Part 49: Grust to Grust (Battle)
Chapter 20: Grust To Grust (Battle)Time to take down our first major villain.
What do you mean I said that about Jiol? I take it back.

Just in case you felt bad that were about to overrun these guys.

Immediately removing this Ballista with extreme prejudice.

So Caeda doesnt get totally outnumbered here, Im sending Barst across the river to give this general a whack with Hammest.

As for the other enemy ballista, this is why I brought Beck along. Remember the Thunderbolt? Its a one-shot.

...Or, uh, rather, it WOULD be a one-shot if it hit.

Its okay, I can salvage this. Putting Caesar in Paladin range to bodyblock a little bit.

The other General chose to run directly into a Hammest Barst. It wasnt great for him.

The enemies on this map are worth respecting, since they come in groups and dont have totally laughable stats like the goons from the Fane of Raman.

There are three Paladins here, each of them do eight damage. Even if they all hit Caeda, shell live, so Im just going to park her here with the Wing Spear and let her solo this pack.

This went much worse in the take where I tried to make Barst do it.

Hes better at jobs like this.

Second times the charm.

Strength actually matters for Beck, so Ill take it. Weve still got Paladins to worry about, though.

Linde is starting to hit I cant Aura Double everyone territory. Thats a little worrisome, I might toss her the next Speedwing I get my hands on.

Also, heres Tiki in battle. Im using the Firestone to conserve Divinestone uses, but it comes at a price. This Paladin would have done 24 damage to her. She starts with 18 HP.
Be careful with Tiki.

Since there was a lot of scattered damage this turn, Im popping a Fortify. By the way, the Starspheres bonus doesnt apply to Staves, unfortunately.

Lets allow people who arent fliers, Barst, or Marth to get up here.

Those Paladins are worth a lot of experience.

Now that the initial charging Paladins are finished, I didnt do much this turn except move Abel into a range where he can rush down the Ballista.

Oh yeah, Cord can Heal now. Thats handy.

Im sorry I didnt actually use this on the actual Desert Map, but here it is now.

With the Ballistas cover down, Marth can freely hop into the village.

Nobody tell him about the 3 Magic.

This is a good find.

Hammerne has 12 uses and instantly restores any weapon to max durability. It is locked to Lena only, making her again the best cleric in the game as long as growths dont screw her over. Unfortunately, we have to actually deploy her to use it. You cant use it on the menu between maps because fuck you.

So, uh, this conversation triggers as soon as one of your units gets close to Camus. I sent Catria up to kill a thief, and now Marth is standing at the village gates, screaming over an entire mountain range.

Heres Camus entire character in a nutshell.

(okay Ill stop)

This peaceful hamlet in the middle of the battlefield!

So, yes, Camus is actually totally unrecruitable. Were doing this for keeps.

Also, ouch. The Pachyderm is the most powerful all-around Ballista.

He dropped that Devil Sword. Im sealing it away.

So, at this point Im turtling up, because I dont really care about my turn count, and since this is a late-game map, were getting reinforcements.

Like this guy! Did you notice that fort? I didnt! Whoops! Thankfully Julian can take the hit.

The other Reinforcement Knight doesnt have nearly as good of a game plan.

Theres the stat I want!

Dont mind me, Im just on my way to cause ~shenanigans~.

Camus will be a hard fight with Ballista support. Ill poke down the Pachyderm with Becks Thunderbolt.

Turn 9 brings with it a Paladin and three cavaliers. Theyll rush immediately.

Both of these Curates will spam Fortify, but its not quite enough.

The Pachyderm still goes down. Maybe I should have been using Beck.

My hubris!

This is a good prize. And yes, you totally can sit outside Camus range and Ballista plink him to death, probably breaking both Fortify staves in the process.

Honestly, I was overpreparing for the reinforcements. They arent too tough.

The right Armory up here has a few interesting items, namely the Ridersbane and Yet Another Rapier. The other shops have nothing out of the ordinary, and youll want to save money for Something Good next chapter.

Alright, last set of guys. Two Cavs here, and a horseman to the north and south. You can see their dots on the map.

Or right here.

Barst is still good, this should come as no surprise.

Now that the reinforcements are dealt with, lets take on the boss himself.

The way I have this set up is using Caeda with a Javelin to lure Camus out. Cord and Catria are standing by. Every character here has a C Name and that was not intentional.

Camus is pretty damn

Its a Caeda double, but Gradivus is really dangerous and Camus needs to go down ASAP.

This is why I packed the Ridersbane. If this missed, Id have Healed Caeda with Cord and gone for the Wing Spear.

It did not miss but I did so anyway. Just without the healing.

And thats all the Regalia.

The Gradivus is probably the best Legendary Weapon in the entire game, just for that sweet 1-2 range. This is probably getting glued to Caeda.

This is just anticlimactic after all that.

Cords speed is really starting to pull up.

Now then, the only (damaging) enemy left is the..other boss, Lorenz.

Caeda or Marth can talk with him. Also note that Caeda has already capped speed, permanently. At...23.
Damn you, Shadow Dragon.

They sure do like talking about Cowing that guy.

Was that supposed to rhyme, Caeda? I think you fucked it up.

And so, with all the power of a Philosophy 101 course, weve recruited Lorenz. Lorenz is awesome. Look at that eyepatch. I mean, stat-wise hes awful, hes somehow got 3 Skill and 2 Luck, so really only his Defense is worth it, and his growths are subpar (Aside from a really cool 35 in Strength.) But, that eyepatch!

Since Caedas already proven herself MVP of this map about three times, I let her kill off the last Curate for a level up. Eh.

This is the response of a man who has just been informed the magic thing hes been hauling around for like 15 chapters might be cursed.

Theres more to that story, but like so many things in Shadow Dragon, not until the sequel.

This wasnt a cropping error, and for once Im not joking about that. Nyna just plunges herself into the inky black void for her last line here.

Next time, Lava Town.
Bonus Content

Black Knight, Camus