Part 9: Waterside Renvall
Chapter 7: Waterside Renvall.png)
Now Eirika must find a way to rescue her brother from beneath enemy eyes.
Eirika's company rushes towards Castle Renvall, where Ephraim is being held. Surrounded by lakes, Renvall is a natural fortress, all but unassailable. A lone bridge, held by the enemy, is its only entrance.
Eirika has only one choice. Eirika decides to confront Grado's soldiers head on...


This little snippet where everyone gets a turn to talk is very reminiscent of the final chapter of FE7's first act, and appropriately so, since the chapter after this one marks the end of this game's Act 1, too.
It's too bad that the game doesn't let you field your entire party like in FE7, but our group here is a bit bigger.

As you can see, the main obstacle in our way is this large mountain range right next to a river. The chapter text wasn't kidding when it mentioned how difficult this place is to get to. But I've got a plan.
Murray would be a bit more of an obstacle if he wasn't susceptible to Eirika's Rapier. The guy's got good stats across the board and a fairly decent weapon combo, and he's going to get an assist from the gate he's standing in. The game's slowly slipping off the kid gloves.
Notice the Knight Crest. It's green, so he'll drop it on death. It's a promotion item for cavaliers and knights, so we'll need that shortly, since they're getting up there in levels.
Since going around the mountain is such a bore, I figured I'd do something different. To start, Eirika applies some Pure Water. We got this a while back, if you recall. What it does is it raises Eirika's resistance by 7, then wears off a point at a time every turn. Why does Eirika need a resistance infusion, you ask?
Because of this guy, of course. He's got an Energy Ring, and since it isn't in green text, that means we'll have to steal it. An Energy Ring increases the attack stat (Strength or Magic) by 2, which makes it really handy to have.
In order to get Eirika over to the other side of the river, Ross picks her up...
And Vanessa sets her down.
Meanwhile, Neimi makes a beeline for the ballista on the western side of the lake, while everyone else goes across the southern end of the mountain.
Except for Colm, who takes up a position next to the river.
I suppose I should make a distinction here between rivers and lakes. The lake is the big patch of water around the fortress. Only pirates and fliers can cross that sort of watery terrain. Meanwhile, people on foot (except knights, for obvious reasons) can wade across the river, but it costs them 5 move to take a single step. Pirates, meanwhile, only take a cost of 2 to cross them (presumably because they can swim it instead), and fliers are, naturally, above such considerations entirely.

I got a lot luckier here than the first time I tried this. The first time, the soldiers both hit Eirika, followed up by this guy, which was mostly the reason why I used the Pure Water this time around. Figures, doesn't it?
In the south, Gilliam does his thing.
Getting stronger, that is.
Meanwhile, Eirika moves so that the mage can have an opportunity to shoot at Colm, putting him in easy thieving range. Colm can take it, and then Colm can take it.
It's rare to see magic just bounce off of someone in this game. Pure Water is powerful stuff.
Eirika apparently enjoys the feeling of it.
And with that, the largest challenge of the map is over. Time to clean up.
Atta boy, Ross!
Gilliam, Artur, Joshua and Moulder trudge along the south side. We've already almost completely cleared out the area around the bridge, and they're just coming around the mountain. This chapter takes a while if you do it the
With the coast clear, Neimi boards the ballista to find...
That there's nobody in range. D'oh!
While Vanessa baits over one of the mercenaries so I can show off the freakin' ballista, Artur and Joshua actually get something done.
Ballistae are terrible when there aren't any pegasi around. They've got 5 shots, bad base damage, a mediocre hit rate, and they're stationary, so you usually have to bait people into coming into range of them.
Not that the enemy archer on the east side is faring much better. Take this shot of him missing Joshua and repeat it three times, and you've got the extent of the ballista's threat this battle.
Vanessa gets hit by the curse of the HP, Luck, Speed level.
Lute too. I wonder why the game likes luck and speed so much.
Now, the boss.

Nice try, sparky.

Well, at least it's not speed.
...Let's just Seize and be done with this.

Not quite.

Well, this sounds completely plausible.
Next Time: It's a Trap!