Part 85: Gerik - Tethys, Marisa, Saleh
theshim posted:
Franz, Garcia, Forde, Marisa, Tethys, Rennac, Saleh, Syrene
yes I am a terrible person 
No, you're just making things more interesting for me, and I appreciate that.
With the final vote and all, we mustn't forget about our supports. Next up is Gerik, the mercenary with far too much power in almost every area. I still don't know what they were thinking with those bases. It's kinda crazy.
Supports - Gerik
Starting Points: 30
Points per Turn: 4
Turns to A Rank: 53
Affinity: Fire
Attack: +0.5
Defense: +0.5
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +5
Critical: +5
Critical Evade: +2.5
C Support

: Tethys. How are you feeling?

: Oh, Chief. Things are as fine as one could expect. But I've been dancing so much I've worked up quite a sweat. At this rate I may even lose a few inches off of my waistline. Who knows, maybe my figure will be even more alluring than before.

: Ha ha ha! Well, I'm not sure that's even possible, but keep up the good work. Your dancing has had quite a restorative effect on the troops.

: Really? I'm happy to hear it. I must keep dancing then, mustn't I? Oh, I almost forgot, Chief. I have good news, and then I have better news.

: What's the good news?

: I hear today's meal is one of your favorites, herbed stew.

: Oh, that is good news! It's been quite a while since I've had any. And the even better news?

: In this next battle, you'll get your hands on some sort of an incredible treasure.

: A treasure?

: Yes, that's right, some sort of treasure.

: Ha ha ha! I see. I don't know what it might be, but I can't wait for it. Nor for today's meal.

: I'm going to continue dancing a bit longer so as to work up a healthy appetite.

: So tell me, Tethys, when did you first start dancing?

: Oh... Well, that would have been...

: Hm? What's the matter?

: Um, well... Yes, it was long ago. Back when Ewan was still young.

: What is it, Tethys?

: ...I'm sorry, Chief. I'll explain it another time. Can we drop it for now?

: Tethys...
B Support

: Chief. The truth is, Ewan and I? We were abandoned by our parents.

: ... Oh, I see...

: Um... I wandered about with little Ewan in tow. He had no idea what was happening. I was a child myself with no job. We went to bed hungry every night, and our clothes were rags...

: ...

: Then one day I said to myself, "We cannot go on like this!" I watched a dancer on a street corner and memorized all of her moves. I wasn't a very coordinated child and it was so difficult. I didn't have real shoes, so my feet were a mess of blisters, and I fell so many times I was covered in cuts and bruises. It was painful. And miserable. And very, very difficult. But I never cried. Because if were to cry, he would cry. And I loved seeing Ewan's smiling face. I wanted him to smile all the time, so I worked hard so he could.

: Tethys...

: Tee hee hee. What a sad and miserable tale. I'm sorry. I was reminded of it all just recently, and I was overcome with emotion... But that's how I earned the dancing skills and physique I have now! All of the hard work I did back then has made me the woman I am today. What do you say to that?

: I'm not sure what to say. So before you met up with us, the two of you had a rough time of it, did you?

: OK, that's enough. The past is the past! You mustn't tell anyone about this. I don't share this story with others. I only told you because you're the chief. A story of toil and hardship doesn't quite fit my mysterious image, does it? You know what I'd like? For you to tell me more about you.

: Sure. Another time, though, OK?

: All right. Let's see this thing through to the end. If we do our best, good things will come of it. And then better things after that. Right, Chief?

: Right, Tethys. You be careful.

: Of course! And you too, Chief!
A Support

: Um, Chief, there's actually one thing I've been wanting to ask you.

: And what's that?

: Sorry if this brings up any bad memories, but how'd you get that scar on your face?

: This? I got this beauty when I had just started out as a mercenary. I was still a novice, but I was feeling pretty good about my swordsmanship. I got to a point where I was arrogant enough to believe no one could best me. Then one day it happened... It's something I've never been able to forget.

: What happened?

: It was just another battle. I'd been hired on as another sword and then I met him. He was a knight from some country or another. I had fought knights on several other occasions and had beaten them all. Even though he was a bit tougher, I was sure I'd defeat him in the end. That's what I thought. But... His strength was beyond me. I may as well have been using a broomstick to fight. I remember thinking, "What a tiny little world I've been living in." He crushed me effortlessly, and the wound he inflicted became this lovely scar.

: I see...

: I was truly frightened. It was the first time I'd experienced fear as a mercenary. So this knight saw how scared I was and said, "Go." He didn't kill me. He let me escape.

