Part 7: Unfortunately Named Bandits
Chapter 3: Unfortunately Named BanditsAlright, thats enough pirates. Were done with pirates!

Mostly. Lets go climb a mountain.

This chapter name is so much better than anything I could come up with, damn.

You can see the little line connecting us to our previous location on the bottom screen there, its pretty neat.

Thats a dumb name. Dumb names are the theme of todays map.

Looks like a Thief and a Cleric. And theyre blue. Thats always good.

So, Im using the Serenes Forest online script for this game, and its got a few typos. One being that the last line is transcribed as Tick-tack. Thats just the first one I noticed because it gets in the way of the rhyming!

Uh oh. Seems someone isnt too happy with this. Hes even busting out his catchphrase.

So, the main gimmick for this map is that were basically fighting on two fronts. All of our usual units are in the bottom right, with Jagen bizarrely west of everyone else. Were just pushing northwest. Which we have in every map so far. Huh.

But we also have to help out these two on the east.
This is Julian, our first Thief. Julian is good just because of his utility. Well encounter locked doors and chests, and Julian doesnt need keys for either. His combat actually isnt too shabby either, though hell never be very durable, so hes a bit high risk. Im pretty happy to have him, though.

Lena is the best Cleric in the game. She shows up with an automatic C in Staves, the ABSURDLY GOOD Warp staff, and even an exclusive stave only she can use later. In addition, her stat growths are good. Shes got good Luck, is tied for the highest Resistance Growth in the game, and the second best Magic. You could swap her to a Mage and still get some good results.
A solid hit will kill her easily, though. She has our first NEGATIVE personal growth rate, -5% HP. Thankfully each class grants their own bonus rates, and thats enough to ensure she at least always has a chance at it. Still, dont count on her to tank anything. Shes really best as a staff user.

The fearsome swordsman mentioned last time is here, and he and his minions will give chase to our new friends. We should probably stop them.

Thankfully, the mountains form a natural chokepoint, so the Cavaliers, along with Draug and Cord, should serve as sufficient backup.

Everyone else just rushes west. Theres even a village here! Jagens just...already here.

All of these units will start to run for us, as well as three fighters from the western group of foes.

Im trying to strategically position Caeda here. Its pretty crucial she goes with the east group. Theres no hint for this, and I missed it on my first playthrough years ago.

Julian and Lena pretty easily clear out, and Draug blocks the whole canyon with his powerful defense.

So I realized the others can probably just go

What treasure could lie in wait?

Oh fuck you.
The Devil Axe is an immensely powerful weapon...with a drawback. Sometimes it decides to hit YOU instead. Luck lowers the chance of it happening, but I dont have the exact numbers. I believe the formula is If:FucksThePlayerOver=yes

Anyway, Caedas got a great vantage point to wipe out the only ranged member of the eastern bandits.


The Fighters come a bit staggered, but we can lure one into attacking Darros.

Marth can also chat with our new pal, Julian. This isnt required to recruit him, he does that automatically.

(I tried to get the blink, I really did.)

I dont think they ever explain how Lena got Julian to swap sides, aside from shes pretty and he has a crush. That might just be it. It would fit him pretty well.

Julian is a pretty good dork.

While they were chatting the rest of the crew mopped up the first fighter. He didnt go all the way to Darros.

Id prefer Strength, but I like those.

I think Draug ought to be okay up here.

One of them went back for Caeda, though. Thats impolite.

Fighters do have a bit of an issue hitting stuff. The hit formula is generous in FE11, though. In the GBA games this would have been way worse.

Also, Julian cleans up nicely.

Castor is one point from a kill here.

At least Marth can benefit.

Now then, thats it for the Fighters. There are a few Hunters northwest of us, though

A bit of lure, with a ranged rebuttal attached. Ought to work.

Uh oh, Jagens bored again. Hes chatting up the villagers.

I already mentioned that.

This guy is still bothering me, though. We could use some reinforcements. If only someone were around to help.

Well then.

(almost always)

Hes totally lying, hell chop Lena to ribbons if he gets close. Or Caeda, for that matter, unless you talk to him first. I think hes just shy around girls.

Or, like Castor, he saw her casually murder a guy with a javelin and reconsidered. Honestly, viable option.

So, lets talk about...Na...varre? Nabarl? It depends where you live and what translation you like. Navabarle is a Myrmidon, which is like the Mercenary, but faster and with more skill in exchange for strength and bulk. They were the same class in the original.
Nav himself is pretty much the perfect example of his class. Hes quick, hell smash his foes with crits, but he doesnt have the tanking capability of, say, Ogma. So I dont like him as much, but hes definitely very good. He also comes with a C in Swords and the Killing Edge, which adds a huge bonus to Crit chance. Hes quite a useful pickup.

Also, the Abel Bait worked smoothly. Come to me, my foolish hunters.

Oh hey, this is pretty much Navarre.png. Not a ton of HP, but damn if hes not going to crit this guy into oblivion.

While I have the chance, we can chat with Lena too.

Marth, shes a Cleric. Helping is like, her thing.

Yeah, that!

Just stay behind that pirate and youll be alright.

Draug pretty much has everything covered up here, so we can forget about this half of the battle and move onto our final push to the Soothsire lair!

Meanwhile, these two will battle for eternity...or until Draug just kills him.

I approach the castle by putting a bulky guy in range of the goons to lure them close. Look, theres not a ton of variety early on here.

Yikes, though, thats a big number on Abel. The last Soothsire guard on the right has a Steel Axe, which makes him pretty dangerous, if inaccurate.

Then again...I have one too. Barst


Damn, no mercy for these guys.

Theres a semi-hidden armory behind the boss. Im sending Caeda to it.

Also, while getting ready to fight the boss, Wrys staves level up

Not much we havent seen. Grabbed one of everything but the Hammer.
So, uh, in Europe this next boss is called Reynard. In the US

Hy...Goubers got a Hand Axe. Honestly hes pretty much the same boss Gomer was.

Hes still quite a threat, though. Hes also got Lenas mend staff!

The biggest issue with Gouber is his speed. 14 is hefty for this point of the game, and a double from him could send most of our units to an early grave.

Like usual, Ogma is an exception.

I feel like Im leaning on him a bit much, though and there is a save point on this map.
Do I dare?


Probably yes.

I love this man. I love Barst.

Three good new units? 15k free gold? Im happy with this.

Next time I google what a Lea is so I sound impressive on the internet.
Bonus Content (wow!)
Heres the guy we just got.

There are like five different Nacards, so Im saving some of them for later. For now, though, take this Tokyo Mirage Sessions edgy boy!

I am unsure why his arm is a Slinky.
P.S.: If youre reading this live, today this game has been rereleased on Wii U! If you want to play it, its there, its 10 bucks, and you dont have to put up with me the whole time. So I mean, theres that!