Part 73: Garcia - Dozla, Neimi
Honestly, the constitution of riders isn't too big an issue, considering that it's rare in this game that you'll run into a situation where a mounted unit can't carry a unit on foot. Maybe if Cormag tried to pick up Gilliam. That could be dicey.
Anyway, it's time to finish the story of the "great" warrior Garcia. I hope you'll enjoy these ones.
Supports - Garcia
Affinity: Thunder
Starting Points: 10
Points Per Turn: +2
Turns to Max Support: 115
Attack: +1
Accuracy: +5
Avoid: +5
Critical: +5
C Support

: You must be Dozla.

: That's right! Who are you?

: My name is Garcia. Sir Dozla, I've been hearing a lot about you lately.

: Only good things, I hope! Ha ha ha! I've heard of you, too, Sir Garcia. Mostly about your incredible strength! Hey, would you mind lifting this boulder? Just kidding! Ha ha ha!

: Ha ha. It's not a big deal. Are you normally this...energetic?

: Well, I stuffed myself, so I'm feeling pretty great!

: You can't fight on an empty stomach. Eating is very important to keep up your strength. Especially breakfast. I've heard that in some cultures, they call breakfast "first break."

: What's that? What do they break?

: A fast.

: A fast what? Huh? Speak plainly! I don't understand all this talking in circles.

: We don't eat anything while we sleep, so it's as if we are fasting. So, the meal you eat in the morning breaks that fast. This means that breakfast is an especially important meal.

: Huh. Who would have thunk it? The only thing I consumed this morning was knowledge!

: What do you mean?

: Just that I make it a point to learn other disciplines. You have to if you want to grow as a fighter.

: I completely agree. Young men in this army are strong in their specific fields, but weak in others. The art of complete training has been lost on the younger generation, I'm afraid.

: Yes, that's right! Back in our day, fighters had to learn many disciplines in case they had to fill in for a wounded teammate. I've always wanted to learn archery. The delicate precision is the opposite of fighting with an axe.

: Me, too. Why don't we meet sometime and study it together?

: That's a great idea!
B Support

: Garcia!

: Hello there, Dozla!

: I had a great time last time!

: Yes, indeed.

: I just love sparring! It's like having a conversation, except with weapons!

: You DO know that you're not supposed to swing the bow like an axe, right? Ha ha!

: I was only clowning around! I'm recalling that a certain someone loaded the arrow in the wrong direction and nearly impaled his shoulder. Hmmm. Now, who could that have been?

: That was a defect in the arrow!

: Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm sure!

: Maybe you just can't teach old dogs new tricks.

: I don't believe that's true at all. You're magnificent with an axe. How hard can it be to learn something new?

: No, you're the great one. You're a menace to the enemy!

: Where did you learn to fight like that?

: Well, I used to lead troops in Renais. I learned the basics there... Once I retired, I was living on a mountain. My daily chores involved swinging an axe, although just for splitting firewood.

: See? You learned how to apply your skills to different fields. Maybe archery just isn't our thing. We should try something else.

: What do you suggest?

: How about magic?

: Hmmm...

: It can't be that difficult to learn. As far as I can tell, it's just a bunch of arm waving and shouting gibberish.

: You do have a point.

: Let's practice sometime soon.

: I'm looking forward to it...Mage!

: Ha ha ha ha! Yes, indeed!
A Support

: That did not go as well as I had hoped.

: Well, that's not entirely true, is it.

: It would have helped if you hadn't whacked me in the head with the staff.

: I didn't mean to hit you! You just got in the way when I was...conjuring.

: I still have a lump on my head.

: I feel badly about it, all right? Besides, I think you're forgetting that I also healed you with that staff!

: No, you didn't! You burned my beard clear off!

: Oh, yes. That's right. I'm sorry.

: Hmph.

: You have to admit, though, you looked quite dashing without that beard. It took at least ten years off of your appearance. No, at least twenty!

: You really think so? I can't stop smelling burnt hair.

: But, wait! At least give me credit for making it grow back that quickly.

