Part 18: Bonus Chapter #1: By The Sword
Bonus Chapter # 1: By The Sword

Ive missed this.
So this is New Mystery of the Emblem (or Heroes of Light and Shadow). It is NOT Shadow Dragon. This is the sequel that was only released in Japan. However, Im playing the English patched version, and today well be taking a look at one of the three DLC maps released for the game. The English translation was done by a group called "Heroes of Shadow", and they did a fantastic job, this game reads great. But I spent an entire thread gushing about this game already, so I'll try and curb it here.

These maps (You can see them on the left) were free to download, and helped fill in some gaps in the story between Shadow Dragon and New Mystery. I didnt do them in my New Mystery LP, because I was kind of worn out. So well be seeing them here, as they add some much needed flavor to the Archanea setting.
Sadly, this content is no longer available, due to the Nintendo WiFi Network being removed for the DS, so youll need a save file with it already downloaded to play it.

Today were tackling By the Sword. This kicked my ass many, many times, by the way.

I dont know what the clans are, but its probably safe to bet that given that this is Talys, theyre pirates.

The camera pans on Cords ellipsis. Hes a man of many talents.

In case you wondered, yes, all of Navarres dialogue in this map sounds like this.

Lets get things started. Unfortunately, theres no prep screen, so Ill have to go with the old standby tactic of just panning around the map to show you whats going on. We have Ogma in the northwest corner, and hes pretty powerful, though the enemies here can still easily overwhelm him. There are some staggeringly high hitters in this stage.

To the southeast, already surrounded, Bord and Cord. Bords main strength is, as in Shadow Dragon, his instant access to the Hammer.

Cord honestly just kinda sucks in this map. Its a bit of a chore to keep him alive, but note the Vulnerary. Youll need that.

The southwest has a Dark Mage, a Mercenary, and this myrmidon, Maris. Shes pretty much better than Ogma in every way. Too bad shes a Red Unit.

The southeast corner is also full of enemies, the only really notable one being Dice here. That Devil Axe can easily kill you. Or...or him. Hes Maris dad, by the way. These two characters dont appear in Shadow Dragon, but theyre in New Mystery.

The northeast of course houses Navarre, who will try to rush down Ogma immediately. Also some lackeys.
Lets see if we cant outlast them. I apologize in advance, by the way, if the screencaps are kinda frantic in this update. This map took me a lot of attempts, a lot of deleting screens, etc.

First off, Ogma needs to RUN. We dont want to kill Nabarl, as you could probably guess. Im also unequipping his weapon, because hes now in Maris range, and I dont want to hurt her either. Thankfully, being Ogma, he can take a hit.

Meanwhile, Bord attacks the Barbarian.

He missed. This means I have to reset the map, as I cant kill that Barbarian with just Cord.
Yeah, this one is really a huge pain to do and keep everyone alive, because theres sort of a very specific strategy they want you to follow, and even if you do, RNG can fuck you over. Of course, it can also rescue you, but the sheer amount of luck involved in a map you cant adjust or prepare your team for really sorta turned me off to this stage.

So, one reset later, he hits and I finish the Barb off. End of turn.

The other HP missing from Ogma is because the Dark Mage zapped him. Hes hidden below the HP bar. I, uh, I did warn you about this.

Anyway, even though shes stabbed him once, Ogmas still up for a chat with Maris here!

Ogmas a really good guy. Theres another character in New Mystery who personally credits him for saving his life.

So, now we have Maris, and by Maris, the means to recruit Dice on the other side of the map. Thats easier said than done.

Also Ogma has to immediately chug a Vulnerary, or hell die to Navarres next attack. Thankfully, talking to a character counts as sort of a free action, though you cant move afterwards.

Maris has a rad eyepatch and purple hair.

What Im saying is that shes great.

Cord takes out the Thief who rushed him last turn. The only other enemy poised to attack this turn is the Knight.

Also, a surprisingly good levelup.

Im doing a DOUBLE TACTICAL MOVE with Bord here. Ive moved him within range of the Knight and given him the Hammer so he can one shot him...but I also traded over Cords vulnerary and took a drink. This is the high level play you can expect for roughly one to two more turns.

It works pretty well!

Unfortunately, weve still got this joker to deal with.

Dastard is my favorite Fire Emblem word, holy shit. I know its a real word, but I always associate it with being a weirdly out of place half-curse in a lot of the later games in this series.

He does 10 damage and moves on.

This poor Mercenary must be the even younger brother of shitty little brother Mercenary from Chapter 7. Maris doubles him and clears the path for Ogma. Something special happens at the start of the player phase, though.

Thanks, blinking sprite, for relieving me of having to make jokes again.

But Norne and Caeda are going to have to wait, Ogmas gotta keep running and drinking Vulneraries so he doesnt get killed by the encroaching sword idiot.

Norne cant really do anything this turn, so I pass her Vulnerary onto Cord. This is pretty important in this map, you have no healing aside from them, unless you count the forts.

So, Ill try to lure out one of the barbarians on the eastern side, while Caeda moves towards Ogma. You can probably guess why.

