Part 74: Lute - Artur, Knoll, Kyle
Well, here's something that should hopefully cleanse your palate.
Supports - Lute
Affinity: Ice
Starting Points: 15
Points Per Turn: +3
Turns to Max Support: 75
Attack: +0.5
Defense: +1
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +5
Critical Evade: +5
C Support

: Hm... I wonder if... Oh, I see...

: What are you doing, Lute?

: Oh! I was just observing this chemida beetle.

: You haven't changed at all, have you, Lute?

: What do you mean?

: You spent most of your time sequestered in your room, studying your books. On the rare occasion you went outside, you were paralyzed with fascination.

: Of course! There are so many fascinating things to be learned from nature! There are a great many books out there, and I have read most of them, of course. But I've found that what is written can differ greatly from how things truly are. Take this chemida beetle, for example. I've been reading from "The Glossary of Falibrian Entomology" lately. According to the glossary, their wings fall off once they reach maturity. However, I have just found an adult beetle whose wings still work perfectly! Exceptions do exist to the rules my books outline. This is a rare specimen. I wonder, should we take it back with us?

: Sigh... I hope this isn't another of your pranks.

: My...pranks?

: Do you remember when I loaned you my copy of "Lux Aeterna"? You replaced my bookmark with the tail of a sedgel lizard. You scared ten years off my life, I swear it!

: Did I do that?

: And! Knowing full well that I have a...mild...fear of spiders, you caught a small army of them and unleashed them in my room!

: I thought that if I immersed you in the thing you feared, maybe you might be able to overcome your fear entirely! And I went to a lot of trouble trying to catch those spiders!

: ...Why would you do that?

: Well, I did get a bit of a kick out of the experience myself. Why? Did it bother you?

: YES! Oh, don't worry about it. At least you did it because you cared about me, right? I'll just accept it as the best gesture of kindness you can manage, Lute.
B Support

: Are you tired, Artur?

: Huh...? Oh, no, I'm...You're right. I am tired. How could you tell, Lute? I was trying my best not to show it.

: Oh, come on! There's no one better than me at spotting things like this! I can tell, you're mentally exhausted.

: I don't know what I expected, but... I had no idea war would be like this. One battle after another, overwhelming odds...and monsters!? In this day and age, we're fighting monsters from the legends and epics? I know how much is at stake, but sometimes...I get so tired.

: When you're tired, there's nothing better than a good meal and a long sleep. And if you look at page 990 of "De Floris Mysticis," there's a special herb that, once concocted into a potion, will help relax your muscles. Look for the parfina flower, and reduce it into a thick syrup before drinking. Oh, and I hear music helps you sleep. If you like, I can hum something for you.

: Thank you. However, I think I'll pass on your offer, delightful though your humming must be. You must be tired as well. Take care of yourself, and rest when you can.

: I will. In fact, maybe I'll just hum to myself instead. Will you be all right?

: I'm fine. I feel quite refreshed, in fact.

: Refreshed? How so? Was it some new kind of magic?

: Perhaps, from a certain point of view. Your every word has nurtured my soul...

: Hm. I'm not sure I get it, but as long as you're feeling better!
A Support

: Hello, Lute.

: ......

: What is it? You look like you have something on your mind.

: Oh. No. I was just thinking about monsters.

: Monsters?

: Yes. All these monsters are our enemies, I know, but...they're not all bad, are they?

: What are you talking about?

: They're kind of cute, don't you think? I mean, like those revenants, for example.

: It's fair to say I will never understand your tastes. Besides, I thought you enjoyed using them as, well, magic practice.

: Oh, I do. I do indeed. I use my magic to rip them to shreds...with love, of course.

: Your way of expressing love is somewhat frightening...

: Do you think so? Thank you.

: No... That wasn't a compliment. ... Should I, ah, expect you to attack me with magic, too?

: Hm? Why would I attack you with my magic?

: You don't get it?

: No. Your strange logic baffles even my brilliant, brilliant mind. That's why I'm curious.

: Really? You don't get it?

