Part 15: Chapter 11A: Creeping Darkness
Man, you guys are great. Here, have an update.
Chapter 11A: Creeping Darkness
According to Ewan, a little-known passage to Jehanna lies there, hidden within its cracked red bedrock and knife-edged peaks.
To avoid Carcino and combat, Eirika's troops take the mountain path. They begin climbing higher and higher toward Caer Pelyn.
Unbeknownst to the group, hordes of dark creatures now roam the peaks.

: My teacher lives just up ahead.

: Slow down, Ewan. Let's stick together.

: ...This fog's getting thick. I don't expect any more surprise attacks, but that doesn't mean we--

: Quick worrying, mister! You're gonna get left behind.

: ...Don't speak to me, boy. I don't tolerate insolence.

: Innes, he's only a child. There's no reason to be so rude. He is helping us after all.

: That's right. Without me, you'd never get where you're going. So come on already!

: Huh? That's gonna make it awfully hard to get where we need to go.

: ...What do you know about that fort? It looks like it's been abandoned for some time. Is anyone using it?

: Nope. It's really run-down. Nobody ever goes there. It's been empty for ages. I've been inside, so I know.

: Is that right? Then what's that sound, and where is it coming from?

: Huh? What sound? Hey, you're right... I do hear a weird noise. You could hear that? Neat! You've got really good hearing. I wonder what it is...

: There it is again. Prince, is this...

: Eirika.

: Yes?

: Get your troops ready. Tell them to prepare for battle... We've been spotted. Monsters are coming.

: No way. I'm gonna fight too.

: No. You're too young. You're not ready for this. Are you going to do as I say or not? I don't know what I would do if you were to get injured.

: Oh...OK.
Wait, a kid character in a Fire Emblem game who's okay with not fighting? That's crazy!

: Hm... A bit musty, but I like it. I've decided. We'll bed here for the night. I do wonder where Rennac disappeared to, though. I told him not to wander off, but...

: Hmph! Lady LArachel, this could be trouble.

: What is it, Dozla?

: Look there! Through that break in the fog... Looks like we've got some nasty creatures running 'bout this place.

: ...I can't see a thing. But this can be nothing but good fortune shining down on us again. Losing our way in the mountains and running into these abominations? There can be no doubt: we were brought here to destroy these foul things! Come, Dozla! We fight!

: Gwah ha ha! My heart cries out for battle!
Mine too. Let's get started.

Dozla is a berserker, and a pretty good one at that. He's got the usual prepromote issue of not having the most ideal stats, but the ones they give him are respectable enough.
Look at that crit chance, by the way. Believe it or not, but only 5 of that is because of the Battle Axe. The rest is due to his skill and the natural bonus he gets as a berserker.

L'Arachel starts out well in terms of stats, but getting her to a level where she can promote is going to be tough, since she's another healer, a Troubadour, to be precise.
I just wanted to show you how much the monsters have improved since our first encounter. They're not what you'd call the best units, even so, but they're definitely more of a threat than they were.
As always, Neimi opens. You might remember that we picked up a Longbow last chapter.
Need I say more? With assistance from Tethys, Neimi takes down the Entombed by herself and gets...
An okay level. Three stats that aren't HP or Luck are fine by me.
While everybody else takes an excursion through the building, Eirika, Neimi, and Ross are going around. Our objective is to Rout everyone, so this ought to speed things up a bit.
Meanwhile, Colm sets them up...
And Amelia knocks them down.
I only wish her other levels this chapter had been this amazing.
Marisa helps too.
And there is no shortage of zombies coming through the sides.
If you were concerned about Dozla and L'Arachel, believe when I say that the two of them can fend for themselves just fine.
Getting used as a human target is good for training, apparently.
With the assistance of Tethys, Amelia can kill two enemies a turn, doubling her experience gain.

