Part 6: The Ballad O' Shanty Pete
Chapter 2: The Ballad O Shanty PeteLast time we saved the island kingdom of Talys from pirates and hunters. This time well do that, but moreso. (this is the last chapter like this)

Thats two things.

Oh, they have Cavaliers now. I guess its not all just Pirates and hunters.

Thankfully, weve got new friends too.

Grust sent literally two guys.

This map looks more complex than it is. Theres a lot of rivers to cross (that are of no consequence to our pirate foes), but the bridges are plentiful and convenient. Well also have to deal with an attack from the north. Also, you might notice that I have Caeda highlighted, and Ogma has a yellow glow. More on that later.

Our objective is to the far west. Gomers about the same thing Gazzak was, but he has range, so no cheesing him with Javelins or bows.

Also, this guy is mixed in with the enemies north of here. Well want Marth in his range. But we have FOUR new units to check out, so lets do that.

Ogma fuckin rules. I dont know what else to say except that hes good. Hes got solid stats in just about everything thats not magic related, and hes got a ton of usability, coming in at chapter 2.
Hes also our first Mercenary. Mercs are tanky and strong, but they arent too quick, and they can only use swords. I dont like them quite as much as Cavaliers, but they are seriously a good class, especially in the early game when axes are all over the place.

Cord is alright. He suffers from starting with an E rank in his native weapon class, but his stats are okay. Compared to his brother Bord (yes, they are named Bord and Cord. Shadow Dragon.), hes faster, but lands less hits. Hes also got a hidden talent that I plan to show off when we get reclassing.

Bord is slower than Cord, but he gets more HP and strength. He gets a C off the bat in Axes, though, and comes with the Hammer, which is a triple damage weapon against armored classes. Theyre both fighters, so they serve as decent hit-sinks at the very least.

If you read the last LP you know I love Barst. His personal Strength and HP growths are kinda shockingly bad (Somehow some of the lowest in the game, though simply being a Fighter gives him class growth bonuses that help balance that), but everything else is pretty solid. Ive honestly always had good luck with him, it might be just because he comes early and with some fantastic base stats.
Honestly his growths were a lot lower than I expected, because Ive always heard of people having great luck with Barst, even in his bad stats. Is this some kind of localized group hallucination?

Now that the introductions are out of the way, its time to start the map. I want someone durable to block the upper bridge, so Ogmas on call. I also want Marth on the very tip of Darros range, because I dont want to create an unintentional chokepoint.

Remember Ogmas yellow aura? That means the currently selected unit can talk to them. This is especially useful when recruiting units, so you know who needs to speak to them. Although it is almost always Marth or Caeda.
This, however, is just a bonus flavor conversation. Its the closest this game has to Support Conversations, and theyre rare, so enjoy them when they come.

You can have this chat at any time with Caeda and Ogma, so...I guess assume he didnt literally just join us.

Im pretty sure thats a joke, because Ogmas whole backstory is that he was beaten to near death for helping a slave gladiator, and Caedas intervention was the only thing that saved him. Of course thats never mentioned in this game, because Shadow Dragon. Its in the sequel though.
Or maybe King Talys is just a dick and Caeda takes after her unseen mom.

Caeda and Ogma are pals! Theyre such good pals, there was a DLC about it in the sequel. But thats for later. Now theyll never speak again.

Heres how Im set up for this turn. I want the bulk of the team ready to push west, but a few powerful units like Caeda and Ogma near the north to deal with the enemies up there.

Darros immediately runs up and talks to Marth. You dont even have to trigger this manually.

Well make him our matey.

Apparently this pirate didnt like either bridge, and decides to use the river to go for Abel. Its alright by me.

The Cavaliers on this map will also rush you, so its easy to get them caught out without their allies if you time it right.

Now that we have Darros, I want to kill off the northern enemies. Caeda can double down the hunter.

As for Darros himself, hes the only recruitable natural Pirate in the game. I think Darros is pretty okay. Hes not great, but he hits hard and he gets quite a bit of HP. However, he has some pretty serious speed issues, which only get worse as the game goes on. If he doesnt get very lucky there, he can quickly become a liability.
For a bit of trivia, Darros didnt appear in the first remake of this game, FE3, but he was added back in for this and the sequel, just like Wrys.

For now though, Darros is gonna dice this goon.

The other pirate came around south for Cain, but since I moved Cain up to fight the northern front, Draug gets the kill.

One of Ogmas best assets early on is his frankly ridiculous base speed. Sometimes he can double with his steel weapon, which will kill pretty much anything at this point.


Is this Abels idea of a joke? Buddy. Please.

Youre getting outshined by Gordin. This is embarrassing.