: No, I don't!

: You really don't?

: Stop that!

: I'm just giving you a hard time, Lute. All right. I'll just come straight out and say it.

: Finally!

: It's because I like you.

: What!?

: In fact, I love you, and I'm hoping perhaps that you love me.

: Oh! Oh!!!

: Now, do you understand?

: Er... Um... A-according to "A Young Girl's Primer to Nazonian Magic," that most ancient tome long sought by, er, the terrible Demon King himself... it's not uncommon for a party to assign feelings, love to the reanimated hordes they confront on the battlefield, and considering my incredible brain and the remarkable skills I--

: Lute?

: Well, that is... What I mean is...

: What's wrong with you? I don't often see you lose your cool.

: Th-that's because...

: Yes?

: Well... My books don't tell me anything about how to deal with love! So...

: Heh... Heh heh heh... Ha ha ha ha!!!

: I'm sorry. I'm a little out of my depth when it comes to love.

: No, you're not. Love needs no textbooks. Just be yourself, and listen to your feelings.

: Is...that all I need to do?

: I promise.

: ... Er, excuse me...

: Yes?

: Well, er...

: Yes?

: I'm're here.

: I am, too, Lute.
(So by monk-watching, Lute apparently means studying Artur like he's a research specimen. Should we be worried?)
Affinity: Dark
Starting Points: 5
Points Per Turn: +2
Turns to Max Support: 118
Attack: +0.5
Defense: +0.5
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +5
Critical: +2.5
Critical Evade: +5
C Support

: ......

: Er...

: ......

: Er, excuse me... If at all possible, uh...would you mind not stalking me like that?

: You noticed, huh?

: What did you expect? You've been at my back for days. I can't help but notice! What do you want from me?

: Aaagh!

: Hey! What was that for?

: You dodged, huh? I knew your presence would be dangerous to me.

: Hm? What do you mean by...

: Gah!

: Stop! P-please! Stop!

: You did it again. Hm. This isn't good. Nobody else has dodged me twice.

: Wh-what are you saying--

: You're quick at escaping, too. You're dangerous. I'm afraid I can't let you threaten my natural superiority.
B Support

: You must be...

: You must be Knoll. I've been researching you. I also plan to find out your Achilles' heel before too long.

: ...Why would you do something like that?

: Because there's no one better than me.

: I'm sorry?

: I said there's no one better than me. And if there is, I have to stop him. I can't have you threatening my natural superiority here.

: Threatening your--

: I've seen you. You use magic, and that makes you competition. And you use dark magic, which makes you the enemy of light.

: That's a common misconception, actually, about dark mages. And besides, we're allies here.

: No, not until we make it clear who is superior.

: Oh, fine...

: What, you think you're better than me?

: I never said that! Look, we're on the same side here. Does it matter who's better?

: Matter? Of course it matters! How could you possibly think it doesn't? Personally, I think I'm clearly superior to you. Don't you agree?

: Do what you like.

: ...... That was close. You were trying to trick me, huh? That's dirty pool.

: ...... What I'm saying is...

: It's not safe for me here. I must retreat...for now.

: ......
A Support

: ......

: Lute...

: Can I-- I just wanted to say I'm...sorry.

: Gotten over yourself, have you?

: No, but I've been watching you, and I've noticed something when you fight. Suffice it to say that I am now convinced that there's no one better than me.

: I...see...

: I must have miscalculated your abilities at first. I don't know why I thought you could have been better. Anyway, I'm sorry that I overestimated your skills. Well, if you'll excuse me.

: You know, I think you may have missed the point.

: ......

: What seems to be the problem?

: ...No, nothing. See you...

: ...Oh, hold on. Lute.

: Yes?

: Why don't you stay and chat for a moment? Now that I'm not a threat to you, we can relax and talk. If you don't mind, of course...

: Hm... All right. As long as we're in agreement about who's superior around here.
(Oh, I don't believe there's any argument there)
Affinity: Ice
Starting Points: 5
Points Per Turn: +3
Turns to Max Support: 79
Attack: +0.5
Defense: +1
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +5
Critical Evade: +5
C Support

: Hey, you.