It's twice the disappointment!
Not much progress being made on the western expansion.
I'm okay with that.
One level to go...
This next part is tricky, since those floating eyeballs are going to make a mess of any of our front-liners. Not a lot of resistance in this bunch.
Seriously, this is more than twice the amount of Pure Water I've used in my total combined runs through all the games in the Fire Emblem series that I've played combined. I don't normally use Pure Water, is what I'm saying.
Also, notice the two new faces in the monster army.

Mauthe Doogs are speedy little ankle biters. They're relatively harmless against anyone with defense, but they can easily run down any squishy units we leave open.

Gargoyles, meanwhile, are monster fliers with good all-around stats. They can take a hit and deliver a hard one in return, though their reliance on lances makes them good targets for Ross. They're also weak to arrows, for what that's worth.
Defending against the monster hordes goes...well, it could have gone better. But at least Colm survived this time.
Meanwhile, the western group has slightly better success.
I'd complain, but he really needed those.
This, however, I can complain about with impunity.
Oh hey! Eirika found the boss!
Wights are the upgraded form of Bonewalkers, kind of like how Entombed are the upgrade for Revenants. They're a lot more dangerous than Entombed though, since they've got speed, damage, accuracy, and defense on them.
Eirika's in some pretty bad shape after this encounter, and I contemplate just having her chug an Elixir...
But then Neimi goes and pulls out a crit.
This allows Eirika to finish it off, providing her with...
You know, it's been a long time since Eirika gained any strength. I just wanted to put that out there.
On a more positive note, Colm reaches the first treasure chest and finds another Secret Book. If I get more duplicate stat boosters, I'm going to have to do some sort of early giveaway, since they're taking up a lot of space.
And Amelia finishes her training. She'll promote next chapter, just like Ross did.
Yup. Just like Ross.
I never get tired of looking at Elfire.
And neither does Lute.
While everyone else is a room away from L'Arachel, Eirika is only just coming around the side of the building. Gotta pick up the pace, girl.
Kyle addresses some problem areas.
So look at this door here. I figured that, since the monsters were on the opposite side, it'd be okay to run Gerik and Colm forward. I mean, what were the odds that the game designers would give them a key, right?
Tethys to the rescue again.
Aided by exotic dancing, Kyle is able to form a makeshift wall along with gerik.
Also, a very priest-like level happens.
Secure in the knowledge that the monsters can only get him in his nightmares, Colm grabs the next treasure, an upgraded Javelin. The Short Spear has 9 damage (compared to the Javelin's 6 damage) for only a 5% decrease in accuracy and 2 less uses.
You know, Gerik would make a better defensive unit if he'd kill enemies less.
Apparently he agrees.
While I'm clearing out enemies in the east, in the west, something unusual happens. An enemy runs. This is the first time I've seen an enemy of any kind, in any Fire Emblem game, actually turn down the opportunity to take a swing at my guys. I'm not sure what to think about that.
Naturally, I hunt down this oddly life-treasuring Bonewalker and shoot it to (re)death in cold blood.
We're the heroes.
I love you, Neimi.
Last order of business is that treasure chest up there, guarded by one last Bonewalker. We've got to be careful about this, since the level will end if we kill it, and then we won't get the treasure.
First things first. A combination of rescuing, passing off, and dancing gets Eirika over to L'Arachel.

: Hello! So it's true! Blessings do come in threes!

: LArachel, this place is dangerous. You should find safe haven elsewhere.

: Oh, you needn't worry about us. As you well know, my divine mission is to purge the land of these obscenities. I will show you the splendor that is LArachel in action! Bear witness!

: If you insist. At least let us join forces for the time being.
And from there, we can talk to...

: Dozla.

: We're going to join these good people and eradicate these unclean monstrosities.

: Sounds fun! What would you have me to do?

: Oh, just carry on in your normal manner: destroy, destroy, destroy. But do be sure to enjoy yourself.

