Part 48: Grust to Grust (Prep)
Chapter 20: Grust to Grust (Prep)Last time, we decided to take down the forces threatening Marths rear.

Namely that guy.

I dont think they really go into detail on the War of Liberation in this game, but it gets mentioned more in the sequel. Its ancient history anyway, and doesnt really concern the plot here too much. Anyway, peerless knights:

I do like that, by this point in the game, even the narration is pumping up Marths team as the kingdom-conquering shitwreckers you are at this point. Youve already taken down one enemy nation (though it was Gra so ehhhh), so now youre in the big leagues.

This map is pretty big and spacious, so I figured I may as well show off a Ballistician. I skipped them on the Normal Run, so this is my only chance.

Just a quick note, Ballista are stored under the Bow section of the Convoy. Now then, we got a ton of loot from the Fane of Raman, lets get to distributing it.

Caesars come along pretty nicely.

Im not sure why promoting to Hero gets you 1 Magic. Im not complaining, at least it doesnt take away stats.

Well, speak of the devil.
Ogma is now the sole unpromoted member of the main team. Sorry, Ogma, youve kinda fallen behind lately, but Ill never forget how handy you were in the early game.

Bit of an experiment here, Im not sure if the Starsphere prevents Staves from degrading. If it does, great! If it doesnt, eh, Ive got enough weapons that Im not super worried about it. The three legendary weapons I have on me have barely been touched anyway.

Stat booster time. Marth is way too slow for a Sword Lord. You only get away with that kind of thing if youre Ike and you just one-shot the world anyway.

I never really know what to do with these. Hit rates are so generous in this game that Skill isnt really worth fretting over. So, Marth again.

He has less Magic than Linde. I could have possibly gone with Maria for this, but eh.

Tikis most glaring flaw is her garbage HP, so this ought to help her take an extra hit or two with all that Defense/Res.
As another note, Tikis a good Starsphere holder as well, because you dont want to waste uses on the Divinestone. She can also use Bantus Firestone, but its not nearly as effective.

This map is freakin huge and pretty complicated, so lets get started. The enemy is officially done fucking around, theyre pulling out Generals and Ballistas. One of our fliers can probably reach the latter on turn one, though.
There are two routes to the castle on this map. Well start with the lower one.

Its a lot more open than the path up top, and its also home to another fucking Ballista. Some Paladins too, for good measure. That village has a one-of-a-kind item, so its in our best interest to get there. It might look like I can just cut northwest from here to reach the castle, but theres a mountain range in the way.

So well need to continue west...past another Ballista (An Arrowspate too!), and hit up that bridge to loop around. Yes, there are a lot of forts dotted around. If that scares you, Ive trained you well.

The boss, Lorenz, is surrounded by healers, a General, a FOURTH ballista (ughhh), and a thief, who wants to rush that village. If you read the last LP, its probably not a surprise that Lorenz is a little unique, and we wont just want to kill him.

The top route is accessible by lowering this Bridge. Barsts Master Key or Julians Existence can handle it. There are fewer enemies, but one much larger problem.

Camus himself is guarding the area up here. Camus is a real threat. Hes got his paws on Gradivus, the final Regalia, and he wont give it up without a fight. A lot of HP, decent defensive stats, and a two range weapon mean you really want to bring your best character, preferably with an anti-cavalry weapon.
Camus is also technically completely optional! You can take the throne without dealing with him, although that means you miss out on Gradivus. Plus thats hella anti-climactic.
Bonus Content
This is actually from Shadow Dragon, but it involves two characters you...honestly probably arent using, Astram and Boah. They can chat on the map, and Boah has an...interesting idea.

Oh boy, it sure sounds like nobody is thinking about this plan! Im sure itll go great anyway.