Part 33: Chapter 5x: A True Hero Emerges
Chapter 5x: A True Hero Emerges

It's time to train our protagonist for the rest of this run. Eirika's portion is important for determining our roster, but what she gets is mostly unimportant in this run. And good thing too.

These soldiers are getting mildly bothersome at this point. It doesn't help that the party's saddled with steel lances. If we had some iron lances for this fight, we wouldn't be taking speed penalties and we'd be able to double them with impunity.

Honestly, what Zonta needed was a boost to constitution. That steel blade is still weighing him down, and so he's a sitting duck.

I won't even make pretensions of claiming that we're holding back Orson's mighty power. We're just preventing him from fighting because it's a complete waste of experience.

Due to the aforementioned weight of the party's weapons and the scarcity of healing items, Forde's lone javelin is going to get a lot of use.

And as always, Orson's going to be a target for enemies. If he's not going to fight, at least he can make himself useful.

Ah, 3 times 10 damage. How sweet it is. For comparison's sake, the Rapier only does 3 times 7, which is still respectable, but not generally an instant kill on the enemies it's effective against.

Honestly, the stat boosts that enemies are getting are more obnoxious than dangerous. It just means that they took longer to die.

The large number of magical units of all kinds is a bit of a problem on this map, since the group as a whole is kinda weak on the resistance. And unlike normal, there's no killing them in a single shot, not even from Kyle.

We're going to have to use this guy. I'd just like to remind you of that.

At least he still does everything with pizzazz.

Limited inventory space rears its ugly head again, but since one of the treasures is an elixir, having to give up an elixir for a chest key means I don't lose much.
Besides an elixir.

This baby will come in handy.

And this joke never gets old.

Oh no, it's spreading!

Ah, skill. It's a decent stat, but it's not the most crucial one. That would probably be strength, with speed coming in a close second.

Having such an accurate and powerful spear means that skill is not especially necessary for Ephraim.

Though some units may wish that they had more of it.

Your wish is my command, Forde.

I'm grateful for the defense boost, even though our main character is a little weak right now.

As I said, the javelin gets a lot of use here. It's a definite life-saver.

With the cavaliers' speed and Orson's rescuing ability, we're able to clear that tiny corridor without being sniped over the walls.

Kyle, I really want to like you. Don't make me not like you, Kyle.

No reinforcements of note aside from this mage. We deal with him easily enough.

On the plus side, at least Ephraim's still better than his sister.

We're getting near the end already. Kind of a short chapter.

It's pretty action-packed for its length, though.

Utilizing the power of plagiarism, Kyle keeps himself relevant.

So I'm sure you guessed this, but Zonta has no defense against ranged tactics, but you'd have to be an honorless fiend to exploit such a blind spot.

Don't worry, he's just weakening him a little to make Ephraim's job easier.

Goodness knows, he could use the help.

Dropping Zonta gives a huge gain in everything but hurting things. Typical.

And as Forde cleans up the stragglers, we close this chapter.

Next Time: Reinforcements in fog of war? But of course!
Total Resets: 20