: ...... I'm sorry, were you talking to me?

: There's nobody else here, is there?

: And who are you?

: I beg your pardon. I should have introduced myself. Kyle, of the Knights of Renais.

: Ah, I see. And I am Lute, mage of profound genius.

: Very well, Lute. The pleasure is mine. To tell you the truth, I've been looking for you.

: Has someone issued a search notice? Or is there a bounty on my head? Or is this perhaps a private matter?

: I...guess it would be that last one. I have a favor to ask.

: What would it be? My requests are classified into seven categories and 25 items.

: I don't know how it would be classified, but...I want you to help us fight.

: Why?

: I'm a strong believer that morale is best served by good leadership. A unit of knights, all trained by Renais's finest generals. But we're fighting no ordinary foe, and we need more diverse skills. That's where you come in. Because you can use magic, you could be invaluable in helping me develop unique battle strategies.

: So that's what you wanted me for, is it?

: How about it? Would you do it?

: Sure. Anything you say. I don't mind.

: I should warn you, I spend my time on the front line. I ride out to meet the enemy head- on rather than attacking from afar. It's a much riskier prospect than supporting from the rear guard. Is that going to be a problem?

: I have no objections.

: Excellent! I appreciate your help. I expect we'll be able to generate some stunning tactics together. You don't need to stay at the front the whole time. I'll give you a cue when to approach.

: Got it. I'll do whatever you say.

: I'm counting on you.

: You have nothing to worry about. There's no one better than me!
B Support

: Lute.

: Yes, sir.

: I was right about you. You've been a great help to us all.

: Well, of course I have! I told you there's no one better than me!

: Magic is an incredibly powerful force, isn't it? Sturdy armor, tough hide, it makes no difference to magic. I'm in awe of it.

: You're not so bad yourself. You're an incredible fighter.

: Thanks.

: Have you trained a lot?

: Yep. When I was young, there was a lad I hated losing to. Every day, I trained harder and harder in hopes of defeating him.

: So what happened? Did you finally beat him?

: Uh... Not as such, no. But I haven't lost to him in a while, either. We're evenly matched. I think we force one another to improve.

: I see. It's always good to have someone against whom you measure yourself. Aren't you glad you have this personal adversary?

: Uh-huh. You know, I think this is the longest conversation we've had.

: Really?

: Well, uh... Not to sound rude, but I didn't take you as the kind to be interested in others.

: No, it's not rude at all. I just... got a little interested in you.

: I see. Keep up the good work.

: Yes, sir.
A Support

: Hooo... What a fight! How are you holding up, Lute?

: No problem, sir. I could keep this up all day!

: That's good to hear. But don't push yourself... You're vital to my strategy!

: Of course I am! There's no one better than me!

: I'd have to agree. This would be a lot harder without you along. This might seem forward, but... What do you do when you're not, well, fighting in wars?

: Me? Oh, I'm a student of magic.

: I guessed that much. What I mean is, do you have any hobbies?

: Hobbies?

: That's right. Take me, for example. I like to collect carved figurines of animals. I have a small collection of them back home at Renais. How about you?

: Does monk-watching count?

: Monk-watching? What are you talking about? Maybe I should ask a different question. Do you have any favorite foods?

: Out of everything I've had, curry of dried toad is my favorite.

: Er...right... Do you enjoy cooking?

: I don't cook much, but I'm sure I'd be good at it. I mean, I can cook with a single word, no fire necessary!

: Ha!

: I'm sorry?

: Ha ha ha ha ha! I never get bored talking to you. I can't explain it, but I find you so refreshing!

: Really? I like talking to you, too.

: ...... Lute.

: Yes, sir?

: Why don't you come to Renais once the war is over?

: Why not? No objections.

: Ha! No objections? That's your answer? Well, all right, then. Let's focus on getting through this war first, though.

: Yes, sir.

: I'm glad to have you with us.

: Me, too, sir.