Part 16: Chapter 12A: Village of Silence

With the assistance of Saleh, Eirika makes her way up into the mountains. Little does she know, but a new threat awaits her up there: oxygen starvation.

I can definitely sympathize. I live in an area very close to sea level, so when I attended a two-week camp up in Colorado, I could barely run for ten seconds before feeling winded.

We'll get to that shortly. We've got other business to attend to.

You're not just becoming a soldier, Amelia.

You're becoming a knight.

Now why would you think he was in danger?

Look at this kid barely outrun a zombie. That takes talent.

Don't worry about Ewan. Unlike some horror movies you may have seen, monsters actually leave houses completely alone, so we can take our sweet time reaching him.
No need to concern ourselves about Saleh either. The guy can fend for himself just fine. Perhaps a little too well, as a matter of fact.

I was a little mistaken about the mission of this chapter. Despite the boss-like appearance of the Maelduin standing in front of a gate, this map is actually another Rout map, and that isn't a gate at all. My bad, I suppose.
The Tarvos and Maelduin have the movement speed of a mounted unit and use axes primarily. They're also pretty beefy, but compensate by being unable to hit a blessed thing (keep this statement in mind for later).

To begin, I have Vanessa thin out some of the flying units up north. This turns out to be a bad idea, because in doing so, I crossed an invisible line. What did it do?

It gave Lute unnatural luck, of course.

But it also signaled these monsters to arrive at the end of the next enemy phase.

These too. I'm guessing they intended for you to accidentally cross that line when the bulk of your force was further upwards, because this is just a nasty pincer attack.

Interesting little graphical glitch, by the way. I'm guessing they don't expect you to read fast enough to notice it when you're swiftly panning over units.

Deploy makeshift barricades!

It works, sort of. Amelia isn't at the point yet where she can effectively block attacks, but give her time.

This gargoyle thinks it's being clever. Too bad I'm most cleverest.

And yes, I do have to use Saleh once. But just once, I promise.

This gargoyle has a horseslayer, but it doesn't work against flying horses. I help myself to it once it's dead.

Not much else to report, other than Lute's continual streak of not-bad levels.

So many gargoyles. For Neimi, it's paradise.

I'd like to give a big shoutout to the Hatchet. Ross started with it, and its ranged capabilities and decent weight and damage have served him well.

Why am I bringing it up now? No reason.

That's a step in the right direction, Amelia, but I'd like a little more than that.

Thank you.

In retrospect, putting Vanessa way out ahead of everyone else was kind of stupid.

I can only blame myself for this level.

That's a dancer level.

Well, no harm in having Tana assist.

Uh oh.

Good thing he missed on the enemy phase. I would have been mildly put off.

Seriously, pegasus knights got no love this chapter.

None at all.

And then Eirika gets into the fun. I'd use that Restore staff I picked up last chapter, but guess who isn't a high enough rank to use it.

Guess I'll have to settle for the next best thing.

So after all that silliness, yet another spider comes down to play.

Tana has had enough from spiders.

Those are decent stats, but it's still not great.

Now that the situation's calmed down enough, we can retrieve our young pupil.

Yahoo...If he starts talking about how Eirika looks like a goddess, I'm ditching him back on Tatooine.

Yes, another trainee. It feels like just yesterday that we finished training the last one. Ewan is the magician trainee, a Pupil, and he starts out with the ability to use Anima magic, but he can ditch that for another school if we want.
He also comes with another Energy Ring, which is always nice.

Compared to finding a party member, this one will seem downright mundane.

A Barrier staff is essentially Pure Water. Same resistance boost, same decrease-over-time effect. The difference is that Pure Water can only be applied to the person who uses it, while a Barrier staff can be used on anybody by a healer, so no need to waste a turn putting it on.
Too bad it's C rank, though, so L'Arachel can't use it quite yet. It's got 15 uses of 17 exp each, so it's effectively worth two levels and a half, and unlike heal staves, which can only be used on injured targets, it can be used anytime on anybody. Really handy training tool for healers, Barrier staves are.

I love how huge the Tarvos' axes are. Really makes them more imposing.

Someone brought this up in the thread, but the spriters really did a good job at making the trainees seem awkward in their attacks. You had Amelia, who looked like she could barely lift that spear of hers, and now you have Ewan stumbling back and forth while doing the normal spellcaster theatrics. It's a fun break from the stylish maneuvers of the more experienced classes.

You thought we were done with gargoyles? Well...we are now. Aside from a couple stragglers to the right, that's the last of them for this chapter.

Lots of easily avoidable attacks hitting this round. I wonder if it's a sign of bad things to come, or just the RNG being in a foul mood.

One advantage Ewan has as a trainee is that not a lot of enemies have resistance, so he can do some decent damage, even in his puny state.

Why do trainees have to crap out on me?

Why would a gargoyle go for Ross? He's got an axe, and there's a pegasus knight in range.

Oh, I get it.

With the combined damage from the boss and the gargoyle, had they both hit, Ross would have died that turn. The fact that the gargoyle's sacrifice meant that the boss would be able to attack at range undeterred was merely icing on the cake.
Goodbye, hatchet. Ross will have to move on to better axes.

Elsewhere, an entombed gives Gerik a free level. I don't know why entombed specifically are so valuable, but they're almost always a guaranteed level to whoever pops them.

And Gerik gets slightly more invincible.

Since his experience just wrapped right around, he's able to level again off a gargoyle. It's not great, but I'm not asking for much from him.

For whatever reason, there's a vendor right next to the boss.

Aside from Restore staves that L'Arachel can't use, there's nothing in here we haven't seen before. I grab one anyway, just in case.

Gargoyles are good eatin'.

Honestly, I don't know if you can call this a boss. Just look at that hit chance.


In actuality, Grandmother's name is Dara, but since everyone calls her Granny, we'll call her that instead.

So that was Granny. To think that if we'd chosen Ephraim's route, we'd have missed out on that huge wall of exposition. What a shame that would have been.
Next Time: We get trapped between two armies in Chapter 13: Hamill Canyon

Class: Sage
Weapon Ranks: A in anima, B in light, C in staves
Affinity: Wind
HP: 30 (50%) Lck: 11 (40%)
Mag: 16 (30%) Def: 8 (30%)
Skl: 18 (25%) Res: 13 (35%)
Spd: 14 (40%) Con: 8
Saleh is kind of dull, really. He's got great bases, but he won't advance very far if you use him, and his personality isn't notable or memorable enough for me to advocate him based on that either. If you want to go the Sage route, Lute would probably be a better choice, and she's a more entertaining character, to boot.

Class: Pupil
Weapon Ranks: E in anima, changes to D in dark depending on promotion
Affinity: Light
HP: 15 (50%) Lck: 5 (50%)
Mag: 3 (45%) Def: 0 (15%)
Skl: 2 (40%) Res: 3 (40%)
Spd: 5 (35%) Con: 5
Ewan is yet another trainee-the last one, I promise-and has the same strengths and weaknesses. What he brings to the table is a potentially very strong caster, but you better have someone standing between him and the enemy at all times, because he's made of wet tissue paper. You could have him go mage, but Lute will probably blow him out of the water, so you'll most likely have him go shaman for dark magic instead. Honestly, I don't usually use him unless I have the training areas handy, which I don't in this run. I guess next chapter will have to suffice, because I'm training him anyway.
Extra Conversations
Naturally, Ewan has some additional recruitment conversations. With Tethys...

With Eirika...

And anyone else.

You don't want to know what I have to say about you right now, kid.