Part 23: Ave Maria (Prep)
Chapter 10: Ave Maria (Prep)Last time around, Marth and pals managed to overthrow an entire island nation and well never acknowledge it again. More importantly, Catria showed up and informed him that Minerva was being coerced due to her sister being held captive.

Time to do something about that. Because no boat is mentioned, I assume everyone just piles on Catria and Caedas pegasi.

Thats why they dont get named. For their own safety.

This map can be kind of a rough one, especially after Chapter 9 is relatively easy. You can pretty quickly end up in a very tight situation. This is also the first time well be seeing promoted enemy units that arent stationary bosses or weak, very gimped Horsemen.

This is also a relatively complicated map.

So, best to work this one backwards, well have to make our way to that castle in the top left corner. Right above him we have Minerva, and a lot of other fliers.

So, to get there, weve got two paths. Regardless, weve got to go around the southern end of the fortress in the center of the map, but then you can either pass through it or go around it.

The fort itself is a bit of a crowded maze, its got some chests, close quarters, and the unfortunate appearance of our first enemy Sniper. If this guy gets near Caeda, shell be a puddle. That said, I do want his Silver Bow.

Theres also two chests here, which start with a Thief right next to them. Youd think this might mean we shouldnt bring Julian in the building, but thats a locked door in the center there! Also the thief can only open one chest.

And theres Maria. You dont HAVE to save her, but youll miss out on Minerva if you don't do so. So lets not do that.

The exit is guarded, however, by another promoted foe. Id call these guys minibosses, but thats way too generous. Whats most interesting here is the Master Seal.

Still, going through the castle means youll have to creep through this forested cliff, and probably the fliers. For reasons youll see in the battle proper, its also not a great idea to be too slow here.

Im benching Navarre and Roger for now, and letting our new Sniper get some spotlight time. This level has a lot of enemies you might want to hit from a distance. And we might need tools for that. Given that Cords an axe is starting to wear down...

Heres another axe.

While trying to find a good use for the Goddess Icon, I noticed that Draug only had three luck. Two more points bring him up to five. Honestly, I pretty rarely think much about who I spend this on, because Luck is a weird stat Im not worried about Min/Maxing. The answer to Who doesnt want to get Crit? is Everyone.

Also, Im not reclassing anyone for this chapter...but I did want to show off that if I did reclass Caeda, shed hit the cap for Speed. Caeda is fast as shit.
Next time we save our second Princess. (Caeda doesnt count, I think we were her henchmen in that map.)
Bonus Content
I wanted to use Jeorge here, but reading his supports for the first time made me realize that he has a pretty decent amount of backstory (That of course will never, ever be mentioned in this game.) and that they do spoil FE12, which Im trying not to do...too much, just in case. So Im going to recommend reading those at SerenesForest right here if you're interested before I get onto the normal stuff.
Now for the normal stuff.
Draugs Secret Technique

I mean, he does have 5 whole Luck now!

Id make a comment again about how sad it is theres no fan art of this, but last time I said that I was extremely (though thankfully) wrong. Maybe this is the source of that balloon Draug art from earlier?

That would make him take triple arrow damage. Just saying.