Part 32: Pretty Much Just Me Sighing For Several Images (Battle)
Chapter 13: Pretty Much Just Me Sighing For Several Images (Battle)Ironically this was way easier than I thought it be. I did get fairly lucky. Its still a bad map because Ballisticians are just not fun to play against.

Way to pass the buck there, Nyna. Youre part of this royal mystic shit too.

Marth is so dead.

Wow. Thats a lot of red.

Here it is with just the Arrowspates marked. Caeda is going to have quite a bit of trouble advancing on this map.

Squishy units like Linde, Maria, and Julian need to stay back, because theyll die pretty least to anything physical. Holy shit, does she really have 15 Res?

Everyone who can charges the enemy Ballistas, and heres the trick to this map. Stonehoists have shit accuracy. Its almost always in the 30s. Much of your success on this map, without fancy Warp tricks n such, will be weighed upon how many times Stonehoist misses, because there are a ton of them and theyre difficult to avoid.

That said, remember that Ballistas are useless to anything within 2 squares. Cain is safe here...from this set.
Im not going to show every single Ballista shot because that would take forever and be dull as hell.

Just know that this guy chose to advance forwards. He has movement points.
This did not end well for him.

Old Man Wendell also took a hit, so Marias Physic stave is going to be pretty damn crucial. This is probably Physics best map, which is a heavy statement to make.

This guy also has 4 movement. Im not sure why there are only two of them that do this, and its these very arbitrary two.
I really just do not get this map in general, I guess.

Still, he aint going anywhere now.

And that frees up a slot for Wendell to work his magic. Literally. Ballisticians have gross Defense, but their Res is as awful as any other melee class in this game.

And with the Arrowspates dealt with, Caeda can move into position. Dont be afraid to rush these first few turns, the less of these Ballista around, the better your odds of survival.

Heres a slightly better shot of Stonehoists animation. The rock shatters and explodes into rubble, its pretty neat, but hard to get in screenshot form.

Also, Astram attacks his girlfriend. While she is in range of two different Ballistas.

Well, this was a good try. Fuck you, Astram.

But there was a miracle. The miracle of These Two Guys Didnt Even Fire.
I dont know how it happened, or why it happened. Maybe Shadow Dragons taking mercy on me. Maybe its like Oh, hey, youre a little over halfway done, youre on the Ballista chapter, we feel you.

But I do know that Im healing Midia IMMEDIATELY.

Also, visiting a village. Ill let Astram stew and feel bad for a while.

Oh. Is that what Archanea Palace is called? I think it is.

Thunderbolt, huh?

Beck is extremely similar to Jake. Hes got slightly better HP and a bit more Speed, but if your Ballistician is getting attacked and risking being doubled, theyre probably in deep shit anyway. Jakes got the edge in Skill, which is what really matters for Ballisticians. I dont really like them, as I said, but Becks got a special bit of utility for this map.
See that Thunderbolt?

Welcome to effective Magic Damage at a Ballista range against any and all Ballisticians.
Youre alright, Beck. Youre alright.

Of course, we cant ignore the classics. South side, looking good.

Alright, time for this donkus.

After you hit her twice she was nearly there!

That is the look of a lady who is heavily considering telling him she needs to talk, for a multitude of reasons.

I dont think they ever explain where Astram was when the castle fell. Midia was with Nyna.

If you asked me for a summary of Astram as a unit, Id probably just kinda shrug at you. Hes alright. His growths arent terrible, hes got an extremely respectable 30 in Strength, for example, but hes going to hurt for defensive stats outside of HP. Those are awful bases for a Hero, but the B in Swords out of the box does him a lot of favors.
I wouldnt call him a good unit, but hes not bad either. Hes pretty okay.

He can also chat with Marth!

Thats about the closest thing Astram gets to a catchphrase. In that he also says it in the sequel. Look, you get what you can with Shadow Dragon characters.

Alternatively, you could just watch his girlfriend. Shes pretty convincing.

Never too many of these.

I decided to use BOTH Physics on Midia, because Im paranoid.

Abel, meanwhile, being one of our bulkiest allies, is just going to march in and say hello.

Yikes. Not only is Thunderbolt a danger to other Ballistas, its magic damage, so keep an eye on it even if youre using, say, Wolf, to tank these.

These two still refused to fire. Im questioning if they even want to be here.

But they ARE worth experience.

Im not too worried putting Wendell in Thunderbolt range to patch Abel up. Magic Damage cuts both ways!

Now we can start creeping up on the boss. This is where things start to get very, very dangerous.

Whoops, excuse me, Ogmas gotta clean up real quick.

Impressive how he can just carry that around.

The other Thief goes down to a Julian/Marth tag team. The thieves on this map are especially nonthreatening.

This spot is outside Arrowspate range, but close enough that Im hoping Caeda will draw a little fire from the other Ballista.

Why didnt they call it the Steel Cavalry? (He shot at Midia instead)

Theres a Stonehoist, Thunderbolt, Arrowspate, and the Boss Pachyderm in this tiny area. Anyone you send in here is going to need good defenses and a little luck. The concept, not the stat.

Lets get rid of one nuisance. I imagine that, after taking this guy out, youre meant to use Becks Thunderbolt on the boss. But I want that experience on someone else, since Im probably not using him.

Time to patch Abel up and see what were working with.

Grigas is the most dangerous boss so far. 27 Damage. In that range. And hes got an Arrowspate and Stonehoist in the back to back him up, along with a Cleric to patch him up. Obviously youll want to remove his support, but the Arrowspate is more likely to hit for less damage, while the Stonehoist has bad accuracy, but a bigger payload. Be careful here.
Allow me to demonstrate not being careful.

Maybe theyll waste a shot on Caeda!

I wasnt that lucky. Thats 18! On Barst!

I know you cant see it too well here, but thats Barst casually leaning to the left and saving the run.

And now were going to get rid of this asshole before he heals too much. This also puts Barst in a position where hes safe from the Pachyderm.

Abel and Caesar doubleteam and down the Arrowspate.

Using both Physics to patch up our damaged units gives levels to each healer.

But Caesars also in the blast zone.

Another lucky miss. Thankfully I picked the Arrowspate to down first, because it almost certainly would have hit and killed Caesar.

No more of that.

The handy thing about Grigas is that when hes all alone, he cant cover his sides at all.
The super fucking obnoxious thing about Grigas is his 16 Defense and ability to vaporize pretty much any Mage trying to get in range.

Still, with a little persuading (Barst missed for 3 turns in a row here.)

Were all done here.

Thats not the prince, thats Barst. Blue hair, I know.

They...actually wont be on us for a while, but good talk.

Little bit of shopping before we end things here.



Fun fact, you can meet that commoner. Shes in the house by the Armory, and she basically just says wow Dolhr sucks I wish we could be on your side, but Camus got to us first.

Next time we get to fight someone who kinda goes against Nynas whole thesis there.
Lets avenge Frey

Bonus Content

The Incredibly Persistent Assho-
The Love Longing Brave, Astram