Part 19: Chapter 15A: Scorched Sand

You'd think that this would be a direct continuation from the last chapter, but...

I like how they're trying to weave tutorials into the narrative. It's a little clumsy, but a good effort.

Valter will wish he'd taken Riev's advice. But first...

Yeah, I could have made Ewan a mage, but besides the difference in constitution, Lute does the job well enough.

When you see the alternative dark mage, you'll know I made the right decision.

Welcome to the desert map. It's pretty much a series tradition at this point that at least one chapter will require the party to trudge through movement-impairing sand. As mentioned, knights and mounted units are hurting the most, since they have to use 4 movement points to go through one desert tile, while mages and fliers aren't affected at all.
However, unlike most desert maps, this one throws you a bone by giving you a lot of plains and sand to run across, neither of which cuts your movement speed to cross. Very generous.
Also, as I was saying before, you'd think that we'd have moved on directly from the last map with this starting formation, but it's implied from Eirika and Seth's conversation that they've been fighting for a while, since Eirika's so fatigued-sounding. Considering that we're about to rampage across the battlefield with only some minor speedbumps, the distressed way that they're acting doesn't especially make sense either.
That's correct, we've got to kill everyone this map, including Caellach and Valter here. The Hoplon Guard will prevent Caellach from being hurt by critical hits and the Fili Shield will protect Valter from the effective damage of arrows. Not a bad combo, but there are ways around both.

Got some folks with interesting gear this map too. This berserker, for instance, will give us that Dragon Axe if we get him to switch to his hand axe instead. The Dragon Axe is like the Dragonspear from last chapter, effective against Wyverns. That'd come in handy for fighting a certain gentleman on a flying lizard, I'd wager.

But enough talking. Let's get to killing.

First order of business though: shopping. The store right next to our party's starting destination has the dark magic that Ewan needs, plus some Divine magic for when Moulder trains himself up to that level.

I'll be splitting up the party for the sake of convenience. There's hidden treasure under this sand, and while rogues and thieves can find it instantly, anyone else has to take a (luck + 1)% chance while standing in the right spot. I don't really like those odds.

So here's the berserker I mentioned before. We'll need to coax him into switching to his hand axe, and it looks like Rennac's up again.

But first, Tana starts taking down Caellach's protective guard.

This is a shockingly well-rounded pegasus knight we've got here.

And the plan out east goes off without a hitch.

Cormag and Vanessa (and sometimes Eirika) are watching over Rennac for this portion. Good thing too, since we're going to see a lot of company up here in the northeast.

You know, you could make an argument for the thief class, but that is unmistakably a knife. It's not even a short sword, it's so tiny.

And Rennac is doing just about how I predicted.

Let's talk about fighters and desert. They don't like it. Unlike other unmounted classes, which only take 2 move to get through desert tiles, fighters take 3 move, and it's hilarious.

Means that Tana can just ignore them and do something like this. Don't worry about Caellach. He and Valter are rooted to where they stand for this mission.

Bizarrely, this event occurs at the end of the player's turn 2, right before the enemy phase. I don't get why they timed it that way.

Wait, Duessel? Of Grado?

And who's this mopey guy?

Despite the fact that you'd have to be mental to bring a knight onto this map, they decided to outfit a fighter with a Hammer anyway. The Hammer is the armorslayer of the axe family, despite not actually being an axe. Oh well, it's a short stick with a heavy thing strapped onto the end of it, so I suppose it's close enough.

Another Luna moron. They'd be a lot more threatening if they had more skill.

And we got pegasi. We're going to get four more next turn, two in this area, and two more over to the northwest. Joy.

So now that we actually can control them, let's look at our new guys. At first glance, you might not know what's different about Ephraim, but the answer is that he's been automatically leveled to level 15, with stat gains to match. He would have stayed the same had he been above level 15 before leaving.

It's like Aias all over again, only better. Duessel the Obsidian is every bit the powerhouse he's built up to be. As for why he's fighting on our side, you'd have to see Ephraim's route to know the particulars, but suffice to say that he shared Glen's reservations about Emperor Vigarde. More to the point, short of the bosses, he can easily mow down anything on this map.