It might seem a little reckless to pull this guy over, but all of these enemies will start encroaching on you soon, and the thinner they are, the better.

And so, Nabavab just continues slapping Ogma with his sword.

Oh, and Bord missed.

Fun fact, on one run I got here and Bord, Cord, and Norne all missed. Reset.

Thankfully that didnt happen again. Begone, horrible flashbacks.

So, now that weve stalled until Caeda got here, we can finally talk to Nabarvol.

This is pretty much Caedas only tactic.

Ogmas going to drink a Vulnerary and camp out on this fort for something thats coming in soon. Were approaching the hard part of this map.

At the start of Turn 5, this Berserker spawns in, as well as a Knight up north near Navarres starting point. And every enemy starts to rush you.
Since I dont think weve met Berserkers yet in the main LP, I should explain them. Theyre promoted Pirates. Thats...thats about it.

Thankfully, the reinforcements dont get to move on their first turns, and the others kindly wait for them, so I can set up a little.

I moved Bord with a Hammer up to the bridge to intercept that Knight.

Everyone else sorta hovers out of range, except Norne, who can counterattack the Hand Axe thats coming her way. Ogma on the fort can withstand the Berserker, but hes seriously bad news, with an attack of 25. He will one round kill Cord or Bord if they even get near him.

The knights also have Steel Lances, and thus hit pretty damn hard. Caedas Wing Spear is an alternate way to down them, but her low durability means you really cant rely too much on it.

(she missed)

Thankfully, so did the Berserker! Still, now hes too close to our other units, and needs to go down, fast.

Oh, also more reinforcements. Including a second, identical Berserker from the east. Dont forget, they can walk on water!

Bord immediately retreats to heal up, because the Knight chunked him hard. Again, the UI makes it kinda hard to see, but hes behind the word Hit, under Maris.

Another whiff from the Berserker. I think this is the moment some sort of angel of good fortune, but only while playing video games for the internet, decided to bless me with an extremely specific boon.

There was soon nothing left of this guy. Him having 3 HP helps with that.

Maris is particularly useful here since she can one round kill the Barbarians and Dark Mages, and shes got a great dodge rate.

Norne drinks a Vulnerary, and I really just have to weather this storm for now.

In this exciting combat encounter, neither combatant hits eachother.

Also Dice just threw a Hand Axe at his own daughter. What the fuck, dad?

Holy shit, Cord, please.

This might look close. Thats because it shouldnt have worked. Both the Hunter and Barbarian to the north missed, and thats why Cords still alive. Im unashamed of this because it was like Take 8 of this map.

And now I have to clean out this disgusting blob of Red Units. Ogma gets the ball rolling well.

Thankfully, one of these opponents is a bit easier to deal with than the others. Its the guy in the Viking Helmet, yes.

They keep calling him The mercenary Ogma. Is there another Ogma who does something much less interesting in this universe?

Ive missed Viking Gamble Dad. This is the last well see of him, though.

Also, Maris takes out a neighboring goon and gets a nice level. Talking next to enemies can pay off.

Time for Cord to run and hide for the rest of the map.

So, Im not going to be able to take out all of those enemies, and I dont want to risk a Devil Axe, so Dice equips a Hand Axe and blocks the bridge.

Bord gets brave for a bit and removes one source of damage, though.

I really wish I was getting these levels in the actual game.

Nababble manages to take this Dark Mage down in a single round, with his signature commentary.

Oh, Dice is also going to eat some damage here from both the Knight and the Berserker, but his massive (compared to everyone else) health pool makes him our best shot at surviving.

Im cutting it a little close again here. This map!

i am extremely good at fire emblem.

Thankfully, this Berserker has unknowingly placed himself in a really good spot for me.

Heres some sweet revenge for Bord.

And a pretty sweet level! Hes still worse than Maris, though she does have six levels on him.

And now...a gamble. This, I think, is about the only way to get rid of this guy ASAP. Cross your fingers, no save points on this one.


Now Ogma blocks the bridge, so Dice is safe, even with his tiny HP remaining.

Maris also cleans up the last Hunter.

And then there were two!



This beat the hell out of me. But hey, its done! Ill take it.

If Navarre is dead, the soldier says they couldnt find his body.
And now...some thoughtful interludes.

Someone should take away my access to

Shut up.

Next time we go back to the actual game Im supposed to be LPing.
Bonus Content

Wielder of the Hard Sword, Ogma

Wielder of the Certain Kill Sword, Navarre
Keep in mind the titles are unofficial, direct translations. So, uh, I think the second one is supposed to be "Killing Edge". Ogma's got a Levin Sword in that picture, by the way. That's a bad idea for Ogma.
Edit: I'm wrong! Thankfully, someone who can actually read Japanese, Shingouryu gave the translation:
"The first two Kanji are indeed sure kill, followed by sword, which in this context should be "hissatsuken" This is followed by user, which would be pronounced "tsukaite""
And for Ogma:
"Ogma was a bit more difficult, as I didn't recognize the first kanji.
I'm a little confused by the translation. While 剛 can indeed mean "hard," my assumption is the intended meaning is "strong" or "manly.""