Second verse, same as the first. Two relatively durable units to wait for the incoming cavaliers.

Also Jagen sneaks in for some conversation. That wacky Jagen.


The Cavaliers are pretty beefy, but its nothing you cant deal with.

Also Barst is a storm of pain and axes.

The Rapier is, of course, an elegant solution to any Horse Problems.

Cord and Gordin team up to down the second Cavalier, and thats all the impact they have. Way to go, Grust, you sure did assassinate Prince Marth!

Third verse, same as the previous two verses. Although, Bords not that durable. Im sure itll be fine, though.
how could I fuck this up?

There are some Hunters over there, including this guy. He looks like he could use a pick-me-up chat from a fellow blue-head.
I mean Caeda, because I just realized how ambiguous that is in this universe.

Ill have Jagen pull him closer.

Bord manages to whiff this 82% in one of the more embarrassing misses so far.

Heres your other hint to talk to Castor with Caeda, delivered hopefully not as he shoots Caeda. Which can totally happen.

Pulling Castor also pulls the other Hunter. It may look like Ive bitten off more than I can chew, but

So heres a problem with Darros already. His strength and speed arent enough to let him not get doubled against these guys with his Steel Axe. So this is just a death sentence.

I dont feel super confident about this setup. If only there were a handy feature with which I could achieve a sense of assurance.

The glowing blue tiles let you save your game mid-chapter. This is a compromise between FE10s you can save whenever you want system, which sorta made you nearly invincible, (Disabled on Hard Mode, though.) and the rest of the series fuck you system.

You only get two Map Save slots across all your files, though, which is kinda weird, since you can have 3.

With some backup from Gordin, Bords actually able to down his Pirate foe, though.

Well, lets see how this turns out.


Oh, thats handy.
I wont be showing when I do this in the future, dont worry, I just wanted to show what the system looks like.

Maybe I DONT want Bord there.

This seems better.

This seems even more better.

There. More fortified across the board.

And everyones looking quite a bit more alive. They shot over Jagen, though, so he did nothing. Poor Jagen.

Cmere, Castor.

Castor is meant to be a con artist, but he really, really sucks at it. Again, something not actually mentioned in game. NES cartridge dialogue limits brought to a new era.

Hes bad at this.

Or maybe he decided to join after he watched Caeda nonchalantly Javelin a mans guts out. Either solution is possible.

Its a very Caeda level up.

So, Castor (dented due to eating an Abel Javelin) is a bow unit who is way better than Gordin. His HP sucks, but he has pretty solid growths in some key stats, like a nice 20% in Strength, equal to Cain. A lot of people like to reclass him because bow locked units are meh, and it helps to cover some of his weaknesses (Like that ugly 0% HP growth.)
Also, did you notice the yellow Marth? Sharp eyes.

Wrys you cant even use Skill, you silly goose.

With the threat of Bord dying no longer on the table, it doesnt take much to mop up the rest of these guys.

Fourth verse, its the last verse. Ogma and Jagen are beefy enough to survive hits from the pirates while Marth chats with our new ally.

Well, that worked out.

Cord went Axe Shopping and got a few backups for weapons we already have.

Theres also a village up here. Sorry I didnt get that in the shots earlier. This one is in no danger, though, because there arent any Thieves in the enemy ranks.

This is nice, but Im more excited to meet Sister Lena. Shes good at her job!

Just like with Gazzak, Gomer isnt someone you want to attack on your turn. Let him hit you so you dont get doubled up by a hit and a counter. Also, I know he has a low hit rate, but never, ever trust the hit rates.

...I want to recruit Gomer, can we please recruit Gomer? Id take Shanty Pete.

Cain flees upon the invocation of the mighty Shanty Pete.

So, the best way to do this is just to rotate your units in and out to be healed by Wrys or the fort, letting one take a hit from Gomer and counter each turn, until hes low enough to kill.

Again, not attacking on my turn, but Caedas a really good bet for most early bosses.

This goes on for a while. Ill spare you.

Cain landing a crit does wonders to weaken him, though.

Im getting increasingly worried about the home teams stats here.

A sneaky Wrys level before the end.

Beware using Steel Weapons because of their weight! Im really glad they dropped that system after this game.

Abel gets the honor of the final blow, once again.

Thats more like it.

Also good! Why did Gomer have this?
...Maybe this was Shanty Petes sword.

Heres another ending conversation where Marth just stares at someone. I think its justified in this case, though, because this guys eyebrows fuse to become his mustache.

Next time the game outdoes me in the pun department.
Have a Cipher Ogma.

I like his...forearm band?
...Also, because it must be seen, and its on the Fire Emblem Wiki, Anime Ogma.