Part 12: Ocean's 14 (Prep)
Chapter 6: Oceans 14 (Prep)I have managed to pry myself out of the maw of post-holiday cleanup and Steam Winter Sale splurging to provide todays prep update.

Please enjoy.
(seriously please try this part of the game is pretty dull)

Weve just moved inside that building Merach was guarding in the last chapter. Its bigger on the inside.

As the chapter narration there implied, this map is a good one for thieves. Well be indoors, so Caeda will be slightly more handicapped than she usually is getting around. You can still use mounted units indoors, of course. Having to dismount would be RIDICULOUS.
(you totally did that in the original)
Well also be up against a number of Knights, so Cord is going to be an asset, as well as Barst if I slap him with the Hammer.

As was requested, heres Curate Hardin.
I dont even like Final Fantasy 2, but Rabbi Raccoon has good taste in finding lookalike characters. Also Minwu was pretty rad, I cant deny that.

I also went ahead and made Wolf into a General for this map, because I want to show how hilariously busted General Wolf is early on, and Draugs on Bow Vacation.
Generals are Promoted Knights, and can use Lances and Bows.

Speaking of Lances, we have a ton of them! Mostly from all the Cavaliers that have shoved their way into the party. You can always sell them if you want, but I like keeping spare low rank weapons around, in case of reclassing.

I also totally forgot to explain the details of Excalibur when Merric joined. My bad. Excalibur is a weird Tome, it can only be used by male characters, and its B rank...except for Merric, who can use it at E rank.
It also does triple damage to flying units, and since fliers are so good in FE11, its a fantastic weapon. Cords a long way from using it, though.

This map itself is easily the most complex weve seen so far. Well have to make our way through the castle to reach that Throne, as usual, but were in very tight quarters.

To add to that unfortunate squeeze, well have to deal with lots of Knights blocking the paths from these side rooms, as well as Archers and Mages forming a backline. If you can blow down a knight and kill his support on the same turn, it makes a lot of difference in how well you can clear this map.
You might also notice lots of chests scattered around. Julians going to have his hands full. Both proverbially and literally. Move quick, though, because enemy thieves will also go for the prizes, and then you have to kill them to get it back.

Its a good habit to get into checking enemies out before the map, because sometimes youll find weird outlier enemies like this random Cavalier packing a Silver Lance! Hes also holding a Master Key, a five use item that effectively turns any character into a Thief, letting them open a locked door or chest.

Of particular note is this chest, rudely guarded by a Knight and two Archers. Also this hallway is baffling. The whole castle is baffling. Who lives here?

The boss is packing quite a bit of backup too, although some of those units will charge us. Others have got to be lured out.

As for the boss himself, its our first Promoted enemy boss, Emereus the General. Hes really not a bigger threat than Merach was, given his one range weapon, but dont try to fight him head on. Hes also got a Master Key. Its almost like this chapter is Thief themed

Oh also theres a recruitable thief right north of us.
Lets help him out next time, when I manage to again struggle out of the grip of pulling stray tinsel off of my clothes and playing Dishonored 2. (its really cool)
Bonus Content!
In the sequel, every character has Support Conversations with the player avatar, My Unit/Chris. Ill be recycling Steve from the last LP because we already have this lovely portrait.
Reclassing Is Pretty Rad (Steve/Sedgar 2)

(I had to look that up, horse tack is like saddles and what not. Horse accessories.)

Who else would lead the Wolfguard?

I like this one because it feels like a bit of a nod from the writers about how people would very frequently reclass Wolf in Shadow Dragon because of how totally broken you can make him. Thus the mentions of him using roughly every kind of weapon.
Also, heres Sedgars Cipher Card, because I doubt Ill be showing it off later:

The Assistant Leader of the Wolf Knights, Sedgar
Gonna assume Wolf Knights is a finicky translation for Wolfguard.