Part 45: Sable Showdown (Battle)
Chapter 18: Sable Showdown (Battle)No time like the present to start crossing this bridge into Endgame Territory.

The Sable Order are pretty much Grusts A-Team of mounted warriors. Weve heard about them a few times, I think that Ballista boss threatened us with them back in chapter...13 or so, but this is their first direct appearance.

This is an understatement.

I know we just finished talking, but theres really nothing to say about the start of this map. I moved everyone towards the one place they could go, now Catria and Minerva are going to chat.

Off to a great start.

I really should have called this one Everyone Bothers Minerva.

Uh oh. Looks like we had too many heart-to-hearts and now the enemies are charging on Turn 1!

Pretty standard defensive line here. The bridge makes for an easy chokepoint, and the Cavaliers are only armed with Javelins, so their damage output isnt anything special.

Barst says fuck it and ventures into the water again. Hes got a job to do.

Im really happy with the way Caeda turned out in this run. Not only did she hit strength growths, she also got fairly tanky (probably thanks to the stat boosters) and shes a really good jack of all trades now. Except with bows, but thats a minor setback.

From the depths, he rises.

Now that the enemies have conveniently bunched up here, theyre easy pickings for our other units.

I am a little worried about Linde, because shes really reliant on Aura right now, and that does not last forever. Guess I can always forge a replacement thats close enough.

The speed is very welcome.

Anyway, thats those goons dealt with. Not too bad.

I just realized Julians not really doing anything on this map, so Im going to have him guard this fort. Im paranoid about reinforcements. (None spawn from here, turns out.)

Heres a spot that puts Abel out of range of the enemy Horsemen, but in range of...everything else. Hes got 40 HP, though. Time to break in that Ridersbane.

This is roughly three or four enemies later.

Well, at least it was one good stat. When you play Shadow Dragon long enough you get sort of a Stockholm Syndrome for the growths.

They foolishly sink their arrows into Barstzilla. He laughs.

He continues laughing.

So thats...about half the map done already. This ones really pretty easy. It wasnt even included in the first remake back in FE3.
Next up weve got the southern group, who I cant advance on yet with Caeda due to that pesky Horseman.

Catria, with nothing better to do, just buys a Ridersbane. I want them on my fliers.

Wolf takes up bait duty, and you can predict how well that goes.
Or you can, like, look at the screenshot.

Zap. Scratch one Paladin.

Wendell just got a level from doing some healing. Wendell has been the secret backbone of the team for a while. I love you, Wizard Pope.

Meanwhile Catria finds some handy arena cash.

So, I might have made a mistake here, putting Caesar in range all the enemies.

It was fine and I definitely didnt slightly panic.

I have no idea what this guy was doing but hes dead now.

At least my somewhat poor choices give me the opportunity to use that Recover Staff Marias toting.

With the southern group rounded up, its pretty trivial to just knock them down now, with my gathered army on the bridge.

Turn 6 Pegasus Knight. Really? Reinforcements have gone down a notch.

OH! Oh, never mind.

Marth, hurry to the meeting square.

Either Marth is really into Mercurius or hes nodding off again.

Mercurius is the best Sword in the game. Mostly. Its packing some incredibly good stats, with the only downside being the rather bad Durability, but thats nothing the Silver Weapons dont struggle with too.
It has no special ability or gimmick, it just tears shit up. Requires an A Rank, though, so I dont think many of our current characters can use it. Shame.

This weapon also comes with a free Est.
Oh boy, Est. Est is interesting. You might notice her awful joining level. 3 in Chapter 18. Unpromoted. But Est has some of the best growths in the entire game, often jockeying for best or second best in many of them, not counting Wolf/Sedgar. Shes also got a ton of room to grow with them!
But using Est is hard. Youll be spoonfeeding her kills for a long time to get her up to par, and once she does start wrecking shit, youll probably be near the endgame anyway. Unless you use the Arena thats in this map, but not only is that risky, its also really time consuming.
Personally, I dont like Est. But if you invest the time needed into her, she can be the MVP for these last few maps. She was also popular enough to have her archetype reused in pretty much every Fire Emblem game, so, yknow.

Shes also going to bother Minerva.

...Huh. So thats where he got that from.

Thats not me fucking up the transcription, she does say it twice.

Est has SO MANY PEOPLE TO TALK TO. All the Pegasus Sisters have conversations with Minerva and eachother, except for Palla/Catria. Thats probably because they show up in the same chapter anyway.

Well, while I wait on the inevitable reinforcements, Ogmas starting to fall a little behind, so Ill have him deal with the two cavaliers hiding offscreen to the right there.

Everyone else is set up to give those Forts a wide berth.

Because on the Turn 8 enemy phase (The wiki says Turn 7, I dunno if this is a Hard Mode difference or something), a Paladin, two Cavaliers, and a Horseman spawn, in that order. Keep this in mind, because it will repeat. Also, yes, that Horseman has a hell of a range

Good for you, Ogma, but

She lived with like, 4 HP. This is why I hate Reinforcements moving on spawn, and Im so glad its not a mechanic anymore. At least, I think it isnt, I havent played Shadows of Valentia yet.

It wasnt in Fates, I say as I snap this Recover staff over my knee.

A Very Caeda Level Up

This is a fantastic chapter if your Marth is struggling, because mounted units are like sacks of Rapier EXP.

Oh yeah, one more of these.

So Catria, Palla, and Est have a bit of a special utility. Its not super convenient or useful, since you have to deploy all three to use it, but...if you put two of them adjacent to an enemy.

And then have the third attack

Shell land an automatic critical. They can be of any class, but must be in melee range. Its kinda cool, and a recurring feature of the series, but not exactly the most accessible technique.

This has nothing to do with the Triangle Attack, Catria just gets a nice weapon level here.

Ive withdrawn Caeda. That shit was too close. This is the second group of these guys, they spawn every other turn.

Will Barst cap Strength two LPs in a row? Probably not, we dont have many chapters left, but maybe!

This might have been a little too cocky of me.

The third group has eyes on Abel, but that Ridersbane is earning its keep.

As is Abel.

When the Fourth and Final group of reinforcements from the forts shows up, theyre accompanied by a Paladin in the middle.

These guys meet the same end as the rest.

Also I might have had Caeda waiting for the Paladins.

A Rank, worth it.

Abel gets one last disappointing level for this map. Anyway, how about that boss?

I didnt even use Aura here, since Sternlin has no ranged capability, at all. After a few turns

The outcome was inevitable.

Linde, are you fucking kidding me? Ugh. Okay, no.

NOPE, not ending on that note.

Oh, hey, she dyed her hair.

Promoting into a Sage did give her more Strength than Magic, yes. I know why that is, with the base formulas and all, but its still silly.

Ahem. Anyway.

Marths really concerned.

Next time we take...pretty much the same amount of people as usual.

Bonus Content

The Youngest Child Of The Three Pegasus Knights, Est
PS: If you're reading this as it goes live, it's probably worth mentioning that Fire Emblem Heroes has an event going right now to unlock Palla, Catria, and Est pretty easily. So if you like them here, get them in that game too.