Part 59: Lagdou Ruins 4: As Fun As Filing Your Taxes
Lagdou Ruins 4: As Fun As Filing Your Taxes
I don't want to be too hard on this stage, but seriously, we've done this already. It wasn't fun the first time, and it won't inspire mirth the second time either.
Fortunately, perhaps because of big numbers or something, you guys have granted me the means by which I can destroy this level tout suite, plus Hayden, but I forced that in. Let's do this thing.

Because there's something a little different about this level, I'll be sending one group east and the other south. This will have a side effect of allowing me to mow through the enemies faster.

Beware though: these gorgons have maxed magic. Every one of them.

So we'll have to soften them up first with our magicians.

And of course, there are the guys who think that they're so clever.

One of the incentives for fielding our more powerful units was a desire to see people hit 20/20.

Well, you're in luck, in a manner of speaking.

Do I have to even mention that Tana's wearing the Fili Shield? It probably goes without saying. Little tough having to share with Cormag, but we'll solve that problem next floor.

Dig, my adorable minion! Dig!!

The team heading south can take their sweet time, but I'm in a hurry up top.

Not so much that I can't max out another character just shy of the strength cap. People whose names I won't mention don't like Ephraim's stat caps compared to people like Ike and Hector, but when you consider the game he's in, those stats are just amazing.

I have no complaints about this level either.

One advantage that Eirika has is that, similar to Lyn from FE7, she can equip swords that would normally be locked to myrmidons/swordmasters.

Be nice if she'd actually crit with them.

On the other end, we're far ahead of schedule.

So much so that Knoll and Innes can take a side expedition to clear out these guys.

I seriously don't know how this guy would survive without health-draining magic.

And our new friend arrives. As if the Lagdou Ruins weren't fun enough, we're going to have to also deal with random looters or, as they're called, "Hunters."

More like prey, if you ask me. Still, with them on the map, we don't have to bring a chest key or a thief. We can let them do the work and then take the loot from them.

What an unnecessarily spectacular finish.

What spectacularly unnecessary stats.

Knoll didn't just drain the spider's life...

He stole some of its sturdiness too.

Yup, still killing stuff.

Getting pretty close to another character's level cap.

Now this was stupid. Throwing Hayden out there was incredibly reckless, but what were the odds that he'd die that turn?

Oh, just about...

This much! I was cutting it close here.

Of course, when you've got three folks in robes, healing it back is trivial.

And progress continues as normal.

That's one of my other gripes about this map: due to the large amount of segmentation, enemies only come at you six at a time, at most. Meanwhile, you've got ten dudes, eleven if you count the Phantom.

Maybe I should have brought in Syrene instead. That would have added some challenge.

Killing Edge: 25%
Killer Lance: 25%
Killer Axe: 25%
Killer Bow: 25%
No matter what was in that chest, I would have been fine with it.

I think you've got something that don't belong to you, son. Doesn't belong to us, either, but details.

I've had enough out of you.

That could have gone quite wrong, but Ephraim's still tough enough to take it.

I need to save monsters like that for L'Arachel.

Who coincidentally just capped her speed. I'm halfway tempted to toss her that Secret Book I found in the Melkaen Coast.

Hey Lute, there's a magic stat just one point away from capping, whenever you're interested.

Even with effective damage, a knight of the skies shouldn't be taking so much from an iron bow.

That wasn't your cue to cap skill, but whatever.

Speaking of caps, even our Phantom friend is getting into it. But that's not all he's got.

It was actually a mistake to use the Fortify staff, since it doesn't target a specific character. What that means is that once you select it, you're using it. Long story short: I used this staff three times when I was intending to use a Physic staff. D'oh...

At this point, we've got thieves on the lower area. For some reason, the game designers figured that sending two after the same chest would get better results.

Shows what they know.

Way to end on a high note, Tana.

I feel like I'm cheating whenever I use infinite Dragonstones on Myrrh, because I would never use her to shore up defenses like this normally.

With the scarcity of her stone, she's more suited to being an assassin of sorts, dealing with a single enemy you really want to be rid of, which for me, is every Gwyllgi ever made.

As I've said multiple times, there is nothing quite like an enemy with high move, speed, and attack, and thank goodness for that.

That's the way to finish strong. Didn't cap anything, but he's high enough in everything but his defenses that it doesn't matter too much.

Armourslayer: 10%
Wyrmslayer: 10%
Zanbato: 10%
Heavy Spear: 10%
Dragonspear: 10%
Horseslayer: 10%
Swordslayer: 10%
Halberd: 10%
Dragon Axe: 10%
Longbow: 10%
Oh yeah, give me a dragon-slaying weapon when we're all out of wyvern riders. What am I supposed to use this on?

Still, a weapon's a weapon.

If there's any consolation, the next level's gimmick can't possibly be more annoying.
Next Time: Poison gas.