Part 67: Seth - Franz, Garcia
I'm seeing a certain trend with the voting, but it's way, WAY too early to make a final judgment on anything. In the meantime, have another couple supports.
Supports - Seth
Affinity: Light
Starting Points: 15
Points Per Turn: +2
Turns to Max Support: 113
Attack: +1
Defense: +1
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +2.5
Critical: +2.5
Critical Evasion: +2.5
C Support

: General!

: Franz. How are you holding up?

: Fine. I may be young, but I'm every bit a Knight of Renais. I'll fight to the end to protect the princess, just like you, sir!

: Good, good! That's the spirit! You know, you're looking much improved from when we set out.

: Hm. Do you really think so, General?

: Oh, definitely. You seem much more sure of yourself. All doubt has left your face. By the time you reach my age, you'll be the finest spear- and swordsman around.

: Honestly? Sir, do you really believe that?

: ...I do... But we are in a battle right now, Franz. Concentrate on the enemies before you, and don't get too cocky.

: Yes, sir!!! You know I'd never let you down, sir!

: Don't be too eager for success. Know your limits.

: Yes, sir!
B Support

: General!

: Ah, Franz. Every time I see you, you're getting better and better. Your parry is a little stiff, but you are clearly improving.

: Are you serious? Do you really think so, sir?

: ...Why is it that, when I compliment you, you always ask me that?

: Oh, so sorry... I appreciate your praise, sir. I mean, you're General Seth, the Silver Knight. You're my hero.

: Hahaha... No more flattery, Franz. Please.

: But, General, it's true! Do you remember when Grado's forces overran Castle Renais? Despite grave injuries, you outcharged the enemy, broke their lines, and escaped. And then, you delivered the princess, on your own, to Frelia safely. If I were you, I doubt I could have survived such a challenge... You are the only person I know who can make impossible feats possible.

: What pressure you put on me! How can I possibly fail now? You would lose all faith in me! Ah, but, Franz, you're still young. You will grow into a remarkable warrior, I have no doubt. Be confident. I'm counting on you. Train your mind and hone your skills.

: Really? Do you really think so, General?

: ...Franz... That's enough.

: Oh, right! Sorry, sir!

: All right, back into the fray! Let's go, Franz!

: Yes, General! And remember, I've got your back!
A Support

: You're doing well, Franz.

: Oh, General! How are you, sir? I'm so honored that you came to talk to me.

: Must you always overreact? ...Honestly, Franz... I'm the one who should feel honored.

: I beg your pardon? What do you mean, sir?

: When I was just a squire, there was one knight whom I admired above all others. His skill with sword and spear was legendary. He was truly peerless. We squires learned the meaning of chivalry watching him serve the king. Ten years back, we received word that an infamous assassin was hiding in Renais. This knight hunted him down in secrecy so as not to alert the assassin. He hounded the villain and killed him, but he was mortally wounded...

: Ten years ago? But that's when--!? No, it couldn't be...

: ...Yes, Franz. It was the greatest knight in the history of Renais. Your father.

: ...I was so young when my father died. And our mother passed away before he did. Forde and I were almost always alone. Oh, I remember how I used to cry like a babe about my father being gone so much. Forde would always remind me, "He is serving the royal family to protect Renais." Forde was so proud of our father, but he was also a little bit sad. I remember a deep scar he had on his shoulder, probably in battle. My brother and I used to climb up his shoulders and vie for his attention. I grew up hearing what a great knight he was, but I remember only his shoulder.

: ...You probably have no idea how much you resemble your father. Your swordplay, how you tilt the lance, your loyalty to Renais... You've certainly inherited your father's spirit. It is an honor to see the skill I once idolized developing in you, his son.

: I...I am so flattered to hear that. Thank you very much, General. Someday, I will become a knight even greater than my brother or my father. To restore Renais, the kingdom to which I've sworn my blade, I will fight on!

: Thank you, Franz. Let's do the best we can. For Renais, and for your father.

: Yes, General!
(As can be seen here, Franz's main character trait is a lack of self-confidence and a desire to prove himself. He's actually got quite a few facets to him, and so far as the supports go, he's one of my favorite characters.
As for his brother Forde, we'll be seeing him very soon.)
Affinity: Fire
Starting Points: 10
Points Per Turn: +2
Turns to Max Support: 115
Attack: +1
Defense: +0.5
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +5
Critical: +2.5
Critical Evasion: +2.5
C Support

: Sir Garcia. Your fighting form remains impeccable, despite your years of retirement. Fantastic... How I admire you.

: No, General Seth, I still have a long way to go. I've lost so much time.

: Sir Garcia...

: No, no honorifics. I gave up my title years ago so I could raise my son. I'm old and rusty, General. The man I am now is not fit for such fine company.

: ...

: But listen, General. I'm not finished yet!

: What do you mean?

: I'm telling you... I'm not yet done! This is not the end of me!

: ...He has a warrior's heart. Is it pride that keeps him from accepting his limitations? I'm afraid that we have awakened an incredible warrior.
B Support

: General.

: Garcia. Did you come all this way to talk to me? I'm grateful. Thank you.

: Don't make a fuss. Might give me second thoughts before I do it again.

: Ah, right. Sorry, sir!

: Heh... You know, you remind me of myself as a young man.

: Back when you were in Renais?

: That's right. Oh, I was so ambitious then, focused on proving myself in battle. His Majesty commended my valor many times, he did.

: His Majesty always watched over us. Hardworking soldiers received words of praise to drive them to greater glories. The lazy ones, he spurred to action, giving them a reason to improve... He was a great king. He earned the trust and respect of his people.

: ...What a loss we've all suffered.

: When Castle Renais fell, it was all I could do to save Princess Eirika. I've never felt so powerless in all my time as a knight... ...I was mortified.

: ...I'm sorry. I wasn't blaming you for King Fado's death. I am the one who surrendered his duty to live a carefree life with his son. I have no right to cast blame on anyone but myself...

: Garcia, you needn't feel that way. You're fighting for Renais again, at the side of her crown prince and princess! There's no shame in that.

: General Seth...

: If you are still true to our late king, then let's win this war together. And together, we shall visit His Majesty's tomb to report our victory!

: Yes! You have my word!
A Support

: Garcia.

: Ah, General Seth!

: You seem much recovered from your poor spirits the other day. In fact, you seem quite energetic!

: I've finally accepted that I'm only ever truly alive when I'm fighting!

: Ah, now that is the great Garcia I remember from my youth! Yes, all hesitation is gone from your face. You're in rare form!

: Yes, and that hesitation is gone for good, I dare say. Except...

: Yes?

: To tell you the truth...I am not ashamed of the life I've lived. I'm not sorry that I abandoned my old life to raise my son.

: Sir Garcia...

: That decision made me who I am now. It's time I embraced both of these aspects of my past.

: ...

: I can only say this in hindsight, but... It is not so bad to have a family.

: Garcia, I can see it in your eyes. You don't need to tell me.

: Heh... I see! Well then, Seth. There is only one solution for it! You should marry! It will do you good to have a family to go home to.

: Ah, Garcia... You may be right, but I'm afraid it will take me some time to get there...
(Actually, since you can't have two A supports, now he'll never get there. Thanks, Garcia.)