: ... Very well. It grew back nicely. Thank you.

: You're welcome!

: This little foray into other disciplines has certainly taught me a lot.

: Me, too! After all this, sword fighting should be a piece of cake!
(An axe-wielding priest? That's just ridiculous.)
Affinity: Fire
Starting Points: 10
Points Per Turn: +2
Turns to Max Support: 115
Attack: +0.5
Defense: +0.5
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +5
Critical: +5
Critical Evade: +2.5
C Support

: Sir?

: ...

: Sir...Garcia...?

: Don't come near me right now, Neimi!

: Oh! I-I'm sorry! I was just...wondering what you were doing.

: I'm preparing myself for the battle. Please don't come near me right now.

: Are you trying to get psyched?

: Yes. To prepare myself for battle, I visualize the enemy in front of me. Then, during battle, I can focus all my attention on them. If you want to survive this war, you must focus all your attention on the enemy.

: I-I see. Please excuse me now!

: Wait!

: Y-yes, sir?

: I apologize for yelling at you.

: That must be how he became such a brilliant warrior! I must go focus now...
B Support

: Neimi! That gauntlet...

: Y-yes?

: That gauntlet! The one embroidered with the gold falcon...

: Huh? Oh, this? My late grandfather gave it to me. It was too big for me, so I resized it to fit my hand. He was the one who taught me how to use a bow... This is a keepsake he gave me.

: Is your grandfather's name Zethla?

: How in the world...? Did you know him?

: Of course. He was THE master archer. He was known as "Single-Arrow Zethla." He had amazing accuracy and could shoot any target, moving or still, with one shot. "No second arrow for Zethla" was what people would say. Renais tried to recruit him many times...

: Now that I think about it, when Grandpa went hunting, he would take only one arrow with him. Me, I always took many arrows...

: So, it WAS true!

: He never did join the army, even though recruiters did come by often. He said that it wasn't in his nature...

: I know. In fact, I visited him once when I was young. He was wearing the gauntlet that day, and it left an impression.

: I see... Renais is such a big country, I never would have thought that you knew him. It's a small world.

: Indeed. I can't believe Single-Arrow Zethla's granddaughter is fighting in this war. I'm encouraged by this fact. I'm counting on you, Neimi.

: What? YOU'RE counting on...ME?

: Yes.

: Um...I'm...happy to hear that. I-I'll do my best not to let you down!

: Good. Then let's go.

: Yes, sir!
A Support

: Neimi, I'm sorry if I startled you yesterday.

: Huh? Oh, you mean when you were preparing yourself for the battle? No... I was just surprised by your...enthusiasm for this war.

: I used to be like this all the time. I was always preoccupied with battles, to the point of neglecting my family. And now, here I am, back on the battlefield. I'm sure my wife is somewhere sighing.

: Oh, no, Sir Garcia. I'm sure your wife understood how you felt.

: I think it's hard to understand when you are not a soldier.

: In times like this, you have to fight to stay alive.

: You've lost family too, didn't you?

: Yes. But, I can't keep crying. I have to be strong and keep going.

: Neimi...

: You quit the army and lived in a mountain village with Ross because Renais was not at war, didn't you?

: Yes.

: You don't seem to be the type of person who enjoys fighting for its own sake. I think you know the emptiness and pain of war more than anyone else. I can see that just by looking at you! Em... I'm sorry if I'm being presumptuous.

: No, Neimi. Thank you. You are very perceptive. You'll make some lucky guy very happy someday.

: Oh... Um... This is kind of embarrassing.

: Don't be embarrassed! Oh, by the way, please take this.

: What is it? Oh, this haircomb is lovely!

: I bought this for my wife when I was still in the Renais army. But...I never had the chance to give it to her.

: Sir Garcia...

: I buried her with some of the things I'd brought back. I don't know why, but I couldn't bring myself to bury this, though. I don't need it. What would I do with it? You'd make better use of it. It will give you a reason to keep using that mirror of yours, too.

: Sir Garcia! This is too much! Thank you! I will take good care of it!