: Gwah ha ha! I am your obedient servant!
Destroy, destroy, destroy. That's my strategy in a nutshell.
In order to sneak Colm by the Bonewalker, I employ Tethys once more. She's been so helpful this level.
And mission accomplished. The Restore staff heals all negative status effects. We'll definitely want this for the road ahead.
And Marisa finishes strong. Well, relative to her first level.

: Please, speak nothing of it. It is heaven's dictate that I come here to cleanse this charming place of monsters. What's important is-- Oh my! I just realized I have not yet had the honor of your name.

: Oh, you're right. How strange... We've met so often now that I had assumed you already... Please forgive my lack of manners. My name is Eirika.

: Milady...

: It's all right, Seth. She's clearly not our enemy.

: Eirika... Aha! So you must be Princess Eirika of Renais! It is simply an honor to meet you. And how strange that we should meet again in this place. You must be lost as well. This continent is so confusing.

: Um, yes. Actually, we're not lost at all. You see...
One quick fade of exposition later...

: Well, clearly, I must be allowed to accompany you.

: You want to travel with us? I appreciate your offer, but our journey is far too perilous. I do not wish to pull you into this madness.

: No, no, no. There can be no doubt that we were sent here to aid you. It is all part of the grand design. I, LArachel, shall play my role and fulfill my divine duties. This I swear!

: Are you sure this is wise, Princess?

: Don't worry, Seth.

: You and I are now traveling with Eirika and her companions.

: Gwah ha ha! I understand. For you, Lady LArachel, I would do absolutely anything! I would run to the ends of this world and dive into a sea of evil!

: How very like you, my dear, dedicated Dozla! So noble! Come! We're off!

: Gwah ha ha!

: That's strange. He's not here. Must be out wandering again.

: He's out? That poses a problem. Do you know when he'll return?

: Hmmm... I don't know. He often goes out and looks for people in need.

: Ah! Teacher!

: Y-you... We've met before, haven't we? You were looking for someone...

: ...Oh, yes. And now we meet again.

: These people say they want to go through Caer Pelyn. I could guide them myself, but I thought it might be better if you went, too. That's why I brought them here. What do you say? Will you guide them?

: ...

: Would you, please?

: ...Very well. I'm heading there now. If you need to go to Caer Pelyn, you're free to follow me.

: You don't mind?

: We have little interest in the outside world, but we do not refuse travelers. I should warn you: the road is not easy, and you look very weary. You should rest a night before attempting the mountains.

: We do need rest, it's true. We are all exhausted from our encounter with those creatures. We must give our men time to heal, or they'll be useless in an emergency.

: It's settled then. I'll go on ahead and let the elder know we're coming. See? Even when there's no fighting to be done, I'm still useful!

: ...He's gone. I wonder if he'll be all right.

: Idiotic boy. I understand his need to be helpful, but...

: Ewan knows this land well. You needn't worry about him. We'll depart at sunrise. I suggest you all get some rest.
Next morning, we get waylaid by wyverns. Boy, isn't this familiar.

: Who? You.. You're General Glen of Grado. We met once in the capital, didn't we? You were very kind to me. However, if you're here now, I have to assume this means...

: Yes, it does. I wish our reunion could come under different circumstances. Eirika, I must tell you, I come here on the direct orders of the emperor. I'm to bring to justice the rebel army leader who's been terrorizing Carcino. It's you, Eirika. They say you've been murdering innocents.

: What? Wait! What do you mean? I...

: ...If you have something to say, I would hear it. I know all too well that Grado has robbed you of your homeland, but even so... I do not believe revenge could drive a woman like you to such depths. And yet... here you are in Carcino with a small army under your command. And the emperor tells us that you massacred everyone in Port Kiris.

: That... That's a lie! I could never...

: Go on.

: Could one of the legendary Imperial Three honestly be as stupid as this?

: ...What do you mean?

: Carcino betrayed Frelia and set a pack of mercenary dogs to kill me. And you paint Eirika a rebel instigator? It's an absurd farce. Your emperor commits horrors, and you believe Eirika is a criminal?

: ...What are you saying?