: ...

: I was humiliated and ashamed. My eyes were finally opened to my own weakness. It goes without saying I lost every shred of self-confidence. I still dream about it sometimes. It wakes me up every time. I've never forgotten that knight. He thought I was weak and pathetic.

: Chief...

: I was young and stupid. This scar is my punishment.

: But that knight spared your life. Because of that, good things and better things have happened?

: What do you mean, Tethys?

: First of all, Chief, you're alive. If you had died, all the good times you've had since that day, and all the joy you're sure to have from this day onward, wouldn't exist. And another thing, because you lived, you made many friends and you met me. I also don't think that knight thought you were pathetic. I think he saw a young man with his whole life ahead of him. That's why he let you go.

: Tethys...

: Yep. I'm sure that's it. So try thinking about it in a more positive light.

: Ha ha ha. You're right. I was a lot calmer after that. And while I've had hard times, there've been far more good times. I guess you could say I owe my success as a mercenary to that knight.

: Yep. You've got your knight, and I've got my dancer. Thanks to the two of them, the two of us are here now. Say, Chief, why don't we become like them? I think we should work at being inspirations to other people.

: Hm...good idea. Thanks, Tethys. I think I'll sleep soundly tonight.

: Good. You know, Chief, I'm really happy.

: Yeah, me, too. I've got a life I enjoy and good companions. All that and a wonderful woman to love. Everyone should be so lucky.

: Oh! Chief!

: Whoa! ... Hey now... This is a battlefield. This isn't the place for that...

: No one's looking...

: Um... Oh, all right...
Starting Points: 20
Points per Turn: 3
Turns to A Rank: 77
Affinity: Ice
Defense: +1
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +5
Critical: +2.5
Critical Evade: +5
C Support

: Hello, Marisa.

: Chief.

: How're you doing? Your sword still sharp?

: Same as always.

: You're not seriously injured or ill, are you?

: No.

: I see. So you can continue on?

: Yes. Why all the questions?

: Oh. I'm the commander, you know? I'm supposed to check on you now and then. Well, see you later.

: Wait.

: Hm?

: I'd like you to keep talking. I don't mind talking to you.

: You know, we've known each other for a long time, so I understand you... But listen, Marisa, it wouldn't hurt you to be a bit more sociable. Not for me, mind you, but some of the others have a hard time working with you.

: ...

: Speaking of which, when I first met you, you were always working alone. I remember thinking how odd that was. I figured a woman as beautiful and talented as you would have men all around her.

: Don't need 'em.

: You see, that's what I'm talking about! Your beauty belies your words.

: Chief?

: Hm?

: Do you like sociable women?

: Um...sure, I guess. I mean, doesn't everyone? If you go to an inn, aren't the sociable gals the most popular?

: I understand. OK. I'll be more sociable. This better?

: Huh?!
B Support

: Say, Marisa.

: Hello.

: Listen, you've been acting a bit odd lately. You don't talk to me as much as you used to.

: ... I'm practicing.

: Practicing? Practicing what?

: Being sociable.

: Oh... Because it's you I'm going to assume that you're serious. You know what I said before? I wasn't really serious, so don't worry about it.

: But. I've practiced. I'm a bit more sociable.

: In what way? You don't appear to have changed at all.

: You're wrong. Let me show you.

: What? You're going to be sociable? This I've got to see. Well, go ahead.

: You won't laugh, will you?

: No, I won't laugh.

: Truly?

: Yes, I promise.

: Here goes... Hello, Gerik! Wonderful day for a battle, isn't it!

: ......

: Why are you looking away?

: N-n-no...reason... Mmha... Bwa ha ha ha ha!

: Oh!
A Support

: C'mon, Marisa, don't be like that.

: ...

: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. Are you still mad?

: I'm mad.

: Forgive me. I really and truly apologize. Still mad?

: I'm still mad.

: Sigh. OK, I get it. What do I have to do to get you to forgive me? I don't have much gold, but I could get you a snack...

: You're the chief. You don't have to apologize. Just give orders.

: Well, I know, but I was wrong. I was the bad guy. My crime was not being sensitive to your feelings. I tell you what, I'll buy you anything you want.

: You're soft. Leaders are normally harsher than you. You're too nice. Too nice to all of us. That's why...

: That's why what?

: Nothing.

: Well, I said too much and I'm sorry. You're fine just the way you are.

: Really?

: Yeah, of course.

: Th-then... If you would... I wouldn't be mad anymore.

: Hm? What did you say?

: Nothing. Forget it.

