thief. Thieves are fast and do decent damage with their Swords (No bows until the 3DS games.), but theyre squishy. Most importantly, enemy thieves can destroy Villages, potentially depriving you of goodies.
Never be deprived of your goodies. Kill thieves ASAP. Theyre also worth a bucketload of XP, if it helps.

Meet the queen.

Caeda, also known as Shiida if you live in Europe, is a Pegasus Knight. Peg Knights can fly over terrain, get great movement, and they get fantastic Luck and Speed. Unfortunately they are squishy, and their attacks dont tend to do a ton of damage.
Caeda is all of that to a pretty extreme degree. Her speed growth is ridiculous, as is her luck, and thats without the Pegasus Knight bonuses. Shell have some trouble dealing damage against defensive enemies, but see that weapon shes holding? Thats the Wing Spear. The Wing Spear is Caeda exclusive, and it does triple damage automatically against any horseback or armored units. This game has boatloads of both, making Caeda a really, really good character, if you can keep her alive.

Meanwhile the Pirates smash themselves against Draug. Starting with 11 Defense is pretty damn useful this early on.

About three of them will rush you.

Pirate is not only the faction these guys are, its also a class, which is why this guy is called Pirate Pirate. Pirates are locked to Axes, and they have worse base stats than their closest relatives, the Fighters. They can, however, walk on water.

The double cavalier buddy line is an unstoppable defensive tactic.

Oh, I also accidentally just let this guy through to whack Gordin. Walk it off, buddy.

Theres a village near the start of the map, dont forget to have Marth Visit it!

Im extremely okay with this. If you take too long killing that thief, he might destroy this village.

Caeda also crit this guy. Her first two hits were criticals. Im sensing good things from our Pegasus Pal.

Abel also finally hit a damn Javelin.

That fort is going to make Draug functionally invincible, so Im moving him there while the rest of my units regroup and trickle in.

While the pirates up top go for Draug, theres still one down here trying to mess with the Cavaliers.

Then Abel missed a javelin.

The use me radar is slowly swinging more and more towards Cain.

...I mentioned Im not good at this, right? Keep walking it off, Gordin!

This Pirate chose to attack Jagen. This was a poor decision, but it also let me know that Jagen cant even double these level 1 pirates.

So, with one of our units...a bit the worse for wear, I want to clean up these pirates this turn, before they can make more trouble. Time to divy up the damage a bit.

Easy pickings.

Gordin provided enough chip damage to let Draug pull off the kill here.

This guy was just fucked. I should mention Caeda can double all these enemies.

This is the most Caeda of level ups.

So Hippoman, you ask, delayed like fifteen screens up, what do you do with that Gold you got?
Im glad you conveniently asked now. This is the Armory, youll find these scattered around the maps.

Since weapons have durability, its important to stock up. You can buy them at these shops. This one only has the basics, but I got one of each except the Bow, and two Iron Lances, since we have so many people using those.

The rest of the pirates are a bit more deeply entrenched, so its time to lure them out.

I also gave Caeda a Javelin. Any items you get over the inventory limit (5) will be sent to your Convoy, which Marth can access. This should help stop me from wasting the Wing Spear.

Operation Draug Bait was a success, leading to this Pirate and Hunter coming over.
Hunters are like Archers but angry. They have more damage, but less defensive power. This generally makes them better, because hopefully your bow guys arent getting hit too much anyway.
Ive marked his range specifically because bows deal triple damage to fliers, and now that we have Caeda, that would be a one shot kill.

Oh, Draug also got a level from killing that Pirate. Not exactly blowing me away here yet, guys.

I just really like this screenshot. This wasnt a miss, Marth is just a big fan of absorbing arrows with his neck.

Fuck that guy, though.

Theres a Fort right in the range of the remaining pirates. How handy! Marths gonna camp there.

Group Hug, everyone.

Well, it worked. Now to actually dispose of these guys.

Caedas a bit more accurate with this thing than Abel.

And Cains 10 XP away from a level, which is coincidentally what getting hit gives you. Lets hope this other pirate takes the bait.

Thanks, pal.

And so the chain of two stat level ups continues. Dont worry. Its gonna be fine.

Im kinda feeding Caeda EXP here as a gut reflex, since I usually play on Normal and shes still level 1 and way weaker than the others at that point.

New strategy, everybody just line up.

They really like to go for Cain.

Marth gets him low, and dodges the counter.

And Abel kills him off. Ignore the encroaching darkness, I was just a little late on the screenshot trigger.

The boss here is Gazzak. Gazzaks got a Steel Axe, which alone makes him more powerful than anything else weve seen. He also deals some pretty big damage, and the Gate hes on is basically just an outdoor Throne, so he can be tough to take down. Youll want to do this gradually.

Or, because he has no ranged weapon, you could potentially just pummel him to death with bows and javelins. This is a way to Boss Abuse, since Gazzak heals himself, you can just sorta grind EXP that way. Im not doing it because I dont want to just blow through the game.

Even though he called us sprogs.

I didnt say I wouldnt shoot him a few times for fun.

So, with bosses, its good to check the combat forecast. If I were to attack with Abel here, on the Enemy Phase he could potentially attack again and kill him. That, hypothetically, would suck, and make me have to restart the map and delete a ton of screenshots because fuck. Good thing I didnt do that, and instead just leave him parked here.

But this guy is a heavy hitter. Maybe the village could provide us with a way to help that. Someone fast, someone strong, someone


Heres Wrys, our first Curate and Stave user! Curates/Clerics (for ladies) are a utility class, using Staves to provide various effects. Healing is chief among them, and Wrys can help you patch up your units.

Get Adjacent to them with Heal, and there you go. The amount of healing done scales with Magic. Wrys himself is apparently sort of a fan favorite in Japan for being this weird bald guy with one line who just shows up and is never relevant again. In the original remake of this game, FE3s first half (this game has had TWO remakes), he was completely removed and replaced with a single Vulnerary. Satoru Iwata mentioned in an interview about this game that he liked Wrys (rip

Statwise, hes actually really awful and will very soon be outclassed. The only thing Wrys really has going for him is a rather high Resistance growth, which is an extreme rarity in this game. He's also Wrys, though, so that carries some weight. Bless you, Wrys.

Gazzaks chunking away at Abel, but our new pal can help him sustain for a while. Caeda and Gordin keep firing away from the sidelines, and slowly but surely, his HP dwindles.

Another 2 stat level up, but I cant bring myself to complain about Strength on Caeda.

Holy shit, THREE. Its turning around!

If we just keep progressing at this rate Ill be getting stats that dont even exist by the end of the game.

...Abel. Can you do it? Can you show me what Javelin dreams are made of?


Not a bad prize. Vulneraries are usable items, they restore 10 HP. We had them in the prologue but I didnt use them.

A hard fought victory. Kinda. When we get to the longer maps Ill cut more of the little details out, I dont want any completely page busting updates.
Oh and

They didnt even give this guy a name.

Marth never said he wanted that. He doesnt even talk for the rest of the chapter.

I have a good feeling about Captain Ogma.

Talk to people with portraits to recruit them.

Next time we beat up even more pirates.
Its bonus content time! Today we have the Cipher card for Talys King!

Im kidding its Caeda. I dont know why she looks like shes like, six in that card though. One sec.

Fire Emblem did a crossover with Shin Megami Tensei for the Wii U. Its called Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and its as aggressively anime as it sounds. I'm not through it all the way yet, but I did get to this! Heres Caeda reimagined as like...uh, a mind ghost thing? Persona, basically.