Part 47: 60% Orb Ratio (Battle)
Chapter 19: 60% Orb Ratio (Battle)A fane is apparently an old Middle-English word for Temple and welcome back to Shadow Dragon.

Gharnef really needs a manicure, that looks hazardous.

Its never really outright stated, but I like to believe that Tikis Gharnefs secret weapon in case Medeus tries to backstab him, or he wants to backstab Medeus. Theyre both kinda like that. Of course he could just be lying, but I like ambitious-schemer Gharnef more than lackey-cultist Gharnef.

Regardless, we wont be fighting him yet. Gharnef warps out, leaving us to deal with his temple of locked doors.

...How long has he been in there?

This is a mercy killing.

The actual enemies out and about on this map are complete chumps.

Cord is on standby in case theres another rude surprise in this one.

Fortunately, the only surprises are treasure. Which qualifies as a good one.

Err. An okay one. Pure Water works like the Barrier Staff, but its consumable. Definitely not bad, but quite situational.

Abel and Caeda are just charging ahead because I want to cut the enemy thieves off ASAP.

It goes pretty smoothly. Im not sure why these Mercenaries are so low level.

The thieves are coming, though, and theyve got Hero reinforcements.

By splitting Abel and Caeda here, I should be able to corner both of them in.

The other treasure in that first room was an always handy Magic booster.

Ill be real with you, I dont know why they give you 12 deployment slots for this map. Most of our team will be doing nothing but watching Julian and Barst open doors.

Still, Ill take the breather map. The next one has a ballista on it.

No one has ever needed this much Luck, Caeda. Stop it.

This screenshot might take some explaining. The thief on the right side opened the door, which lit up this room, which caused the mage inside to be able to act.

The result is unpleasant. Thats a rude move, Fane of Raman.

Thankfully, Ive still got the Physic.

Rescind my thanks, for some reason this random fucker is like the strongest foe weve ever faced.


Now Abels out of Mage range, but still close enough to block the thieves from escaping.

Barst is going to continue looting.

This is the worst loot.

Now with Abel and Wolf here, the thieves are completely boxed in.

So this goes pretty well.

I want Defense more than anything on Abel right now, but thisll do.

The thieves didnt even attack. They just moved here and stood. Staring. Its a little creepy.

Please leave.

You get a fancy long jingle when you pick this up, and its called the Lightsphere. So you know its plot important. The Lightsphere does have an in-game effect, but since Lindes inventory had open space I didnt get to check it here.
It negates enemy terrain bonuses if you hold it. Thats good against throne bosses and...really nothing else. But hey, plot value.

The remaining thieves arent an issue.

Oh. Except this guy. Hes just made himself an issue.

Our Bolganone is better.

And again!

The Starsphere does what it says in the box there. Thats really handy!

Just wanted to point out the nice touch here, one of the chests already starts opened. Thats probably where the Lightsphere was held before that random nameless thief started hauling it around.

This sells for 30,000 gold. Here are your endgame funds, go nuts.

Third tier door on the right is also a treasure room.

Okay, so this ones a little weird.

The Geosphere is consumable in this game, for some reason. It also just deals 13 damage to EVERYTHING on the map. Including your allies. This has a few fun applications, but one in particular Im really looking forward to.

The only things left on this map can only do Magic damage.
Its Maria time.

Okay, now its Maria time.

Abel can also finally open a door. Im leaving the contents a surprise.

Maria Time has pretty sad returns.

Hey. I actually want that.

Thankfully, Caedas still a little pissed about the whole Bolganone thing.

The surprise, by the way, was disappointment. Its just this guy.

Heres more disappointment.

Heres another handy set of two treasures to round off the map. We can promote almost everyone now.

Alright, heres Bantus use. Its only taken us 11 chapters to get to it. We, of course, do not have to murder the brainwashed dragon child.

For what he lacks in stats, he makes up for in being the Best Dragon Grandpa.

So we have Tiki now. Tiki is pretty damn good. Shes not just a Manakete, shes a Divine Manakete, meaning she can use that stone that gives her amazing stats. Its also effective against Manaketes, like an Armorslayer on Knights, and the endgame is, as you could probably guess, full of Manaketes. Her biggest issue is the limited uses on the Divinestone, though you can get around that, and her awful HP, although not much gets through those defenses. (+15/+11 with the Divinestone, remember).
Her low movement can also be troubling, but overall Tiki is really effective right out of the box, and shes probably the last unit worth adding to your team. Ill probably swap out one of the Mercs for her.

She can also talk to Marth.

Ice cold, Marth.

You can finish this map without both or either orb. It will have bad ramifications in the future, though. Nothing bad-ending level, but youll miss out on a really good couple weapons.

Marth, however, got them both this time around.

This weird foreshadowing will last literally one map.

Next time this guy.
Bonus Content

The Princess of the Divine Dragon Tribe, Tiki