Part 43: Chapter 15B: Scorched Sand
Chapter 15B: Scorched Sand
Grado's General Caellach has attacked Jehanna Hall, forcing its surrender.
Though Eirika and her troops have left the Hall, Grado's forces pursue them relentlessly. Trapped in the burning desert, enemy forces close in on them from all sides.
With no time to wait for Frelia's troops, Ephraim leaves for Jehanna immediately. He must go to his sister's aid.

I'm with you, Seth. Thanks to that not-so-carefully-woven-into-the-plot exposition about how deserts work, we now know not to bring his wordy self onto the map. Good to know.

Meanwhile, you remember how Riev was consulting with Valter on Eirika's route? Apparently, Lyon was talking to Caellach at the exact same time.

Yeah, that conversation was a little awkward too, but if you'd taken Ephraim's route, you wouldn't have known that Joshua had a personal score to settle with Caellach.

Anyway, we're not finished with the plot just yet, because here come Eirika, Saleh, and Innes, fleeing from the palace after the walls were set on fire.

And they shall live, indeed. You've seen this map before. Our objective is to kill everyone.

As with Ephraim, Eirika is automatically boosted to Level 15 for this fight, and she's come out of her offscreen training with quite some improvement. She's not great, but with the weaponry she had before she left, she'll keep herself alive.

Saleh's been raised to Level 4, and he's quite good, albeit very slow. My first priority will be getting him a staff from the nearby shop, since he'll be the only source of healing until the rest of the group gets there.

Gotta say, Innes isn't my favorite prepromote, but he's good enough to hold his own, having been granted two levels as well.
Caellach's tougher across the board, and he's still on a fort, but compared to our team, he's slow. That'll work in our favor, since Rennac will be able to easily swipe his Hoplon Guard.
Valter may seem tougher than Caellach, but he's actually more of a chump, since he's also on a fort, but doesn't get any benefits. People in the thread have been requesting that Innes get the honor of shooting him down once he loses the Fili Shield, and I'm glad to oblige.

And of course, hard mode makes the promoted units around the map a lot more sturdy. We're not walking through these guys. No sir.

We'll want to start by sending the trio over to the left. We've got pegasi coming in shortly, and we want Eirika's group to be alone for as short a time as possible.

And since we start near the village, we can grab the Master Seal right from the get-go. No new dialogue though.

While it is tempting to go straight to Valter, it's a better idea to send the team to back up Eirika first.

The composition of the team can help with that, since we're entirely on foot or in the air this time

Of course, some enemies do move from the east regardless, but nothing that's too dangerous.

Eirika's come a long way, hasn't she?

I'll be training up Knoll this chapter to keep him competitive. It's a good chapter for him and for Vanessa, since the terrain works out to their advantage.

I resent the fact that Innes doesn't have a weaker bow to use. It just feels like a waste to be using a Silver Bow on these rabble.

Get used to seeing this level. Marisa really wanted speed this chapter.

More pointless Luna, but this time, we get it after his death.

Garcia's just a short distance away from hitting level 20. This shaman ought to do it...


And with some assistance from Tethys, we have revitalized an old war hero.

It's time to come out of retirement.
Promoting to a Warrior gives Garcia the ability to use bows. Given that they're a rarity in this army, along with axes, Garcia is now filling two understaffed niches.

And the looting begins. You've seen where they all are. The Silence and Warp staves, the Killer Bow, the Wyrmslayer, the Swiftsoles, Metis's Tome, the Silver Card, and the Eclipse tome. Everything's in the same place, and there aren't any real obstacles to Rennac's looting. It's just slower without Colm.

I know I mentioned before how the Silver Bow was unsuited to these guys, but big numbers are cool.

On the negative end, Innes takes a real beating this chapter, but that's to be expected. After all, he can't fight back.

At about this point, the pegasi show up. You know the deal. Their modus operandi is steel lances and kamikaze charges.

Fortunately, our fliers are here too.

Oh Vanessa, you'll never catch up that way.

Meanwhile, Knoll's luck doesn't budge, but his more important stats do. I could get behind this.

The thread voted almost 2 to 1 for Garcia to be a Warrior instead of a Hero. And why is that? Partially because he's more strength-focused, and a Hero is more suited to an all-around type like Gerik, but also...

Because Warriors are whirling deathcopters.

Getting a little crowded up here.

Fortunately, we've got the tools for the job.

Though Tana does almost get zerg rushed. You don't want your squishies to be too close to this crowd of peggy sues, since they WILL suicide rush anyone they think they can kill in a turn, even if many of them die in the process.

Since Eirika's not the best at fighting lances, she performs one of the many talk actions you can do in this chapter.

I like you, Tana. You've really grown on me.

Though really, doing this LP has given me an appreciation for a number of characters.

Vanessa's on the weaker side, so she gets to be the one with the Spear. It's powerful, it's accurate, and it's lighter than the Short Spear or the Javelin. It's perfect for her.

