Part 5: Ancient Horrors
Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors.png)
Passing through the ancient forest Za'ha brings them close to Grado's border.
As they near the town of Serafew, Eirika's fears are assuaged by the lack of troops.
But never-before-seen terrors crawl in the shadows of the trees.

You had to open your mouth.

Perhaps the people in this village have an answer.



And indeed, one of the floating eyeballs, known as a Mogall, draws close to the group.

Now, Artur, you're not being fair. Give the Mogall a turn.

Welcome to the preparation screen. From here on out, we won't be using our entire fighting force, so we need to choose who to deploy in any given battle.
Sorry, Seth. Everyone thinks you're too awesome to use right now. We'll let you out of the box one of these days.
We can also survey the map we'll be fighting on and rearrange our party formation. Handy tools, but I'll mostly be doing that offscreen.

We'll see what we can do.
As Artur demonstrated, Monks are light magic users, which means that they're good against dark magic. Magic follows its own Weapon Triangle of Light>Dark>Anima>Light, but magicians tend to have really good amounts of resistance, so pitting magicians against one another tends to not go much of anywhere.
That said, he's perfect against these Revenants, which have no stats to speak of. They're basically shambling experience pinatas.
Assuming you can hit them, of course. Dealing with this one guy took a combined effort of Neimi, Colm, and Vanessa before he finally bit it.
In addition to the one to the south, which is where Lute is hiding, we've also got a village right next to where we start.

Thanks, fella. I really needed more of those.
Bonewalkers are your basic infantry units of the monster hordes, capable of equipping swords and spears. They're a step above revenants, but everything's a step above revenants.
Mogalls, meanwhile, are our first exposure to magic damage. Their Evil Eye is a dark-type magic attack, which makes Artur ideal for getting rid of them.
Alternatively, they're so low in health that any physical unit can just rip right through them.
Lowering my opinion of them even further while doing so.
These Bonewalkers show up at the end of Turn 2. Since monsters are so weak physically, the game will tend to throw a lot of them at us whenever they appear, which is fine, since that means more experience for us.
While everyone else is making their way south on foot, Vanessa is just going right over the river to reach the southern village, taking potshots at a Bonewalker she passes.
We're off to a good start with her.
Oh boy, these three. Put on some funny music, kids, because things just got ZANY!



No, that isn't a hint that you need to wait for them to arrive. You'll have better luck arranging a dinner date with Godot.
In the meantime, Vanessa zooms ahead to the village.

Alternatively, if we didn't want to send Vanessa, we could have broken this snag here. As the old man in the village mentioned, when we destroy it, it falls over and forms a bridge.
Lute, as a Mage, fights using the Anima school of magic, which is a consolidation of the old elemental magic system of the games made prior to the Gameboy Advance, and reintroduced in FE9.

Lute has a lot of levels ahead of her, but she's an okay magician to start with. At the very least, she's sturdy enough that the enemies she faces won't have her at a disadvantage if she's forced to fight up close.
Up top, Ross and co. band together to take down another zombie.
Ross softens it up...
And Colm is a major disappointment.
I hate you, Franz. I really do.
Good thing Artur's here to pick up the spare. I'd have liked more stats, but if I had to pick two stats for him to get, those would be okay.
Eirika gets in on the action too.
Well, she was needing more strength.
And four more revenants surge in from the top for Ross, Colm, Neimi, and sometimes Gilliam to tangle with.

And right at this point, Franz does something amazing.
All is forgiven, lad. All is forgiven.
After that, it's just zombies doing calisthenics...
Eirika demonstrating why she's the protagonist...
And Gilliam failing to impress.
The boss of this stage, if you can call it that, is an Entombed, a hulking wall of HP...
And not much else.
The end result of the fighting up above is a solid level for Ross.

And Vanessa finishes with style.
Welcome to the crew.

And who should arrive at just that very moment, but these three.


Worry not, we'll unravel the mystery of the anonymous L'Arachel and her peanut gallery in due time. But first!
Next Time: We fight for gold and glory in Chapter 5: The Empire's Reach

Class: Monk
Weapon Ranks: E in light magic
Affinity: Ice
HP: 19 (55%) Lck: 2 (25%)
Mag: 6 (50%) Def: 2 (15%)
Skl: 6 (50%) Res: 6 (55%)
Spd: 8 (40%) Con: 6
If you want quality spellcasters, this is the game for it. Artur brings power, speed, and magic tanking to the table, and when he promotes, he'll be able to act as a backup healer too. His greatest weakness is his luck and defense. Without those, he's going to need to be more timid in his approach compared to his colleague. Speaking of her:

Class: Mage
Weapon Ranks: C in anima magic
Affinity: Anima
HP: 17 (45%) Lck: 8 (45%)
Mag: 6 (65%) Def: 3 (15%)
Skl: 6 (30%) Res: 5 (40%)
Spd: 7 (45%) Con: 3
Lute's largest strength is her natural genius, starting out able to use high-powered tomes without needing to train for it. In addition, that growth is going to send her power through the roof in short order, and her luck and speed growths will aid her in dodging attacks, giving her a bit more staying power in combat than her peer up above. Her big problem is her constitution. A mere Fire tome weighs 4, and there's nothing lighter in the magical schools, so she'll need to get a lot of speed if she's going to hit twice.
Bonus Conversation:
Naturally, Lute acts differently if you visit her village with Artur.

As you can see, there's not much difference between this "special" one and the vanilla conversation every other character gets, at least when it comes to Lute's lines. I find that a shame, since it feels like the writers were being a little lazy.