Part 64: Final Chapter: Shadow Dragon. (Battle)
Final Chapter: Shadow Dragon. (Battle)Time to take down Medeus.

So, intermediate note (Get ready for a lot of these): If you went to 24x, Gotoh will not show up here, and none of this dialogue happens. I guess hes given up on you after he had to send you to the Alterspire to salvage your loss of Tiki and Falchion.

So, this next part doesnt play unless youre on Normal. Ive spliced it in.

The Normal intermission is over now.

And thats it for the starting speech. I like it way better with the flashbacks, so its a shame that it, like a lot of other cool stuff, is confined to Normal only.

Theres a short scene at the start of the map where Medeus transforms. Meet his true form, the Earth Dragon.

Okay, so, Gotoh. Gotoh is the final character in the game (finally) and hes pretty much just a panic button.
Lets get this started.

Starting with the top left room, the Pachyderm needs to go down. Theres already way too much damage coming out, and you cannot afford to wait around on this map.

Thankfully, the combination of Catria and Beck makes it feasible to kill it off ASAP.

Moving counterclockwise, Abel can down this one all by himself, thanks to Gradivus.

Top Right, another long range attacker. Get rid of these goofballs.

Unfortunately, our center group here with Marth is still locked out by that closed door for now. Theres an open one off to the left, but its a longer walk and I dont want to bother.

I kinda just wanted to poke at this guy, since Gotohs not doing anything else, but this was a crit!

Not that it mattered, since the Fortify and Physic curates were glued to their ally here.

Heres the reason I brought Tiki to the final chapter. That damage is gross. She can one-shot any manakete in this level but the boss, which is crucial, because they hurt a lot and are extremely fast.

That helps too. Except the Magic.

Yikes. I hate Magestones.

That bishop who was with the general went for Abel. He brought himself only death, and me only disappointment.

That could possibly come in handy, but Im already well stocked on them.

Obnoxiously, this Hero has a Levin Sword, which I didnt expect, and he blasts the shit out of poor Beck. This was a double, so it was close.

That sounds bad.


One thing to note about Chosen By Fate is that almost every enemy charges you. You can get in a bad spot very quickly if you arent careful.

Alright, time to start clearing the rooms. Barsts lucky dodge means hes not even too scuffed up as Hauteclere weakens this goon.

...Well, this is the time to use a save tile.

Got it on the second try.

Lorenz also cracks open the center door, and Caeda gets a celebratory critical on the Hero here.

Catria will not be outdone, however.

Tiki killed that other guy, but it wasnt a Dracoknight crit so I didnt screenshot it.

And thats the top left corner completely cleared.

I know this guys going to get healed up. At this point Im just spite-shooting.

And, of course, the ol Abel Bait strategy gets deployed again on the oncoming reinforcements from the North.

The first set of doors has closed.

Well, this looks...terrifying.

Lets just take this slowly and methodically. With a ballista.

I said slowly, youre ruining it.

Finally, Cords time to shine!

The Ridersbane is also a useful resource.

Like, really, so much so I have to pass it around.

A Fortify goes off, and thats the first bit of that rush of northern units dead. Still waiting on the Generals, though.

Ive had enough of this guy. Normally this would be dangerous for Caeda. But, Iotes Shield.

This poor Manakete was just waiting in this corner for Marth to come around. Jokes on him, I had a key, and hes dead.

Nice of this General to finally trundle over. Thankfully Abel can keep taking hits because Maria and Gotoh are popping Fortify every single turn. Im not screenshotting it because I dont hate you.


Oh well thats ni-


So, just like any good finale, there must be a tragic moment of sacrifice. Due to a failed attempt, I happen to know these stairs will spit out a deadly ballista and a Bishop who can one-shot Beck. Time for (sorta) desperate measures.

Beck and Caesar are going to have to stay behind to block the steps, and get locked out. Farewell, brave heroes, until like twenty minutes from now.

Meanwhile, were starting to encroach on the Throne Room

But we could use some backup.

The Barst Orbital Drop meets its final deployment.

And not a moment too soon, because it seems weve got company.

Ive got enough of an issue with this guy alone.

Get outta here.

Another Warp drop.

Thats one potential headache gone.

I probably should have leveled Tiki up more during Chapter 24, but it seems she doesnt really give a damn.

Heres a rare Gotoh level.

The next turn, a Dracoknight spawns on the right, and a whole ton of dudes pop out of the southwestern forts.

The Hero reinforcement goes down thanks to Falchion.

And the Dracoknight makes a questionable attack.

Wolf finishes off the Dracoknight, and now its just us, Medeus, and that pack of guys near the start.

So, Tiki can do a huge chunk of damage to Medeus, but its risky. His positioning is terrifying, by the way. Only one unit can hit him in melee range at a time. I wish the Rescue Staff was in this one. Or the Again Staff. I guess I wish this was New Mystery.

Weapons that are effective against other Manaketes dont get any bonuses against Medeus either. Youve got to use Tiki/Nagi with the Divinestone, or-

The Falchion.
(dont worry, fortify went off, hes at full HP after this)

Cord and Tiki have the stairs blocked. Lets go.

Medeus hits hard, but Marth hits back.

These guys are still around, rushing the throne.

However, its too little, too late.
Thats game.

One last level for the road.

Bonus Content

The Old Soldier of Loyalty, Jagen
Next time, epilogues, the ending, and we say goodbye to Archanea for the last time.