Part 69: Gilliam - Garcia, Moulder
Silver Falcon posted:
Just bad luck, I suppose. Speaking of luck, usually I've had good luck with Natasha, but in my latest run, she just refused to gain magic. I ended up using Moulder as my main healer, which has never happened. I've never not had Franz turn out well, though, and that remains true.
I guess it's contagious. Sorry about that.
Anyway, since there isn't a vote before Chapter 5x, I've gone ahead and finished it already. I figured I'd get it done before I did the long drive back to college tomorrow.
While you're waiting for me to write it up, have a couple more supports.
Supports - Gilliam
Affinity: Fire
Starting Points: 0
Points Per Turn: +2
Turns to Max Support: 120
Attack: +0.5
Defense: +0.5
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +5
Critical: +5
Critical Evade: +2.5
C Support

Sir Gilliam.

Well, if it isn't Garcia...

Your armor suits you. Must have taken a lot of training to fight in it, eh? And it probably takes a lot of strength to wear, too.

I don't want to brag, but... None of Frelia's knights can match me for strength.

Oh, is that so? You know, in my day, they said I was without equal. Hm... What do you say, Garcia? Let's arm-wrestle!

You mean...right now?

Oh, why not! It won't take more than a minute.

... Very well. I accept your challenge.

Excellent! I'd expect no less from a true knight! Let's go.

All right...


Ng! ...You beat me. Well, I've got to hand it to you, Garcia.

Ha ha! Don't feel bad. You almost had me for a minute there. I'm impressed!
B Support

Sir Gilliam.

Yes, Garcia?

About that match the other day...

What, you mean when we arm-wrestled? That was a GREAT match.

Yes, well... I've been thinking. Now, if I remember it correctly, I was using my sword arm... But you're left-handed, aren't you? You were using your off hand.

Huh? Oh, well... I didn't want to say anything, but...

I knew it! All right! We have to have a rematch using our OTHER hands!

Garcia, are you-- Fine, fine. I accept your challenge.

Let's try this again!




Hm... See, this time, you beat me.

True, but it WAS your off hand this time, and it was still close. Garcia, you really are amazing.

Ha ha ha! You know, I feel good about this. I lost, but...I feel good. With a great knight like you at our side, we've nothing to fear.

Don't be silly, Garcia. You're an amazing fighter. With you in our midst, our forces are invincible!

Ha! Let us fight together, then, and watch our enemies fall like leaves!

A Support


! Oh, Gilliam...

Sorry to bother you. You just seem to have something on your mind.

I do. I was... I was just thinking about my son, Ross.

Ah, Ross. He's a good lad.

It's...a wonderful feeling to have a son, Gilliam. I was so happy to learn I had a boy who could follow in my footsteps. Do you have children?

Oh, no... You know what the life of a soldier is like.

Aye, I remember it well. But I still found a wife. Don't you have anyone?

I-- Well, to be honest... There is someone I've had my eye on, but what do soldiers know of love? I don't know how to win a woman's heart.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, don't take it too hard. These are tough times for romance. As time passes, the world will change. No, WE will change it. Wait for your time. When the world changes, people change. Soldiers change. Just wait.

...You're right. When this war ends, I'll be ready to face a different type of battle.

Yes. And when you do wed, you must be sure to invite me and my boy. It will be a great celebration.

Yes, of course, my friend.
(Dangit, Garcia! Stop telling people to marry after it's already too late!)
Affinity: Anima
Starting Points: 10
Points Per Turn: +2
Turns to Max Support: 115
Attack: +0.5
Defense: +1
Avoid: +5
Critical: +2.5
Critical Evade: +5
C Support

Gilliam, did you hear something?

No, Moulder. I didn't hear a thing.

Was it just in my head? Hm. That can't be good.

Moulder, you've been working yourself too hard. You should rest.

No, I'm not tired in the slightest. I'm fine. I cannot believe you don't hear it! Is something wrong with your ears?

Moulder, please. I know I've seen many battles, but I'm younger than you are. My hearing is fine.

Then why can't you hear it? I'm starting to worry about that noise.

Your ears are playing tricks on you.
B Support

There it was again! That sound I told you about. Gilliam, did you hear it?

Oh, not again. No, Moulder. I don't hear anything.

Is it really just me? Am I the only one who can hear it?

Maybe you should describe the sound to me. Is it a dull noise? A chirp? If it's louder, I should be able to hear it.

No, it's nothing like that. It's soft...a melody of some sort.

A melody? Are you saying someone is playing music during a battle? What kind of music? What sort of instrument is it?

I can't explain it. It's so...heavenly.

Heavenly? You don't suppose it's some sort of...sign, do you?

Gilliam, I would be happy if you didn't say such things.

Oh, sorry. But, Moulder... You're the one dedicated to spiritual matters. I wouldn't be surprised if--

I said enough of that, Gilliam. I must be imagining things. That's all.

A melody only you can hear. Sounds mysterious to me.

I agree. Especially because I can't explain the cause. I must say, I'm worried. Gilliam... If something were to... happen, well... I'm counting on you.

Moulder, we've been friends for a decade and a half. I'll protect you.'s my duty as a Knight of Frelia.

I know I can count on you, Gilliam. I know that better than any man. You have my gratitude.

Of course, Moulder.
A Support

How are your ears today, Moulder? Can you still hear that melody?

No, I haven't heard it for a while. I guess it was a hallucination after all.

Regardless of the cause, I'm glad that you don't hear it anymore.

I'm relieved, too, but...I also miss it somewhat. The melody was haunting me, and I finally remember what it was.

And? What was the song?

That was the music played at King Hayden's coronation.

Frelia's coronation hymn. Ah, I remember it well... It is a strong song, and Frelia's knightly choir performed it well.

I was the one who carried the crown to the throne. I was so nervous that I might drop it!

I remember that you were the one to bear that regal burden. I was a mere recruit, stuck in the back with the other whelps. You know, I remember now... Your hands shook like you were frozen!

Yes, and then someone shouted, in a loud voice, "Get ahold of yourself, man!" The crown slipped, and I fumbled to catch it! I was so embarrassed.

I'm so sorry. I was young. You know, I felt so bad that I have spent years making it up to you. I acted before I thought. I'm sorry for all the embarrassment I caused.

That's right! I believe I met you the very next day. Aha! I've figured it out!

Figured what out?

That melody--I could only hear it when I was with you. That means...


It was a sign. A sign from above that we must both return to the basics.

Return to the basics? What does-- Ah. Of course.

Yes. We must remember who we were and what drove us to join this cause.

I believe you are right...