: C'mon, it wasn't nothing. If it'll put you in a better mood, I don't have a problem with...

: Forget it!
(Note that Gerik and Marisa do have a paired ending together, so he does eventually get it, though it's not clear how long that takes.)
Starting Points: 25
Points per Turn: 3
Turns to A Rank: 75
Affinity: Fire
Attack: +0.5
Defense: +0.5
Accuracy: +2.5
Avoid: +2.5
Critical: +5
Critical Evade: +5
C Support

: Hello, Saleh!

: Gerik...

: Imagine! You and me fighting together. Life's full of surprises, isn't it?

: I suppose so.

: So, what do you think of our commander?

: I'm here. There's your answer.

: Good point. You know this job seems to have more meaning than any of my previous ones. And it's not because it deals with the continent and all the nations and all that. I simply want to accomplish my employer's goals. That's my prime motivation.

: I think it will all work out. As long as you and I are here...

: Ha ha ha! Well said. No one can touch us, is that it? I do imagine with us in the field we'll win most battles, eh? Can't get overconfident, though.

: Mm...

: Huh? What is it?

: Gerik... Do you...

: Do I what?

: Nothing... Pay me no mind.

: C'mon, now. What is it?

: Forgive me. It's nothing...

: All right... Well then, let's get going. When there's a break in the fighting, we should get together for a meal.

: Very well. We'll eat to our mutual good fortune...

: Yes, to luck!
B Support

: Tell me, Saleh, how fares the elder?

: She hasn't changed a bit.

: Is that so? You know I was so surprised the first time I visited Caer Pelyn. The elder's eyes...they were not the eyes of your average person. They were filled with a lifetime's wisdom and seemed to look right through you. Deep...and sharp. And they were so clear. I've looked into the eyes of many people, but no one had eyes like hers. But the thing about the elder is that her eyes weren't harsh, or judgmental. That's what I like about her. Actually, when I first met her, she intimidated me. But she treated me with such kindness. She's why I grew to enjoy Caer Pelyn, even if it doesn't have any nightlife! I want you to take good care of the elder, Saleh.

: Yes, I intend to.

: You say the right words, Saleh, but are you being sincerely considerate?

: Considerate? When I'm home, I look after her personal belongings. I also take care of her meals and watch over her health...

: That's only natural. You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? That's just like you, though.

: Is there...something else I should be doing?

: Next time you go home, make sure you take her a gift. Bring her some jewelry or something that's popular in town.

: But... I don't know what she likes...

: Oh, please, Saleh. That's not the issue. Simply receiving that sort of present from her grandson will make her happy.

: that so?

: That's what I'm trying to tell you.

: I understand. I'll take it into consideration.

: When we next pass through a city, I'll help you pick something out.

: That would be helpful.

: Studying magic is all well and good, but you should pay attention to these things, too. And in your case, you need to work on understanding women's hearts.

: ...... I'll look into it.

: Ha ha ha. I'll help you out in that area, too.
A Support

: Gerik...

: Hm? What is it, Saleh? You look even more serious than usual.

: Gerik... You truly despise me, don't you?

: Huh?! What?

: I...

: ...

: Your friend, I...

: Don't say it, Saleh! That was an act of fate. Right? All you did was brush those sparks away from yourself.

: Gerik...

: Listen, we're mercenaries. We end up working together with old foes, and crossing blades with former allies. It's just part of the job. My friend Zabba died by your act. That much is true. And at that moment, I could think of nothing but avenging him! But after that, you saved my life... We became friends. That's the truth of it, isn't it?

: Yes...

: I trust you now. You are my friend. I'm not lying to you. I don't lie to my friends. That's something I don't do.

: And you are my friend. Since that day, it's you who has saved me time and time again.

: We're all human after all. Helping our friends is part of our nature.

: Gerik... You... You're a good man...

: That's enough of that! You keep that up and I'll be blushing like a schoolgirl.

: Ha!

: Hey! Ha ha ha! I caught a rare glimpse of you smiling. Listen, Saleh, I know we're risking our lives here, but this war's not our whole lives. Let's not do anything stupid. We're going to get past this. Then you're going to haul your carcass back to Caer Pelyn and care for the elder!

: Yes... And you'll visit, too.

: Sure. When things calm down I'll let you throw me a feast. I can't wait to have Caer Pelyn's famous mutton stew again.

: We'll be waiting for you, Gerik.
(I don't know what to make of this one. The big reveal in the A support comes a bit out of left field, I feel. But then again, I'm not fond of Saleh's supports in general.)