Despite almost dying on the enemy phase, like I mentioned, Tana continues to get stronger. A pegasus knight shouldn't be so powerful.

And Lute's gotten her last level before promotion.

A lot of people in the thread figured that, since Lute's magic is so high, leaving her with the Mage Knight's caps would be such a waste.

Besides, you can't really argue with those defense bonuses. We've got frontliners with less defense than that.

Oh, that's not good. Who'd you steal that level from, Vanessa?


The group remaining in the south side is creeping up north. I know what's coming, and we don't want to remain down there when it arrives.

I won't say that Shamen don't want speed, but they'd also like some defense and skill.

Jeez, everyone's suddenly going sour on me. That's not good.

Efforts to obtain the Dragon Axe were surprisingly successful. Innes didn't even get scratched by this guy.

So as I was saying, this crowd comes in, accompanied by a paladin, on the 8th turn.

Mages too, which is surprising, considering that in Eirika's route, we had to face shamen. What a strangely specific thing to change.

Now, Caellach...

He's irritating as ever. Saleh's lucky enough not to have to worry about crits, but he's not accurate enough to get guaranteed hits.

Nothing to report concerning the huge crowd of reinforcements. They don't even hit Tethys.

And Eirika's looking more and more like a myrmidon every day.

It doesn't really matter in this fight, since Caellach's got such luck that crits don't matter anyway, but passing the Hoplon Guard to other characters drastically increases the number of people who can take this guy on.

She's got a 35% growth rate on strength, but you'd think it was 15-25% by how she's been doing.

I'm sad to say that Ephraim does end up killing someone this chapter, but mages are people you can't let roam on this chapter, since they can go anywhere they want.

Have I mentioned how much I appreciate Rennac's physical stats? He's not great, but at least I can send him against bosses without too much worry.

Come on, Natasha! You can't choke now. You're so close.

In order to speed the process along for Saleh, I have Cormag assist.

Too bad that it still takes about half a dozen more turns to drop him.

Yeah, the only way to salvage this is to make her an assassin. There's no way she's becoming a swordmaster like this.

And Saleh makes a very compelling argument for why Lute should just take his job.

Sure, he's got the skill, but she's got speed and raw power. Moreover, she's wearing a Body Ring.

Life goes on...

And the AI finally gets its own "The RNG hates me" moment.

But that's fine. It has the last laugh.

Hey, you remember that ineffectual Eclipse guy with the Guiding Ring? Still here, and still ineffectual.

With all these wyverns flying around, Garcia gets to try out his new bow.

Another magic cannon? Don't mind if I do.


There's a troubadour with 2 magic, and they gave her a Berserk staff. I'm sure that if I'd tricked her into using her Mend staff instead, I'd have gotten it off of her, but I don't use status staves.

I suppose it goes without saying, but Eirika and Ephraim can chat like the clingy twins they are.

Protect you? From what?! You were so sheltered before starting this adventure that you didn't even know that there were bandits in Renais, and you had a loving brother and a scholarly gentleman who you got to hang around with all the time. Sheesh, girl.

Acquiring the Devil Axe is a bit of a nasty affair, since the weapon's might, combined with his brute strength, gives the Berserker a total of 40 damage. Though given his luck, he'd be more likely to hit himself in the shins with it.

After what seems like forever, we finally come to an end with this.

Yeah, no kidding. If it had gone for much longer, Lyon would have died of boredom while waiting.

You really need to work on that speed, lad. Everyone else is getting nothing but speed, so why don't you?

Case in point.

Oh hey! Skill! That's original.

And Natasha concludes her training with a rather odd level for the Cleric.

After failing to hit anyone with his long-range dark magic, the Eclipse shaman will gladly wait several turns for Rennac to catch up.

And hey! That's just the sort of thing he needs to rob Valter too.

But first, who'd like an incentive to never use Vanessa again?

That way, we could just leave this permanently on Tana.

Now then, Lute softens up valter while wearing the Guard, and then Cormag subs in. Remember that Valter is a Wyvern Knight, so even if you're wearing the Hoplon Guard, he can also just Pierce you instead.

It would be just my luck if Lute decided that 21 magic was sufficient for her. It probably is, but I'd like to cap her magic before the end of the game, if possible.

It isn't. Valter's fast enough to double him, leaving him at 1 HP.

And wounding him in his pride.

Now then, since you folks requested that Innes take the final blow...

And he does, in an unnecessarily critical fashion...

The RNG hates hype.

Awesome! Lute's going to love that, and whoever promotes first will enjoy the sword too.

We've seen the briefing scene and Saleh's reunion with Myrrh, so let's just skip right to the end here, eh?
Next Time: It's time to kill Orson again and spontaneously grow a horse in Chapter 16: Ruled by Madness.
Total Resets: 38
Bonus conversations:

As mentioned, Joshua doesn't know that Caellach killed his mother this time around, so their reunion is slightly more jovial.