Last, and certainly least, is Knoll, the only shaman we'd have if Ewan went the mage route. Note the luck, or lack thereof, and the fact that he's level 10 and blah in everything, including personality. Knoll couldn't suck worse if know what, I think I'll skip the analogy. I'm feeling less motivated just looking at him.

Why don't you go...visit this village or something.

Yay. It's a promotion item that can promote any type of character except a Lord. I'm ecstatic.
Moving right along...

I suppose I should mention that Cormag can whack these pegasus knights in a single shot with an iron lance. Could use better levels, but I'll forgive him for it.

Vanessa needs a little bit of help, but she can take care of herself okay.

Since Duessel's going to sink like a stone in the desert, I have him go over in order to soften up the soldiers a bit for Ephraim.
At least, that was the plan.

You can probably guess where this is going.

At least they give refills.

Taking the Hoplon Guard is more to protect my guys from crits than weaken Caellach. He doesn't have a very high crit chance, but with Moulder's luck, I'd rather not risk it.

And it just so happens that the zone where the Warp Staff is located is right around Caellach. The Warp Staff does exactly what it sounds like: warping a nearby ally anywhere within the caster's magic range, divided by 2. There are some applications for this, some very hilarious applications, in fact, but they'll have to wait until L'Arachel is A rank in staves.

By the way, you can trade with characters who are being rescued. I wonder if you knew that.
I don't have Moulder attack right away, since Caellach's strong enough to decimate any member of my party in two hits. He'll attack me when the enemy phase comes around.

Next treasure! The Silver Card reduces all shop costs by half when the character doing the shopping has it equipped. And yes, you can even do this with secret shops.

Why are you attacking him? Ephraim's right there! This is eating up so much experience!
In other news...

No offense taken.

Number three! The Silence staff prevents spellcasters from fighting for five turns. Sounds like a great idea, but then you consider that any enemy worth silencing either has enough resistance to block it or is sitting on a throne, which will cure his status at the start of his turn.
Did you know that thrones cure status effects? They really do! Probably to prevent you from completely trivializing fights by putting bosses to sleep.

Having to resort to a fancy weapon to defeat a mere pegasus knight gives Eirika...

...Valter's strong girl, ladies and gentlemen.

Vanessa takes a short break from the fight to grab one of my many stored vulneraries. Notice a problem with this picture?

Fortunately for Ephraim, not all of the enemies suicide on Duessel.

This seems a little mismatched, but Joshua has a store of healing items and a dedicated staff user at his back.

Now imagine two or three turns of the two of them missing one another repeatedly.

Yeah, I think I remember why we don't see Vanessa often.

Blah blah Ephraim Duessel blah.

Oh wait, this is new. Eclipse is the long range dark tome, and it's a little different from the others. Its accuracy is cruddy, but if it hits, it cuts an enemy's HP in half. It's situational at best, really.

L'Arachel is shaping up to be quite the magician.

While Lute has been coasting lately on her first accomplishments.

I think you'll be happy that I cut out all the pegasus knight killing, because are lots of them up there.

Oh, now this is a find. Metis's Tome raises a character's stat growths by 5% across the board. This is better used early than later, obviously, so I'll be having a vote on it right after the level is over.

Figures that Joshua and Caellach would score hits on each other at the same time.

More strength and skill will speed this up.

We're switching from pegasi to shamen now. Not an issue.

This, however, might be.

Moulder has also been taking potshots at Caellach, with limited success. I suppose I should mention that the guy's standing on a fort, which makes hitting him a little difficult.

Though this might raise Moulder's chances a little.

L'Arachel's graduated to being able to use Physic staves. This will make things fun.

More treasure hunting. The Wyrmslayer is the last of the wyvern-killing trio of weapons. There isn't a wyvern killing bow, because that's just redundant.

Another berserker, another unusual weapon.

The Devil Axe has a ridiculous amount of attack power, in exchange for randomly attacking its wielder for however much damage you were going to do. This is a (31-Luck)% chance, so you could say this was tailor-made for Ross, but his luck can only go up to 30. I'm not sure I'd want to risk it.

Through a combination of lucky hits, Joshua and Moulder have almost got Caellach down.

It's only fitting that Joshua has the last hit.

Joshua can take that crown off your hands, though he will have to sacrifice his sweet chapeau.

Duessel blah Ephraim.

I haven't mentioned it that much, but Ewan's low level makes fighting with him a little risky.

