Part 65: Finale: Goodbye, Archanea
Finale: Goodbye, Archanea

Hes so bad at this. Also King Talys never appears in the series again.

She flies off.

This scene is

Sir Jagen...goodbye.

After the ending scene, you get the turn records for your adventure. None of these are super great, but Im no speedrunner. I finished the game, its enough for me

Kinda sucks that there are 25 maps and they scroll up in sets of 6. Anyway...time for the character epilogues. Each of our heroes gets a little sendoff, if theyre alive/recruited. Dont worry, I spliced in the Gaiden only characters.

The credits also play on the top screen. The B is for Battles, the number of times that unit engaged/was engaged in combat, and W is Wins, which is just a kill count.

Since there are a ton of these, and they arent all interesting, Id like to take this time to throw out some special thanks.

First of all, a giant thank you to Nintendo/IS, of course, for making this series thats near and dear to my heart. Lots of high school bus rides and long evenings were spent on a Fire Emblem or, uh, ten.

Hahaha, Im sorry, Im just thinking about Abels FE12 ending. Anywho.

Thank you to my friend who has no internet screen name, but knows who he is, for helping me workshop ideas for the LP and suffering through the plot of Fates with me. That kind of thing is a lifelong bond.

Huge thanks to vilkacis, for providing roughly ten metric tons of awesome fanart in both of my FE threads, and always being a fantastic poster.

Thank you to Camel Pimp for her many fan art and thread contributions as well, throughout this and FE12. You found some fantastic FE1 art Id never have tracked down myself, and I read through your Lunar LPs while I was working on this. Yall should go check that out.

Speaking of fanart, chiasaur11, Blaze Dragon, and LifeOfAGuardian did some great work too, and they deserve a shoutout.

The records guy, as usual, is a little gossipy.

The term is Berzerker.

Yes, they changed one line. I love these guys.

Oh, is Castors sick mother real? Is it a con? Tell me the truth, Nintendo!

Back to thanks, EclecticTastes provided me with information on how the Generic Units actually function, which explained a lot of my confusion with their stats. I appreciate that!

Shingoryou translated the text on Cipher Ogma and Navarres cards from Japanese for the By The Sword update, which gave us the amazing name of Wielder of the Manly Sword.


Okay, since I forgot to show it off earlier...Tokyo Mirage Sessions Navarre, everyone:

Holy shit, I love his slinky arm.

Im sorry you literally did nothing this run, Merric. Youre a good character!


Huh. Sounds important.

I think Wolfs got the highest battle/kill disparity on the team. Keep choking that point, you crazy diamond.

Of course, major thanks to the Fire Emblem Wiki, my source for all the art youve been seeing. Theyre a fantastic community resource for every game in the series.

In the same vein, SerenesForest is a godsend. Their scripts saved me so many screenshots (i lived that nightmare with rune factory).

...Alright, show of hands, who remembered Vyland existed?

Thank you to everyone who posted, seriously. This update is going to drag long enough without every single name, but I want to assure you that I appreciated every bit of it. An LP doesnt really work without an audience to enjoy it, and I sincerely hope you did. Even if you didnt post, and just read, its a great motivator for me to keep going.

I really wish Rickard was good.

Vun Voman.

Scratch Rickard, I wish Bantu was good!

Neither of these are true, as we know thanks to the sequel. A lot of these epilogues kinda have that issue.

For example: He didnt. Or at least he never mentions it in the sequel!

Some of these titles are wonderful.

That archer mentioned earlier in Gordins entry was Jeorge, by the way.

So, you want more Fire Emblem? Im fresh out.

But you can check out Fionordequesters ongoing FE4 LP! Or Taes brave quest through all three routes of Fire Emblem: Fates.

There are, of course, also many of the games on the LP Archive.

You might see Anna some more!

Or just get into the series yourself. These games are picking up a hell of a lot of steam, and you can buy one on pretty much any Nintendo console. Id suggest Fire Emblem (Blazing Sword) or Fire Emblem: Awakening as a starter.

Well, heres some oddly placed foreshadowing.

Again, the titles are on point here.

Alright, out of everyone who remembered Vyland, did you also get Tomas?

Boah is not very good at his job.

Horace is cool, I wish he got more lines.

Smart rebels.

I refuse to believe Caesar gave it back.

Shes got a thing for Abel. No, its not really mentioned in this game, so this makes very little sense.

Same as above, but with Marth.

But what about Arran? Dont worry, Ive got you covered:

Well, sorta. I forgot I let him die in the Normal run. Whoops. Well, thats what that looks like, and heres his real epilogue:
Arran became captain of Alteas knights. His efforts helped many a town rise from the ashes after the war.

More sequel hints!

You said Spell Slinger twice.

One, wow, thats kinda sexist. Two, yes, this was Abel.

Love Dragon Grandpa.

Because he only has one. Get it?


She would also dunk on him, for eternity.

Nagis...weird. She kinda gets explained in the sequel.
Shes Naga, AKA: God
Nagi also gets a special line for facing Medeus:

Huh. Interesting.

I think the sequel outright contradicts this.

Thanks for the childhood, pal. Rest in peace.

And thats all Ive got.

That was Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. People dont like it too much. Its not hard to see why, the art is pretty awkwardly meshed with the 3D models. The plot doesnt contain anything interesting. All the good writing seems tucked away in the Gaiden maps, which have ridiculously dumb requirements. There arent any real standout maps.
But I do like it. Even with all that, its still a fun Fire Emblem. The tactics and strategy are still there, youve got a wide cast of characters to use, and when the team is allowed to write new stuff, it seems to really hit. Reclassing and the many difficulties would return later in the series, with this games Hard 5 being a precursor to modern Lunatic. I wont say Shadow Dragon is a good Fire Emblem, but I do think its a good game, and if you like the franchise or strategy games, its worth at least playing around with. I can firmly say that, after the joy of getting to finish FE12 again and the disappointment of Rune Factory, this is very the middle.
And thats okay. Thanks for reading.

Thank you all very much for reading. Ive been LordHippoman, as always, and this was Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. I hope you enjoyed, and Ill see you next time.