Part 27: It Takes Ages (Prep)
Chapter 12: It Takes Ages (Prep)Time to siege another castle. This doesnt happen every six chapters exactly, though Id forgive you for getting that impression.
Oddly enough it is roughly that often though.

I love that the Archanean palace is just called The Palace.

I have to admit to being a little confused here. Because even not counting Dolhr, since its an empire and older than Archanea, I think, or...Pyrathi, there are seven other nations in Archanea. Aurelis, Altea, Gra, Talys, Macedon, Khadein, and Grust. Maybe Altea and Gra are meant to count as one? Maybe Talys doesnt count since its an island?
Speaking of which, I do have a map here, from the Fire Emblem wiki. Some of the names are in Japanese, but I did relabel them. Seamlessly, you totally cant tell.

In case you were wondering about the geography aspects of this LP.

This chapter is skimpy on the character slots, for reasons that will become apparent very quickly. I dropped Ogma because hes high level and can afford missing a map, and Draug because hes not doing so hot. I made room for Linde and Maria, and its a very good idea to bring a Thief on this map, so Julian will help out.

This map starts off already inside the palace, but dont totally count that outdoor area out. If this looks familiar, thanks for reading the other thread! Or, you know, playing the game yourself, but I can dream.

There are a pair of thieves who have chosen the absolute worst spot to start.

Good thing theyre full of loot.

Theres a prison cell here, guarded by a hefty barricade of Knights and some ranged units. Its important to get here quick, so Armor Knight counters will be pretty useful.

After that, theres a long stretch of hallway that looks like it might be the perfect place for, say, some sudden, moving mounted units. Just a hunch. And at the end, a Manakete.

Theres also an alternate path full of treasure, but its well guarded by a General and Sniper. Julians going to be looting in here, but hell need an escort.

Since were already at the throne, Ill show off the boss. Volzhin is probably the most dangerous boss so far, because not only does he have two range, magic attacks are painful. Still, hes not too bad.

In another odd move, theres a second boss on this map. Heimler the Paladin is not recruitable, he just has a portrait for some reason. I remember back when this game came out, there were so many topics on Ye Olde GameFAQS panicking about how you recruited Heimler. You cant. He and his cavalier pals will charge us, however, so its important to be ready for him.

I also wanted to try out Pirate Barst. Hes pretty much identical to Normal Barst, but with some very minor stat differences.

Caeda gets the Energy Drop we pilfered last map, because her Strength is the one stat thats really hurting on her.

And the Spirit Dust should help Cord make up for a couple unfortunate rolls on Magic.
Next time we storm the Ageless Palace.
Bonus Content
Lets have Mage Chat.

I dont think they ever explain the sex-locked tomes, in gameplay or in story.
