Part 40: Marth Meets Morzas, The Matricidal Mage Manakete (Battle)
Chapter 17: Marth Meets Morzas, The Matricidal Manakete (Battle)Been quite a while since we fought inside a castle. By a while I mean five chapters, but thats substantial in Fire Emblem time!

I think this is the only time in the series that the name of Marths mother is mentioned. Shes already dead and she never even got a line of dialogue. Poor Liza.

Time to open up by causing a ruckus with those thieves. The smart move would be to Warp Wolf into the doorway and let him tank everything with a Javelin, but blocking the map exit with Abel also gives me the chance to down this Manakete. I swapped to having the Dragonpike equipped for that reason.

These manaketes are really no joke, so Wolf is going to take up the duty of pulling the other one. Im going to clear out the whole west side of the map before taking on the throne room. Its the slower way of doing this, but its safer and less confusing in an LP format.

That is extremely worth trying to steal back!

That is...less so, but Ill take it.

Yikes, Thats a sizable hit.

Wolf fares even worse, getting doubled here. This is a rare physical enemy who is actually a threat to our acclaimed wall.

Thankfully, even with the Fortify bishop topping him off, Top Left Manakete is still within kill range for the Dragonpike.

Huh. Thats...not very useful.

Abel does need some healing, though, because evidently the Manaketes friends have decided to avenge his death.

The other one wasnt so lucky.

Hopefully Ogmas going to start getting good levels again soon. This is a decent start.

Wolfs a little banged up, but with all foes in range being physical damage, he doesnt have much to worry about here, and I can start chipping away at the Sniper in the treasure hallway.

This hallway up top is congested enough that Abel can start spreading out the damage he takes, and even forces the Javelin Knight into melee range. Choke points are pretty cool.

The Hero also comes for Marth, but he misses. The real threat here is that Sniper, although hes preoccupied with shooting arrows through a wall at another wall, but the second wall is named Wolf and he has a Javelin.

Since Caedas not doing much of anything at this point, she noticed that theres a bit of unfortunate architecture in Castle Altea here. It almost looks like, if there were a lone mage with a death wish, he could shoot through here at a high-res unit and get a Javelin for his troubles. She investigates, because shes nice like that.

Abels just going to start kiting his enemies now. This spot puts him in range to counter both Knights with a Javelin, but hes just out of range of the Mage who would clip him for quite a bit of damage.
In retrospect, a Vulnerary would have been good here, but I guess I cant win em all.

Marth, however, totally wins em all, mostly by standing menacingly in this doorway. Thankfully, its enough to block off the incoming thieves.

I feel like Ive gone a whole update without saying Catrias good, so heres another reminder that Catria is good.

The knight did a suicide charge into Abels Javelin.

So far things are going pretty smoothly!

Oh no. It seems this enemy mage has made a poor choice, entirely of his own volition. Whoops!

Marth takes a little damage from the Sniper, but he can hold his own here just fine for a little while.

Time for Abel to beat a retreat here. That mage is looking awful scary.

I want to clear out this chokepoint of enemies ASAP, so the Linde Bomb gets deployed on the bulkiest of them, the Sniper. Killer Bows are terrifying.

Other things that are terrifying include: Catria. Good Level Ups in Shadow Dragon. Trying to make this update interesting.

Not bad. You know how many doors there are in this game?

You know how many doors there are in this game that you can just warp right past?

I couldnt deal with all the enemies this turn, but Caesar here should stop Linde from getting a sword through the gut.

I considered getting rid of Fortify Bishop ASAP, as Caeda could do it here, but with the Sniper available to take his place, I dont want to put her in range.

To my surprise, the Thief here actually equipped the Devil Sword he stole. I didnt know enemies did that in this game.

It didnt help him, but it was cool!

Now, you might think I forgot to move Abel here, and its total luck that this wasnt a restart. You would be completely correct.

Oh yeah, this guy survived Abel, didnt he? Well, I had backup.

Im not an expert, Marth, but I dont think thats how you hold that. He got the kill, so Ill take it, but Im just saying.

Be careful entering the Treasure Room, by the way. This second Mage is nasty.

Thankfully, Marth is nastier.
That didnt come out right.

Now then, with all the treasure ours for the taking, I can start focusing on the actual objective. Definitely need to remove this Fortify guy.



Thanks to Marias healing, Bars is able to hold that point just fine, eating hits from the second Bishop and the Sniper.

And he is justly rewarded. The level up is fine, but Im really into the Fortify staff. Thats incredibly handy.

Everybody else is going to start marching on the throne now. No use dawdling around the treasure.

Marths got that covered. The Secret Book is a permanent +2 to Skill for the user.

Barst didnt quite finish this guy off, so Maria gets her first offensive action of the game. Yes, I did use the top left save point before this, because that guy can double her!

Thankfully I didnt end up needing it. Maria gets the same stats as usual.
Before I start the attack on Morzas, Marth has to rob his own house.

Not bad at all!

I chose Barst with a door key to open this up, because he can survive even if all the possible enemies hit him. Julian could not.

And here we go.

The Swarm Bishop hits Wolf, which is mostly just a waste of his turn. A knight showed up to Javelin Barst as well.

Caesar wasnt a fan of this action.

I think he might be starting to outdo Ogma.

The second Knight goes down easy with a rush attack from Caeda. For some reason the Stairs leading to the throne count as special terrain, but they have no advantages.

Ten Movement counters Swarm Bishops pretty handily!

Every turn after you enter the throne room proper (through the doorway), a Knight and Cavalier will spawn out of that eastern entrance.

The Knight has a Javelin and the Cav has a Steel Lance. They arent very threatening, because this guy is Level 6 in Chapter 17.

Theyll repeat for up to ten turns, or until you kill Morzas.

Yikes. Little close. I didnt mean to leave Linde there, but that does give me an idea.

Abel and Caeda are going to be intercepting the Cavaliers. Mostly Caeda, Abels there for moral support.

Barst can now use every axe in the game. Minervas Hauteclere is about to find a new owner.

Our stalwart, blue haired protagonist is going to take on the Dragon. Morzas has some seriously high Resistance with his Magestone, so simply chipping him down with Cord or Linde would take quite a while, as well as waste uses on my good tomes.

He crit him immediately

Ill, uh, Ill show off Morzas model on the Normal run.

I cant think of a better way to hit 20.

I know a few people who could use this.

Cmon, Caeda. Be more like Barst.

Well, with Morzas dead and the reinforcements gone, I think were done.

Or...not. Its time for the dumbest secret in the game. Something that I assume had to be discovered out of sheer luck and boredom. Youll need that VIP Card the Bishop had. I dont know why it shows up so late in this game. The Silver Card is also a fantastic idea.

Maria needs to level up. This is not necessary for the secret, but I like it when my units level up.

On this exact square, four north of the Throne, move a unit with the VIP Card.

Welcome to Annas Secret Shop.

These are dotted across several maps in the game, always a pain in the ass to find, but loaded with good stuff. Look at all those specialty weapons!

Look at even more of them! Including the Longbow, a weapon that the player can otherwise never get in this game. I bought one of each, and three Longbows because I was excited.
The locations of these shops are never really hinted at more than this terrain looks kinda weird, so Id advice using the trusty internet to find them. Or this LP, if thats your thing.

Were done now.

Glory to Marth, our prince of light! Glory to our star and savior!
Marth smiled down at his people and waved. The great commanders last victory of the day was commanding his tears not to flow.

Next time, not this chapter. Weve got Normal Mode catchup to do.
Bonus Content

Abel, But In His Heroes Art Because The Cipher One Was Acting Weird For Me