Though it appears that he's taking steps to fix that.

Oh look, Knoll got hit by dark magic. Huh.

I'd waste the nuisance that's spamming it, but he's holding a Guiding Ring. I'll need to get Rennac down there before I can finish him off.

On the plus side, this does give me the ability to show off that tome that Knoll's holding. Nosferatu drains a target's health...

And gives it back to the caster. Dark magic has all the interesting effects. Too bad it's all inaccurate.
Killing that troubadour gave Knoll a Mend staff, which he-

Wait...throw away?
Yeah, you might recall from way up there that I had only 1 or 2 spaces left in my convoy, which I've been jamming random treasures into. I suppose it goes without saying, but this is not a map you want to run out of space in.

The mages that came in that huge chunk of reinforcements take turns to fry Ross's stupid face.

He takes it as a learning experience.

And Ewan climbs another step on the stairway to maturity. If he's going to use dark magic though, he's going to need more skill. If only we had, oh, two or three stat boosters of this kind lying around.

Naturally, it's only after the shaman runs out of Eclipse rounds that Rennac gets around to him.

And then Tana ends his worthless life.

Let's get around to cracking this nut. As you can see, this is going to be a lot faster.

And boy will he ever. I don't even need to pull one of the Dragon weapons on him now.

That went a lot more smoothly than Caellach.

Not what I'd like, really. I hope that the next two are a little better.

On the plus side, whichever flier we slap this on is going to take normal damage from arrows now. Tana and Vanessa just got super cool, and Cormag got mildly cooler than he already is.
Nothing left to do now but mop up the dregs, but we've got to make sure to get all the treasures first. For instance...

Guzzling vulneraries like a mad woman to free up space, Eirika happens upon the Swiftsoles, the movement booster (+2, as always). This will be very useful on whoever we put it on, but it might benefit Amelia the most. I'll be bringing it up in the next vote too.

Oh hey, our own wildly inaccurate long range dark magic tome! Just what I wanted!

This would be a bit better if I didn't buy one last chapter.

And another constitution supplement. Guess I can add that to the vote too.

Oh groovy, more items.

Garm is pretty much right up Duessel or Ross's alley. Both of those guys suffer from speed issues, so the boost will come in pretty handy.

Skill is very important for dark magic users. Gleipnir is obviously only usable by Ewan and that other guy, so it'll be a while until we see it. Still, at least shamen start at D rank, so it's not as bad as it could be.

Pretend to be shocked.

That really showed some hidden depths in Saleh's personality, all right. Oh well, it's not important.
Next Time: We settle a very old score in Chapter 16: Ruled by Madness

Class: Great Knight
Weapon Ranks: A in swords, lances, and axes
Affinity: Anima
HP: 41 (85%) Lck: 8 (45%)
Str: 17 (55%) Def: 17 (30%)
Skl: 12 (40%) Res: 9 (20%)
Spd: 12 (30%) Con: 15
Duessel's tough, no questions about it, but he's also a prepromote, with the same sorts of problems. He's got enough raw power to do what you need, and enough of everything else to make him a well-rounded unit. He's even got a decent supply of resistance. If you want to skip the cavaliers altogether and just stick with him and Seth, it wouldn't be the worst choice.

Class: Shaman
Weapon Ranks: C in dark magic
Affinity: Dark
HP: 22 (70%) Lck: 0 (20%)
Mag: 12 (50%) Def: 2 (10%)
Skl: 9 (40%) Res: 10 (45%)
Spd: 8 (35%) Con: 7
You may think it unfair to dismiss Knoll so offhandedly, and perhaps that's true. He and Ewan are very close in their growths, but not so much in their bases. Bear in mind that this stuff above is based off of a character starting 9 levels above where Ewan started as a shaman. I'm not even going to go into that luck and defense growth either. That luck isn't even Moulder bad. That's just horrible all around.
Then again, we just acquired a talisman that prevents crits, so maybe the luck isn't an issue. Who knows.
Extra Conversations

Needless to say, I didn't bring Eirika within striking distance of Valter. Even with a Wyrmslayer, he would have murdered her. If you fight him with anyone else:

So long, you crazy fools. The game doesn't let us know about this unless we poke into one of the info houses, but General Selena Fluorspar is also dead at this point. We'll see how that happened in Ephraim's route.