: You truly are blind, aren't you? You're one of the Imperial Three, and yet you can't see your emperor's plan?

: That's enough, Innes. Theres no need to provoke him. General Glen, we've told you what we know to be true, what we've seen firsthand. We don't want to fight you... But if you push us, we will drive you back to Grado with your tail between your legs.

: ...I see. You...are more observant than you know. I am ignorant of the emperor's designs. General Duessel and I both questioned the wisdom of this war. And if you really are innocent of the crimes attributed to you... Why would His Majesty lie to us? I must know the answer.

: So, you...believe us?

: The Princess Eirika I met long ago was kind and merciful in spirit. You've faced relentless hardship, and yet that selfsame spirit remains true.

: ...Let's put our fight aside for now. I will learn the truth. Then I will once again perform the duties of my office. If you have lied to me today, I will hound you to the very grave itself.

: Very well...
Naturally, no sooner does the group leave...
Than our "favorite" character arrives.

: Valter...

: Tsk, tsk. What am I to make of this? Those little birds I saw flitting away into the mountains looked vaguely familiar. What do you suppose would happen if it were known you let Eirika escape?

: Do as you will. I'm returning to the capital. I have questions for the emperor. Clear the path, Valter.

: Hold on now. No reason to rush off, is there? After all, this is where you're going to die. See?

: ...What are you babbling about?

: Heh heh... We were a grand trio--the Imperial Three: You, Duessel, and me. But my place among you was stolen, and I was exiled from Grado.

: You slaughtered people who had no intention of fighting. The emperor's punishment was just and warranted.

: Heh heh...heh heh heh... After my fall from glory, only desire kept me alive. Desire for revenge. My hatred burned so fierce that I was only barely able to keep my sanity. That hatred keeps me warm still today. Oh, how it burns...

: ...

: Hear me, Glen, wyvern general of the Imperial Three. I live for battle. I crave it. I have no need for peace. That is why you must die.

: A battle between generals... Sends the spirit soaring, eh? Come, Glen! Entertain me! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

: Urrgh...
...Really, Glen?
I mean, I ran the numbers on this, and if the battle went the same way with lances, it wouldn't have changed a thing, other than forcing Valter to take another turn. Giving Glen a sword was completely pointless except for making Valter look awesomer.

: Heh heh... This is merely the beginning. Endless battle, war without end... Heh heh... ha hahahahahaha!
Well, at any rate, there goes Glen. The guy did little and accomplished almost nothing.
Next Time: It's another monster feeding frenzy in
Chapter 12: Village of Silence.
Class: Berserker
Weapon Ranks: B in axes
Affinity: Thunder
HP: 43 (85%)
Lck: 4 (30%)
Str: 16 (50%)
Def: 11 (30%)
Skl: 11 (35%)
Res: 6 (25%)
Spd: 9 (40%)
Con: 16
In true Berserker fashion, Dozla is a mountain of hit points with a mean swing. He's definitely a bit behind in everything, and if Ross goes the berserker route, he'll probably surpass him easily, but he does his job pretty well. I don't tend to use Dozla that much since, you know, Ross, but that doesn't make him bad by any means.
Class: Troubadour
Weapon Ranks: D in staves
Affinity: Light
HP: 18 (45%)
Lck: 12 (65%)
Mag: 6 (50%)
Def: 5 (15%)
Skl: 6 (45%)
Res: 8 (50%)
Spd: 10 (45%)
Con: 5
L'Arachel's main advantages over Moulder and Natasha are mobility and a decent starting baseline. Her growths are also a bit more balanced towards the areas she needs, giving her a very good chance of becoming a good spellcaster with some levels on her. The main complaint I have is that she comes in at such a low level when there aren't many more chapters left in the game. It'll take a lot of work to get her up to speed with everyone else.
In memory of General Glen, who...what did he do, precisely? Oh yeah, he gave some orders in that chapter where we met Natasha and then moped about how Vigarde wasn't as cool as he remembered. I can't say I'll miss him.